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New Volume Out: "Memoria encarnada"
A new volume, Memoria encarnada: Género y silencios en España y América Latina. Siglo XXI, has been published by Padilla Libros, edited by Aranzazu Calderón Puerta, Helena González Fernández, Dominika Jarzombkowska, and Katarzyna Moszczyńska-Dürst....
Research Network "Literaturas anglófonas del siglo XXI: espacios narrativos y performativos"
The Research Project directed by Rodrigo Andrés (ADHUC–Universitat de Barcelona), "Troubling Houses: Dwellings, Materiality, and the Self in American Literature" (FFI2017-82692-P MINECO / AEI / FEDER, EU) is one of the six projects that make up the Research Network "21st Century Anglophone Literatures: Narrative and Performative Spaces" (LEAP21), recognized by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades....
Expressions maghrébines Calls for Articles for Issue Number 20.1
Expressions maghrébines calls for contributions for the dossier "Témoignage et résistance dans les productions culturelles maghrébines", which will appeared in issue number 20, in 2021  ...
CFP Musas, issue 5.2, on Vulnerability
The Call for Papers for Musas: revista de Investigación en mujer, salud y sociedad, issue 5.2, is open. ...
Writing the "In-Between": Najat El Hachmi and Dalila Kerchouche
PhD candidate Meritxell Joan, who has previously been a predoctoral researcher at ADHUC—Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat, will defend her doctoral thesis "Writing the In-Between: Transmediterranean Identity Constructions in the Works of Najat El Hachmi and Dalila Kerchouche"...
Book Presentation of “De vidas y virus”, by Rafael M. Mérida, and a New Period for the Series Mujeres y Culturas
“De vidas y virus”, by Rafael M. Mérida opens up a new period for the series Mujeres y Culturas...
Marta Segarra, Good Practices Award in Non-Sexist Communication
Marta Segarra
Marta Segarra has been awarded by the "Associació de Dones Periodistes" with the Premi Bones Pràctiques in Non-Sexist Communication (Good Practices Award in Non-Sexist Communication) for academic quality in research focused on gender and sexuality studies...
Masculinities and Sexual Diversity in Mexico
The volume Entre lo joto y lo macho: Masculinidades sexodiversas mexicanas (Egales, 2019), edited by Humberto Guerra and Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez, has been published...
Maria-Mercè Marçal: "Contra la inèrcia. Textos polítics"
Maria-Mercè Marçal as a political chronicler in Galician? What do these lost texts bring to Marçal's political and intellectual career? From what position do you observe the tensions between independence and feminism? Is Marçal a feminist killjoy? Contra la inèrcia: textos polítics (1979-1980)...
Lectora 25: Iberoamerican Women Editors, Catalan Poets and Sara Ahmed
Issue 25 of Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat has just been published. This volume includes a Dossier, edited by Pura Fernández (Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, CSIC)  ...
“Musas” Publishes a New issue on Institutionalized Violence
Issue 4.2 of Musas: revista de investigación en mujer, salud y sociedad has been published under the title Violencia institucionalizada: relaciones de poder y sumisión de los cuerpos femeninos...
Vulnerability in Women's Philosophical Thought
The Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities has decided to fund the research project "Vulnerability in Women's Philosophical Thought: Contributions to the Debate around Present Emergencies" ...
Gender(s) and Language(s) in the Contemporary Arabness
The Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities has decided to fund the GLAC research project, "Gender(s) and Language(s) in the Contemporary Arabness" (PGC2018-100959-B-I00 MCIU/ AEI / FEDER, EU), directed by Mònica Rius-Piniés (ADHUC)...
How can I keep up with ADHUC news?
ADHUC—Center for Research Theory, Gender, Sexuality of the University of Barcelona sends out a regular newsletter...
FEMINISMES!, exhibition curated by Marta Segarra and Gabriele Schor
FEMINISMES! brings together the exhibitions «L’Avantguarda Feminista dels anys 70. Obres de la VERBUND COLLECTION, Viena» and «Coreografies del gènere», as well as an extensive program of activities on the radical feminism of the 70s and contemporary feminisms  ...
Avant-Garde Feminists
What role did avant-garde artists play in the reconfiguration of feminism? Round table with Marta Segarra and Gabriele Schor, curators of the "Feminisms!" Project, and with the artists Esther Ferrer and Ulrike Rosenbach  ...
Fluxos and as + perralheiras are digitally edited
The digital edition of two LGTBQ mastheads have been published in A Saia: Publicacións feministas galegas: on the one hand, Fluxos. Anuario galego de estudios gais e lésbicos (2019-2020); on the other hand, as + perralheiras (2005-2006), on queer activism  ...
Haraway and Butler in Conversation with Segarra and Birulés
The books El món que necessitem / The World We Need by Donna Haraway and Marta Segarra, and L'embolic del gènere. Per què els cossos importen? / Gender Trouble: Why do Bodies Matter? by Judith Butler and Fina Birulés, are being published in the Breus del CCCB collection.  ...