15h00 - 15h10 : Presentación
15h10 - 16h00 :
Joan Carles Naranjo (Universitat de Barcelona)
Some new enumerative properties of cubic threefolds via Prym theory
16h05 - 16h45 :
Patricio Almirón Cuadros (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
On the difference between Milnor number and
Tjurina number of isolated singularities
16h50 - 17h30 :
Liena Colarte Gómez (Universitat de Barcelona)
Gröbner’s problem and the geometry of GT-varieties
17h30 - 18h00 : Coffee break
18h00 - 18h40 :
María de la Paz Tirado Hernández (Universidad de Sevilla)
Leaps of the integrability (in the sense of Hasse-Schmidt)
18h45 - 19h25 :
Jesús Martín Ovejero (Universidad de Salamanca)
The moduli space of principal bundles with formal trivializations
09h00 - 09h50 :
Giorgio Ottaviani (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
The geometry of tensor spaces
09h55 - 10h35 :
Guillem Blanco (KU Leuven)
Yano's conjecture
10h40 - 11h20 :
Cedric Oms (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon)
First steps in b-contact topology
11h20 - 11h50 : Coffee Break
11h50 - 12h30 :
Carlos Jesús Moreno Ávila (Universitat Jaume I)
Non-positive at infinity valuations of Hirzebruch
surfaces and Newton-Okounkov bodies
12h35 - 13h15 :
Andrés Rojas (Universitat de Barcelona - Universität Bonn)
Chern degree functions
13h20 - 14h00 :
Yairon Cid-Ruiz (Ghent University)
An invitation to the fiber-full scheme