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Group of Teaching Innovation Lletra de dona / LLETRAD 2022 (GINDOC-UB/155)

Start date
Finish date
Universitat de Barcelona
Research, Enhancement, and Innovation in Teaching and Learning (RIMDA)
Teaching innovation groups
Principal Investigator(s)
Mariela Fargas Peñarrocha
(ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona)
Research Team
Cristina Alsina
(ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona)
Rodrigo Andrés
(ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona)
Francesco Ardolino
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Clarisa Danaé Fonseca Azuara
Universitat de Barcelona
À. Lorena Fuster
(Seminari Filosofia i Gènere-ADHUC, Universitat de Barcelona)
Josefina Goberna Tricas
(ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona)
Helena González Fernández
(ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona)
María Xesús Lama López
(ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona)
Elena Laurenzi
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Elena Losada Soler
(ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona)
Myriam Mallart Brussosa
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Joana Masó
(ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona)
Mònica Rius Piniés
(ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona)
Marta Segarra
(LEGS-CNRS / ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona)
Cielo Zaidenwerg
(Universitat de Barcelona)
Predoctoral research staff in training
Arturo Corujo
(ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona)
Sara Soler i Arjona
(ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona)
Andrea Villar del Valle
(ADHUC-Universitat de Barcelona)
Collaborating staff
Katarzyna Paszkiewicz
(ADHUC-Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Georgina G. Rabassó
(ADHUC-Fundació Bosch i Gimpera)
Andrea Ruthven
(ADHUC-Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Dolores Resano
(University College Dublin)
María Teresa Vera Rojas
(ADHUC-Universitat de les Illes Balears)

The teaching group was established in 2004 with the aim of developing, implementing, and enhancing critical reading tools rooted in gender studies, particularly applicable to literary and philosophical texts. This initiative falls under the umbrella of continuous assessment and is extendable to other Humanities degrees at both undergraduate and master's levels. The group, currently comprised of faculty members from Philology, Philosophy, and Geography and History, maintains a professionalizing aspect and has the potential for expansion across linguistic domains and faculties. Notably, the group has secured project funding through REDICE calls from 2008 to 2013.


Objectives of the group’s activity

  • Developing tools related to gender competencies.
  • Establishing teaching teams for the implementation of innovation projects and actions.
  • Promoting learning in virtual environments.
  • Facilitating professional development.
  • Implementing new assessment tools.


Proposed teaching innovation actions

  • Establishment of new teaching innovation projects within the PMID framework, with potential subsequent publications.
  • Conducting interdisciplinary workshops for students on how to write critical reviews and commentaries. These workshops consider factors such as educational level (degree or master's degree), text typology (narrative, essay, poetry, history, philosophy), and the applicable methodology for analysis.
  • Creating new implementations for continuous assessment of the tools developed by the GID Lletra de Dona, tailored to different subjects.
  • Professionalizing implementation: involving students in the review process, selection and online publication of a curated collection of critical reviews in Lletra de Dona.