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"Comunidades con acento", by Marta Segarra, is now out
Marta Segarra
Marta Segarra's Comunidades con acento (Icaria, 2021) gathers eight essays which constitute a personal tour around a specific conception of community through the analysis of literary, philosophical, filmic and artistic texts. Far from its traditional definition based on...
La gravetat i la gràcia
Fragmenta Editorial has published La gravetat i la gràcia by Simone Weil, in Catalan. The present translation and presentation are Pau Matheu's. This book is a collection of fragments from Simone Weil's handwritten...
Marta Segarra has edited Hélène Cixous's 2001-2004 seminars
Marta Segarra (LEGS-CNRS and ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona) has edited Lettres de fuite. Séminaire 2001-2004 (Gallimard, 2020),  by Hélène Cixous. This book collects part of Cixous's theoretical work developed in her annual seminars, characterized by...
Catalina Mir publishes her study about Mercè Rodoreda's "Vint-i-dos contes"
Catalina Mir, predoctoral researcher at ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona, publishes her monography Vint-i-dues aproximacions a la traïció com a tema literari. Vint-i-dos contes de Mercè Rodoreda (IEC, Fundació Mercè Rodoreda, 2021). Mir proposes to conceive...
Two New Books by María Teresa Vera-Rojas
María Teresa Vera-Rojas (ADHUC-Universitat de Lleida) has published two new books. On the one hand, she has gathered, edited and written the introduction to “El feminismo no es nuevo”: Las crónicas de Clotilde Betances Jaeger (Arte Público Press, 2020). This volume contains...
Queralt Arumí, finalist to II Rosalind Franklin Prize for best MA Dissertation
Queralt Arumí is one of the finalists to II Rosalind Franklin Prize for best MA dissertation with a gender perspective at Universitat de Barcelona in 2019-2020. Her dissertation, titled El rizoma feminista al territori d'internet. Formes de...
Online Edition of the Feminist Magazine "Andaina" (1999-2003) Now Available
The online edition of Andaina. Revista galega de pensamento feminista, segona època, 2a etapa (1999-2003), is now available. This edition of the magazine is coordinated by Helena González Fernández and Mariám Mariño Costales. It includes thirteen...
Pre-registration for the Official Master on Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities (CRIC)
Pre-registration for the Official Master on Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities (CRIC) is open. The CRIC Master is developed within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)....
“Sobre les flors de Clarice”, Artist Book by Saskia Moro with Translations into Spanish by Elena Losada
Elena Losada, translator and editor of Clarice Lispector into Spanish, collaborates with Saskia Moro in her Artist's Book Sobre las flores de Clarice (La Factoria de Papel/Taller Manolo Gordillo, Edición de Arte, 2020). This herbarium contains...
Violence as an Expression of Dissidence: Marta Sanz and Sara Mesa
Joana Videira, who has a predoctoral researcher at ADHUC, will be reading her Ph.D. thesis Figuras impropias. La violencia como expresión de la disidencia en la narrativa de Marta Sanz y Sara Mesa, directed by...
Musas: Call for Papers About COVID-19
Musas: revista de Investigación en mujer, salud y sociedad has started a call for scientific papers about the impact of Covid-19 on women. Original articles, reviews and other research papers from historical, ethical, ...
Participar del món. Escrits 1941-1945, by Hannah Arendt
Participar del món. Escrits 1941-1845, edited by Stefania Fantauzzi (Seminari Filosofia I Gènere) and translated by Edgar Straehle (Seminari Filosofia i Gènere – ADHUC) and Anna Soler Horta, has been published. This volume contains, for...
Hannah Arendt: Libertad política y totalitarismo
Hannah Arendt: Libertad política y totalitarismo, by Fina Birulés (Seminari Filosofia i Gènere–ADHUC), has been published in spanish in the collection Pensamiento Político Posfundacional, published by Gedisa. This book analyzes...
Elena Losada and Dolors Molas in UB Debates: Feminism(s)
Debats UB: Feminisme(s)
ADHUC Researchers Elena Losada and Dolors Molas (Universitat de Barcelona), will participate in the session "Violència contra les dones" together with Paz Francés, criminal lawyer and criminologist at the Universidad Pública de Navarra. This new session of...
Interviews COVID-19: maternity and vulnerability
The study group Mujer, Salud y Ética, coordinated by Josefina Goberna-Tricas (ADHUC--Universitat de Barcelona) calls for participation in a research study through the group's...
Musas: Gender Vulnerability
Issue 5.2. (2020) of Musas: Revista de investigación en mujer, salud y sociedad, edited by Josefina Goberna-Tricas (ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona) is now available. The monograph is titled “Vulnerabilidad de...
Clotilde Cerdà/Esmeralda Cervantes, a woman ahead of her time
The exhibition "Clotilde Cerdà/Esmeralda Cervantes, a woman before an era" exhibition, curated by À. Lorena Fuster (Seminari Filosofia i Gènere—ADHUC), is now open. This event is the result of the research projecte Clotilde...
The Online Edition of 'O aturuxo' Is Now Out
O aturuxo. Premsa LGTBIQ+
The online edition of O aturuxo has been published. Coordinated by Helena González Fernández and Mariám Mariño Costales, aturuxo is the Coordinadora de Colectivos Gays de Galicia (CC.GG.)'s bulletin, based in Compostela, Vigo...