The online edition of O aturuxo has been published. Coordinated by Helena González Fernández and Mariám Mariño Costales, O aturuxo is the Coordinadora de Colectivos Gays de Galicia (CC.GG.)'s bulletin, based in Compostela, Vigo, Ourense and A Coruña, and integrated within the Coordinadora de Frentes de Liberación Homosexual del Estado Español (COFLHEE). The bulletin allows to trace these groups' activity, as well as debates on sexual liberation, homophobia, and sexism. It consists of four issues from 1981, and is not available at A Saia. Publicacións feministas e LGTBIQ+, the online archive created by both the Consello da Cultura Galega's Centro de Documentación en Igualdade e Feminismos, and ADHUC–Research Centre for Theory, Gender, Sexuality.
This online edition is one of the results of the project “Tránsfugas y parias modernas: género y exclusión en la cultura popular del s. XXI” (FEM2017-83974-P MINECO / AEI / FEDER, UE).