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Joana Masó Illamola

Universitat de Barcelona
Estudis Francesos, Dept. de Llengües i Literatures Modernes i d'Estudis Anglesos

PI's research project Francesc Tosquelles's Forgotten Legacy

Joana MASÓ is senior lecturer in French Literature at the Universitat de Barcelona, and researcher at ADHUC—Research Center for Theory, Gender, Sexuality, and UNESCO Chair "Women, Development, and Cultures". She has translated critical and philosophical texts within the contemporary French tradition by Hélène Cixous, Jacques Derrida, Catherine Malabou, Jean-Luc Marion, and Jean-Luc Nancy, and has published articles and editions about some of these authors. Among her many works, she has edited the following books: La llengua m’és l’únic refugi, de Hélène Cixous (Lleonard Muntaner, 2009), the texts byJacques Derrida on arts and aesthetics Penser à ne pas voir: Écrits sur les arts du visible 1979-2004 with G. Michaud (La Différence, 2013), and Les Arts de l’Espace. Écrits et interventions sur l’architecture (La Differénce, 2015). She has supervised the collection "Ensayo", published by Ellago Ediciones, and currently works as a curator of the contemporary art exhibitions and a coordinator of the research project "Francesc Tosquelles's Forgotten Legacy".

Text reported by the researcher

ADHUC—Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat: investigadora / researcher (16/06/2016 -)

Càtedra UNESCO Dones, desenvolupament i cultures: investigadora / researcher

Centre Dona i Literatura, Universitat de Barcelona: investigadora / researcher ( - 15/06/2016)