Catalina Mir, predoctoral researcher at ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona, publishes her monography Vint-i-dues aproximacions a la traïció com a tema literari. Vint-i-dos contes de Mercè Rodoreda (IEC, Fundació Mercè Rodoreda, 2021). Mir proposes to conceive Rodoreda's book as a macrostructure erected around treason and classifies the stories into three groups corresponding to the different epistemological perspectives from which treason is narrated in Rodoreda's work: suspicion, plot, and memory. The machination pervading human relations, while appearing repeatedly at the core of these fictions, takes manyfold shapes, from the love triangle or the murder of a relative to children's mischief.
Catalina Mir was granted a scholarship in 2019 to carry out her investigation. This book is part of the Biblioteca Mercè Rodoreda collection, which includes writing by Kathleen McNerney, Laura Mongiardo or Carme Arnau.