Mònica Rius-Piniés, researcher at ADHUC—Research Center for Theory, Gender, Sexuality, and lecturer of Arab Studies at the Department of Classical, Romance and Semitic Languages, has been appointed director of the UNESCO Chair "Women, Development and Cultures". This UNESCO Chair began its activities in 2004, with shared headquarters between the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) and the Universitat de Vic. The management and planning of activities is currently coordinated by ADHUC at the UB. Marta Segarra was its director until September 2015, and Elena Losada Soler from September 2015 until October 2018. Since its creation, the UNESCO Chair "Women, Development and Cultures" has outlined its own objectives and thematic fields of activity giving weight to the promotion of gender studies through cultural discourses such as literature, cinema, philosophy, history, art and bioethics.