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Hanan Jasim Khammas

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Estudis Àrabs, Dept. d'Estudis Hispànics

Postdoctoral researcher

Hanan JASIM KHAMMAS, postdoctoral researcher at ADHUC-Research Centre for Theory, Gender, Sexuality, and at the UNESCO Chair Women, Development and Cultures, is a lecturer of Comparative Literature at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and part of the research project "Heterotopias in the imaginaries of relations between Spain and Morocco (AlterMaghreb)" at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Coordinator of the master's degree in contemporary Arabic studies at the UAB. Her research focuses on body studies as a meeting point between Arabic literature and American and European literatures, and demonstrates how the body is a sign of epistemological violence during the war on terror. She is part of the research group CALITME (Literari Cartographies of the Mediterranean) and was a member of the research projects Gender(s) and Language(s) in contemporary Arabness (PGC2018-100959-B-I00) and Construction of Identities, gender and artistic creation on the margins of Arabism (FFI2014-58487-P). She was also part of the editorial board at Revista Banipal, magazine of modern Arabic literature. 

Text reported by the researcher

ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona / Càtedra UNESCO Dones, desenvolupament i cultures: investigadora postdoctoral / postdoctoral researcher (13/09/2022 - )