Organizational model

Model organitzatiuUniversity of Barcelona has an Organizational model which stems from its Statutes (2003), once all divisions were dismantled into delocalized thematic units. In these Statues there are no references to campus structure, even though UB's centers are located in different geographical aggregations scattered around Barcelona's metropolitan area. It is only in the second transitory resolution where Bellvitge's Campus is considered as a potential health campus. Concurrently, the base document of the Framework Plan Horizon 2020, under coordination by Josep Maria Bricall and published by the UB's Board of Trustees in March 2008, states in section 3.1 —Governance: autonomy, accountability and structure simplification— that «the work of decreasing the traditional barriers and boosting communication and collaboration between all disciplines, departments and centers requires a specific endeavor in each campus, and in order to promote groups and simplify structures, academic government posts should be created by the rector. These would act as rector's delegates in each of the campuses, with extensive powers in a reduced number of strategic fields. These delegates should also be advised and controlled by small boards, and at least one of their members had to be proposed by the Board of Trustees.»

Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus, as it is currently conceived, was born at the beginning of the 2000s decade with the determined will to become a new concept building on the historic experience of the UB at both organizational and sectorial levels. That's why, once the agreement with Diputació de Barcelona was signed in 2007, UB found itself in real need to move towards the new organizational model of the recently instituted Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus, which represents the sixth university campus of the UB.

Is in this regard that University of Barcelona's rector, Mr. Dídac Ramírez, requested a committee to reflect on this issue and prepare an organizational proposal suitable for the Campus. It is important to remark the job done by Sílvia Atrian, Maria Teresa Anguera, Claudi Mans, Mª Carmen Vidal, Miquel Moretó, Eduard Mata and Adriana Juárez, along with the legal assistance of Àlvar Sánchez.

During the period 2009-2011, the campus was led by a Management Committee and a rector's delegate in conjunction with the management of the attached CESNID center until the conversion into UB's official studies. CESNID had been managed from 1985 to 2006 by Pilar Cervera, and until 2009 by Rosaura Farré.

The delegates of the different rectors appointed to develop this project have been the lecturers Josep Boatella, from the department of Nutrition and Bromatology, and Claudi Mans, from the department of Chemical Engineering of the Faculty of Chemistry.

Organizational model Proposal for the University of Barcelona's Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus

It is strongly promoted the campus concept as a territorial and thematic structure which allows «a richer and more complete view of the university reality that cannot be offered by any center, department or institute alone, and this fact is even more evident if, as it is the case, there are other public or private entities housed there and which share common principles and synergies». The objectives this project was born with urged to think of governmental and administrative principles (an open and flexible structure); the great importance given to the participation of all the different institutions, entities and organs (internally and externally), decentralization and, finally, efficiency in resource optimization.

That's why, as a specific goal, it is set to «reinforce UB's presence in the food sector in line with the thematic concentration criteria, so as to favor local development and university's image and visibility in this area». This concentration is boosted by means of University's strengths, specially in the health field but not forgetting neither the agri-food sector nor the present relevance between nutrition and social policies.

Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus is faced with the challenge of keeping its own organizational powers within the legislation currently in force without fading its presence on the institutions, faculties and units which make it possible.

Management Team

Through delegation by the rector, a director runs the campus and has at his/her disposal a management team comprised of two assistant directors, a campus administrator and/or an administration chief.

Management Team in 2012-2013 course:

  • Director
  • Assistant Director
  • Teaching and Students' Coordinator
  • Research Coordinator
  • Knowledge Transfer and Relations with non-university educational centers' Coordinator
  • Technical Project Manager. Management
  • Administration Chief

Campus Council

In order to promote the campus governance, it is set the creation of a Campus Council made up of a maximum of 25 people, among which there are the deans from faculties with teachings given or linked to the campus; representatives of the teaching staff and the research teams; the heads of studies linked to Torribera's degree courses; the Campus' administrator and the administration chief; representatives of the students an service personnel groups and also people coming from the food sector and society in general. Initially, this Council has to establish a strategic plan, monitor the strategic and academic activities and their efficiency and carry on with the work started by the management, as well as informing about the necessary modifications from an academic point of view.

Campus Council (as of September 2012):

  • Director
  • Assistant Director
  • Area Coordinators (3)
  • Deans of the involved faculties
  • Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Study Councils' Chiefs of the courses held in the campus
    • Head of Studies of Human Nutrition and Dietetics bachelor's degree
    • Head of Studies of Food Science and Technology bachelor's degree
  • Teaching staff's representatives (4)
  • Investigators' representatives
  • Technical Project Manager. Management
  • Administration Chief
  • Two students of each specialty:
    • Human Nutrition and Dietetics
    • Food Science and Technology
  • Two external members
  • President of the Advisory Committee
  • Second Vice-President of the CESNID Foundation (CESNID-FBG)

Study Councils of the courses housed in Torribera

The Secretariats of both Human Nutrition and Dietetics and Food Science and Technology Study Councils, as well as their respective coordinators, are found in the teaching and student services building (Verdaguer).

Advisory Committee

Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus has a special need for a solid contact with all public and private actors involved in the food sector. That's the reason why an important number up to 15 external people can ensure the project's suitability.

The Advisory Committee is nominated by the rector of the UB at the proposal of the campus' director after the Campus Council has been consulted. Its creation is envisaged once the development of the project, with all buildings being fully operational, becomes a reality This is scheduled to happen at the beginning of 2013.

Although formally they don't belong to campus' current organizational model, a series of relationship, participation and coordination tools have been used in a consensual way with the object of favoring the consolidation of the academic life in the Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus. The duration of these structures depends on the assessment done by their actors once the main objectives are accomplished.

CESNID Foundation

The CESNID Foundation was born in 1993 with the single aim to manage the Centre d’Ensenyament Superior de Nutrició i Dietètica. Today, and after CESNID has been absorbed by the UB in an integration process of the teaching staff and the AdSS, finished in 2011, the CESNID Foundation is set as a new institutional and business involvement framework within the objectives of the campus, either through transferring and services (in collaboration with Bosch i Gimpera Foundation) or through the generation and management of the new own postgrade offerings (jointly with UB's Institut de formació Continuada IL3). This updating process is taking place during the 2012-2013 course.

Faculty of Pharmacy's Coordination Committee and Campus Management

This Committee is composed of all the members in the Faculty of Pharmacy's governing team, the heads of department linked to this faculty who take part in our Campus studies and, finally, Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus' management team.

When the meeting is held in the Faculty of Pharmacy Dean's Office the Committee is chaired by its dean, whereas the Campus director, on behalf of the rector, chairs it on the occasions the meeting takes place in campus' spaces. The secretary of this Committee is the one of the Faculty of Pharmacy or, in his/her absence, the Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus' administration chief.

The convening of the meeting and the order of the day are agreed between the dean and the director, and they're signed by the center's dean.

Reflection Committee to develop the project of the Campus' Strategic Plan

It is appointed by the Campus director and supports the Campus' management team with the aim of reflecting on the strategic planning of the project and its integration into the set of Catalan policies regarding the food sector. The Committee started its internal works in January 2013 and the management team will submit the Strategic Plan project to the Campus Council before the end of 2013.

Teaching Laboratories Coordination Committee

Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus places great importance to the practical training of the students who take part in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and Food Science and Technology courses. This fact, added to the characteristics of the teaching laboratories building (Marina), favors the coordination, monitoring and assessment of the results of this practical formation. The management of Marina building is carried by the Campus administration in conjunction with the Faculty of Pharmacy's Teaching Laboratories Unit (ULD). This Committee is composed of the practical training responsibles for each of the main subjects, Campus' management team, the heads of studies of Human Nutrition and Dietetics and Food Science and Technology courses and also Dr. Roser Fisa Saladrigas, delegate of the ULD's Faculty of Pharmacy's dean.

Student Council

With the object to endeavor an active policy of participation and responsibility of the students in Campus' life and the continuous construction of the Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus' project, it has been set the creation of a coordinated dialogue body between the responsibles for the Campus' management and the students' representatives. This institution is the Student Council of the Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus. It comprises a Plenary composed of all the students' representatives in the Human Nutrition and Food Science and Technology Study Councils and a representation of the official master's degree courses housed in the Campus, as well as five members of Campus' management team and the corresponding heads of studies. In order to make Plenary's meetings preparation more dynamic, it is also created an equal permanent committee with the participation of students (3 for each degree course) and Campus' representatives.

By the end of 2012 it was established an operating regulation which was submitted to the Campus Council. This form of participation will be coordinated by the Students Vice-rectory with the participation of the involved faculties' vice-deans and boosted with the UB's Student Observatory project. With the primary goal of promoting this participation, students are provided with a representation office in the teaching and student services building (Verdaguer). It is run directly by the students themselves, with logistical support from the management staff of Torribera.

Administrative and Service Staff (AdSS)


  • Joaquim Luque Delgado
  • Joaquim Gutiérrez Clares

Secretary's Office for Students and Teaching Staff (SED)

  • Pruvi Canela Soler
  • Cristina Garcia Lázaro
  • Maria Morros Courtade

Teaching Laboratories Unit

  • Joan Pedro Sabuco Maza
  • Joan Sempere Ruiz

Information Desks

  • Francisco Calvo Jordan (logistical technician)
  • Francesc Bertomeu Fons
  • Edgar Bultó Núñez
  • M. Isabel Garrido Pozo
  • José María González Pérez
  • Manuel Perejil Martín
  • Miguel Perejil Martín
  • Miquel Àngel Raufast
  • Rosa Sabaté Mas
  • Lídia Zarroca Tudela


Computer Technical Support

  • David Cantós López


  • Montserrat Viozquez Meya
  • Neus Couselo Tort
  • Sabina Panadero Serrano
  • Llorenç Garriga Callarisa


See the list of participants in all committees and organs

  • © University of Barcelona
  • Food and Nutrition Torribera Campus
  • +34 934 031 980
  • Contact