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Rosa Rius Gatell

Universitat de Barcelona
Dept. de Filosofia

Honorary Researcher


Thesis Laboratory

Rosa RIUS GATELL is a lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Barcelona and has been a member of the Philosophy and Gender Seminar since its foundation in 1990. Her research centres on two main focus: Renaissance philosophy and women’s thought during various eras, particularly the 13th to 16th and the 20th centuries. She has edited a number of collective volumes, amongst which we could note: Sobre la guerra y la violencia en el discurso femenino, 1914-1989 (2006), Pensadoras del Siglo XX. Aportaciones al pensamiento filosófico y político (2011) and Lectoras de Simone Weil (2013), these last two with Fina Birulés. She has translated a wide range of works by women philosophers such as Jeanne Hersch and Rachel Bespaloff. Some notable examples of her most recent publications are: the introduction and critical notes to the Historia de las mujeres filósofas by Gilles Ménage (2009; 2nd printing 2010); the editing, translation and introduction of De la Ilíada by Rachel Bespaloff (2012); and articles such as: «À la recherche des savoirs anciens. Simone Weil dans l’air du temps» (2014), «Rinascimento: eccellenti nel proprio tempo. Il merito di Moderata Fonte» (2015), «María Zambrano et “l’art qui fait voir”» (2015) and «De la belleza, el arte y la pintura “verdadera” en Simone Weil» (2017).

Text reported by the researcher

ADHUC—Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat: investigadora / researcher (16/06/2016 -)

Càtedra UNESCO Dones, desenvolupament i cultures: investigadora / researcher (2003 -)

Seminari Filosofia i Gènere, Universitat de Barcelona: cofundadora, investigadora / cofounder, researcher (1990 -)

Laboratori de Tesi: directora / director (2011 -)