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Simone Weil. A political philosophy emerging from the radical compromise on not lying
Aurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano, 22, 2021
S'ha publicat el número 22 (2021) d'Aurora: papeles del Seminario María Zambrano, dirigida per Carmen Revilla (investigadora del Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-ADHUC) i Virginia Trueba, ambdues de la Universitat de...
Digital edition of "S'homos" (1991-1996), by Colectivo Gai de Compostela
The digital edition of S'homos, published and edited by Colectivo Gai de Compostela (CGC) between 1991 and 1996, is now available. The goal of this publication is to serve as an instrument to raise consciousness on, diffuse, denounce, criticize, reflect and debate on the discrimination against ...
Presentation of the monographic work on Mercè Rodoreda's "Vint-i-dos contes", by Catalina Mir
Vint-i-dues aproximacions a la traïció com a tema literari: per a una anàlisi global de "Vint-i-dos contes" de Mercè Rodoreda (Institut d'Estudis Catalans, 2021) a work by Catalina Mir (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona) will be presented on...
Rafael M. Mérida, 2021 Museari Award
Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez
Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez, researcher at ADHUC and professor at Universitat de Lleida, has been awarded the Premi Museari Acadèmia 2021 for being an "international role model in the study of sexual dissidence, for his research proposals in favour of...
Presentation of the Collection "LGBTI & Company" in Lleida
"LGBTI & Company," a university collection about gender and sexuality studies directed by Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez (ADHUC-Universitat de Lleida) will be presented in the bookstore La Irreductible in Lleida. With an interdisciplinary approach, this collection aims to...
Publication of the Monograph "Francesc Tosquelles. Curar les institucions"
The monograph Tosquelles. Curar les institucions (Arcàdia, 2021), written by Joana Masó (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona) has been published. Francesc Tosquelles (1912-1994) was a Catalan republican psychiatrist who, after leaving Institut Pere Mata for the years of the Republic and working at the front, exiled...
"Los invertidos", a book by G. Huard about the repression of gay and trans people during the Francoist regime in Catalonia
The Mujeres y culturas collection has added a new title to its list: Los invertidos. Verdad, justicia y reparación para gais y transexuales bajo la dictadura franquista (Icaria, 2021), by Geoffroy Huard. This volume revisits the...
Elena Losada and Teresa Matarranz translate "Todas las crónicas" by Clarice Lispector
Elena Losada Soler (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona) and Teresa Matarranz are the authors of the Spanish translation of Todas las crónicas (Siruela, 2021), a volume gathering Carice Lispector's collaborations with Jornal do Brasil, between 1967 and 1973, as well as...
"Comunidades con acento", by Marta Segarra, is now out
Marta Segarra
Marta Segarra's Comunidades con acento (Icaria, 2021) gathers eight essays which constitute a personal tour around a specific conception of community through the analysis of literary, philosophical, filmic and artistic texts. Far from its traditional definition based on...
La gravetat i la gràcia
Fragmenta Editorial has published La gravetat i la gràcia by Simone Weil, in Catalan. The present translation and presentation are Pau Matheu's. This book is a collection of fragments from Simone Weil's handwritten...
Marta Segarra has edited Hélène Cixous's 2001-2004 seminars
Marta Segarra (LEGS-CNRS and ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona) has edited Lettres de fuite. Séminaire 2001-2004 (Gallimard, 2020),  by Hélène Cixous. This book collects part of Cixous's theoretical work developed in her annual seminars, characterized by...
Catalina Mir publishes her study about Mercè Rodoreda's "Vint-i-dos contes"
Catalina Mir, predoctoral researcher at ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona, publishes her monography Vint-i-dues aproximacions a la traïció com a tema literari. Vint-i-dos contes de Mercè Rodoreda (IEC, Fundació Mercè Rodoreda, 2021). Mir proposes to conceive...
Two New Books by María Teresa Vera-Rojas
María Teresa Vera-Rojas (ADHUC-Universitat de Lleida) has published two new books. On the one hand, she has gathered, edited and written the introduction to “El feminismo no es nuevo”: Las crónicas de Clotilde Betances Jaeger (Arte Público Press, 2020). This volume contains...
Queralt Arumí, finalist to II Rosalind Franklin Prize for best MA Dissertation
Queralt Arumí is one of the finalists to II Rosalind Franklin Prize for best MA dissertation with a gender perspective at Universitat de Barcelona in 2019-2020. Her dissertation, titled El rizoma feminista al territori d'internet. Formes de...