Joana Videira, who has a predoctoral researcher at ADHUC, will be reading her Ph.D. thesis Figuras impropias. La violencia como expresión de la disidencia en la narrativa de Marta Sanz y Sara Mesa, directed by Dr Elena Losada Soler (ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona). Videira's thesis analyses the critical possibilities arising in narrative fictionalization of women characters who turns suffering and violence into a mode of existence from resistence in Sanz and Mesa's work. Starting from the idea that violence and suffering can be forms of empowerment and of manifesting resistence, this thesis analyses a number of characters from both writers' work. Characters who articulate--as much as the possibilities granted by their fictional configuration allow--proposed existences which configure as forms of dissidence despite being marked by suffering and violence.
Public event accessible through BB Collaborate. Please contact in advance in order to attend.