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Expressions maghrébines: Exile and alterity in the works of Nabile Farès
The 17.2 issue of the international journal Expressions maghrébines, indexed in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index, has been published...
New publication: Simone Weil
Simone Weil, a book edited by Emilia Bea and Carmen Revilla Guzmán (Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-ADHUC), has just been published...
María Xesús Lama awarded the Premio Baltar Feijoo
María Xesús Lama / Rosalía de Castro
María Xesús Lama, researcher at ADHUC and professor of Galician and Portuguese Studies at the University of Barcelona, has been awarded the I Premio de Investigación Baltar Feijoo, from Fundación Rosalía de Castro...
ADHUC–Research Center Theory, Gender, Sexuality (Universitat de Barcelona) is announcing the fourth edition of the ADHUC Prize in Sexuality and Gender Studies to reward an essay in this interdisciplinary field of research. The Prize will consist of the publication of the awarded essay within the Icaria’s series "Mujeres y culturas". The members of the jury are: Fina Birulés (Universitat de Barcelona), Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez (Universitat de Lleida), Alberto Mira (Oxford Brookes University), Marta Segarra (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and director of the series), Lluís Maria Todó (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and Meri Torras (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)...
Heloisa Passos and the autobiographic documentary
Eva Martínez Collado, second prize of the IV Francesca Bartrina Award
Francesca Bartrina
Eva Martínez Collado has been awarded the second prize of the IV Francesca Bartrina Award to the best Final Degree Dissertation on gender studies for her dissertation entitled "El final político. Una propuesta para el problema de la in/visibilización lésbica en la ficción"...
Expressions maghrébines: dossier on transmedia aesthetics
Issue 19.1 of the journal Expressions maghrébines will focus on transmedia aesthetics in contemporary Maghreb...
Genre, Authorship and Contemporary Women Filmmakers
Katarzyna Paszkiewicz (ADHUC—Universitat de les Illes Balears) has published the volume Genre, Authorship and Contemporary Women Filmmakers ...
Sonrisas verticales. Feminine Homoerotism and Erotic Narrative
The book winner of the ADHUC 2018 Award, Sonrisas verticales. Homoerotismo femenino y narrativa erótica has been published in the series "Mujeres y Culturas" by Icaria Editorial...
Presentation of the book "Ocaña: Voces, ecos y distorsiones"
The book Ocaña: Voces, ecos y distorsiones, edited by Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez (ADHUC-Universitat de Lleida) will be presented at bookshop Antinous, together with the volumes Sevilla y la Casita de las Pirañas, by Nazario, and Camilo: es perillós abocar-se, by Antonio Orihuela and Isaías Griñolo...
Publication of 'Todos los cuentos' by Clarice Lispector
All Clarice Lispector's stories published for the first time in a single volume...
Presentation of the book "Se conoce que usted es 'Moderna'"
Presentation of the book “Se conoce que usted es ‘Moderna’”, de María Teresa Vera-Rojas (ADHUC–Universitat de Lleida)...
Publication of the dossier "Literaturas lésbicas y escrituras sáficas"
The journal Nerter has published the dossier Literaturas lésbicas y escrituras sáficas, edited by Elena Madrigal. It includes the essay "Entornos de la literatura lésbica y de las escrituras sáficas en España", written by Rafael M. Mérida Jiménez...
MUSAS: Revista de Investigación en Mujer, Salud y Sociedad invites contributions for 2019 issues
MUSAS: Revista de Investigación en Mujer, Salud y Sociedad calls for original contributions to be published in its 2019 issues    ...
María Xesús Lama has been awarded the Premio Nacional de Ensayo 2018
María Xesús Lama, biografia de Rosalía de Castro
María Xesús Lama, researcher at ADHUC and professor of Galician and Portuguese Studies at the University of Barcelona, has been awarded the Premio Nacional de Ensayo 2018 for her book Rosalía de Castro: Cantos de independencia e liberdade (1837-1863)...
Mònica Rius-Piniés, Director of the UNESCO Chair “Women, Development and Cultures”
Mònica Rius-Piniés, researcher at ADHUC—Research Center for Theory, Gender, Sexuality, and lecturer of Arab Studies at the Department of Classical, Romance and Semitic Languages, has been appointed director of the UNESCO Chair "Women, Development and Cultures". This UNESCO Chair began...
Lectora invites contributions for issue number 26
Dossier 26 of Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat, which will be published in 2020, is entitled "Decorating the body: gems, jewellery and body ornaments in literature"...
Lectora 24: Thinking with Women Philosophers
Issue 24 of Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat has just been published. This volume includes a Dossier, coordinated by Elena Laurenzi (ADHUC—Università del Salento) and Cristina Sánchez Muñoz (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)...