María Teresa Vera-Rojas
María Teresa VERA-ROJAS is an Assistant Professor in Hispanic Studies at the Universitat de les Illes Balears. She is also a researcher in ADHUC—Research Center Theory, Gender, Sexuality at the Universitat de Barcelona, and is the Editor of 452ºF. Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada. She holds a PhD in Cultural and Gender Studies from the Universitat de Barcelona (2016) and a PhD in Hispanic Studies from the University of Houston (2007). Her interdisciplinary research focuses on gender and sexuality studies, queer theory, post/decolonial feminism, and cultural and literary studies, with a particular interest on contemporary Hispanic Caribbean, Venezuelan and Spanish literature and culture, as well as on the study of early twentieth-century Latinx culture, literature, and feminism in New York City. In addition to book chapters and encyclopedia entries, she has published several articles on these subjects in journals such as Revista Iberoamericana, Cuadernos de Literatura, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Lectora: Revista de Dones i Textualitat and CENTRO: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies, among others. She is the author of “‘Se conoce que usted es ‘Moderna’”. Lecturas de la mujer moderna en la colonia hispana de Nueva York (1920-1940) (Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2018 - Victoria Urbano Award 2020), editor of Nuevas Subjetividades/Sexualidades Literarias (Egales, 2012), and coeditor of New Perspectives on Hispanic Caribbean Studies (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020); she was also in charge of the compilation, introduction and edition of “El feminismo no es nuevo”: Las crónicas de Clotilde Betances Jaeger (Arte Público Press, 2020).
Research Fields:
Literature and culture of the Hispanic Caribbean, contemporary Latin American Literature, Spanish Literature, Latinx Literature and Culture; Feminist theory, Post/decolonial Feminisms; Gender and Sexuality Studies; Cultural Studies, Poshumanism, among others.
ADHUC—Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat: investigadora predoctoral / predoctoral researcher (16/06/2016 - 14/09/2017); investigadora / researcher (15/09/2017 -)
Càtedra UNESCO Dones, desenvolupament i cultures: investigadora predoctoral / predoctoral researcher (01/10/2008 - 02/2013); investigadora / researcher (15/09/2017 -)
Centre Dona i Literatura, Universitat de Barcelona: investigadora predoctoral / predoctoral researcher (01/10/2008 - 02/2013)
02/2010 - 02/2013 FI, Beca per a la formació de personal investigador, Generalitat de Catalunya
A / To Universitat de Barcelona
01/10/2008 - 31/12/2009 Beca de col·laboració en projectes de recerca, Universitat de Barcelona