Helena González Fernández (ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona) has co-edited, together with Mariam Mariño Costales (Consello da Cultura Galega), the digital edition of the LGTB journals Enboga y Voces de Queenpostela. These publications aim to contribute to the organization of the LGTBQ movement in Galicia, and to open new discussion threads, at times in alignment with feminism and nationalism. The central points of the debate are the following: the rights and the lives of LGTBQ people, defending the rights related to sexuality, anti-AIDS actions, creating communities and denouncing homophobic practices and regulations. These journals allow examining the relationship between the different LGTBQ organizations in the Iberian Peninsula between 1996 and 2001. These digital editions are one result of the projects Tránsfugas y parias modernas: género y exclusión en la cultura popular del s. XXI (FEM2017-83974-P MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE) and Diversidad de género, masculinidad y cultura en España, Argentina y México (FEM2015-69863-P).