Current team
Mònica Rius Piniés
ADHUC-Research Centre for Theory, Gender, and Sexuality
UNESCO Chair Women, Development and Cultures
PI's group Consolidated Research Group Women's Creation and Thinking
À. Lorena Fuster Peiró
ADHUC-Center for Research Theory, Gender, and Sexuality
The Arendtian Springs Lecture Cycle
PI of the Research Project Femenine Avant-garde in Activism Centuries (19th and 20th) and Clotilde Cerdà's Forgotten Legacy / Esmeralda Cervantes
Cristina Alsina Rísquez
PI's research project
(Un)Housing: Dwellings, Materiality, and the Self in American Literature
Rodrigo Andrés González
Lletra de dona: criticism
PI's research project (Un)Housing: Dwellings, Materiality, and the Self in American Literature
Fina Birulés Bertran
Honorary Researcher
Marga Castells Criballés
Isabel Clúa Ginés
PI of the Research Project Gender, Image and Materiality in the Literary Culture of Modernity (1880s-1930s)
Montserrat Crespín Perales
Clara Escoda Agustí
Investigadora / researcher
Maria Adela Fargas Peñarrocha
Series Género(s)
PI's project Family Conflictivity: Social, Cultural and Legal Practices in Spaces of Mobility (Barcelona, 16th-18th Centuries)
PI's teaching innovation group LLETRAD
Josefina Goberna Tricas
Musas: revista de investigación en mujer, salud y sociedad
PI of the Research Project Experiences of women and health professionals in perinatal loss and abortion: vulnerability, obstetric violence, and decision-making (VULVIDE)
Helena González Fernández
Series Género(s), Edicions UB
A Saia. Feminist Hemeroteca
Georgina González Rabassó
Thesis Laboratory
PI's research project Juliana Morell’s Forgotten Legacy
Maria Grau Perejoan
María Xesús Lama López
PI's research project Gender, violence and representation. Creative texts in the peninsular women’s press (1848-1918)
Elena Laurenzi
PI's research project Live archive. The memory of the De Viti de Marco-Starace women as a resource for the territory
Elena Losada Soler
MUNCE: criminal novel
PI's research project Gender, violence and representation. Creative texts in the peninsular women’s press (1848-1918)
Myriam Mallart Brussosa
Investigadora / researcher
Joana Masó Illamola
PI's research project Francesc Tosquelles's Forgotten Legacy
Elisabeth Massana Vidal
Katarzyna Paszkiewicz
Series Mujeres y Culturas
PI's research project Cinema and Environment: Affective Ecologies in the Anthropocene
Alba del Pozo
Dolores Resano
Co-Editor in Chief
Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat
Rosa Rius Gatell
Honorary Researcher
Thesis Laboratory
Andrea Ruthven
Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat
Marta Segarra
Series Mujeres y Culturas
María Teresa Vera-Rojas
Postdoctoral researchers
Diana Berruezo-Sánchez
Investigadora Ramón y Cajal
Clarisa Danaé Fonseca Azuara
investigadora postdoctoral / postdoctoral researcher
Hanan Jasim Khammas
Postdoctoral researcher
Nesrin Karavar
Postdoctoral researcher
Adina Elena Mocanu
Postdoctoral researcher
Juan Pedro Navarro Martínez
Investigador postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva
Predoctoral researchers
Elena Cortés Farrujia
Investigadora predoctoral FPU / FPU Predoctoral Researcher
Pol Guasch Arcas
María Inmaculada Naranjo Ruiz
FPU predoctoral researcher
Stephanie Rincón
FPU CAIB 2023 predoctoral researcher
Clara Serra Sánchez
PREDOCS-UB predoctoral researcher
Sara Soler i Arjona
PREDOCS-UB predoctoral researcher
Antonio Terrón Barroso
Predoctoral FPI Researcher
Júlia Vernet Gaudes
PREDOCS-UB predoctoral researcher
Visiting researchers
Marina Fierro Concha
Investigadora visitant / visiting scholar (09/12/2024 - 20/12/2024)
Paola Lizana Miranda
nvestigadora postdoctoral CHILE / CHILE postdoctoral researcher (30/09/2023 - 30/09/2025)
Visiting predoctoral researchers
Giulia Caruso
Investigadora predoctoral visitante / Visiting Fellow (08/01/2025 - 08/07/2025)
Ornella Belén Lorca Vera
Investigadora predoctoral / Predoctoral researcher (29/12/2023 - 29/10/2024)