Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez, researcher at ADHUC and professor at Universitat de Lleida, has been awarded the Premi Museari Acadèmia 2021 for being an "international role model in the study of sexual dissidence, for his research proposals in favour of knowledge and study around LGTBIQ+ issues". This edition's Museari Award, will be granted to Marina Sáez, Óscar Hernández Campano, Abel Azcona, Tatiana Casado de Staritzky, Alicia Ramos, and Crónicas de la Diversidad, on 16 July 2021 at Universitat de València. In previous editions, the award has been given to people in the arenas of creation, research and activism such as Rampova, Ventura Pons, Tatiana Sentamans, Nazario Luque, Juan Vicente Aliaga, or the publishing house Egales.