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Pre-registration period is open for the MA programme Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities (CRIC)
The pre-registration period is open for the course 2014-2015 of the official MA programme Construction and Representation of Cultural Identities...
Expressions maghrébines: Nouvelles diasporas
The most recent issue of Expressions maghrébines, a journal dedicated to Maghrebi culture included in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index and directed by Marta Segarra, has just been published...
Cuerpo, memoria y representación
Begonya Saez Tajafuerce has edited the volume Cuerpo, memoria y representación. Adriana Cavarero y Judith Butler en diálogo published in the collection Mujeres y culturas (Icaria, 2014). This volume offers...
Critical studies on "Partie" by Hélène Cixous
Joana Masó (Centre Dona i Literatura) and Marie-Dominique Garnier (Université de Paris 8) have just edited a volume that brings together different studies about one of Hélène Cixous most experimental works...
Book presentation for Differences in Common
The book Differences in Common. Gender, Vulnerability and Community (Rodopi, 2014), edited by the researchers at the Centre Dona i Literatura Joana Sabadell-Nieto and Marta Segarra...
Book presentation of Las lesbianas (no) somos mujeres. En torno a Monique Wittig
The book Las lesbianas (no) somos mujeres. En torno a Monique Wittig, edited by...
Electronic edition of the letters of Rosalía de Castro
The electronic edition of the letters of Rosalía de Castro, edited by...
Female film directors in Spain and gender discourse, by Barbara Zecchi
Barbara Zecchi (UMass Amherst) is the author of Desenfocadas. Cineastas españolas y discursos de género, published in the Mujeres y culturas series (Icaria, 2014). This volume proposes an analysis of about a hundred Spanish films...
Lo que callan los corpus, lo que afirman los cuerpos
Helena González Fernández and Elena Losada, researchers with the Centre Dona i Literatura, together with Alicia Ramos González of the research group CuRe, have edited the volume...
Expressions maghrébines: Traversées franco-maghrébines
The most recent issue of Expressions maghrébines, an international journal dedicated to Maghrebi culture included in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index and directed by Marta Segarra...
We Lesbians are (not) Women. Monograph on Monique Wittig
Beatriz Suárez Briones has edited the volume Las lesbianas (no) somos mujeres. En torno a Monique Wittig, published in the series Mujeres y culturas (Icaria, 2013). This volume reflects on...
Lectora 19: dossier on Carme Riera and the Subject of Seduction
Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat includes, in number 19, a dossier edited by Marta Font, researcher of the Centre Dona i Literatura, and Francesco Ardolino (Universitat de Barcelona) entitled Carme Riera: The Subject of Seduction...
Publication of the book Penser à ne pas voir edited by Joana Masó
Joana Masó, researcher of the Centre Dona i Literatura, has coedited the volume Penser à ne pas voir. Écrits sur les arts du visible, 1979-2004, which reflects on the relationship between contemporary...
Lectora Invites Contributions for Issue Number 21
Issue number 21 of Lectora. Revista de dones i textualitat, to be published in 2015, will be on "Noire and Feminine: Women Writers of Crime Novels on the Iberian Peninsula". Analysis will be focused on contemporary crime novels...
Presentation of the book Remedios Varo. Caminos del conocimiento, la creación y el exilio
The book Remedios Varo. Caminos de conocimiento, la creación y el exilio (Eutelequia, 2013), edited by María José González Madrid (Universitat de Barcelona)...
Intersubjective Universalism in Herman Melville
The PhD candidate Laura López Peña, pre-doctoral research fellow at the Centre Dona i Literatura - Gènere, sexualitats, crítica de la cultura, will defend her doctoral thesis, directed by Rodrigo Andrés...
MUNCE, A New Portal for Crime Novels by Women
The project MUNCE presents its new website, the principal object of which is the study of the crime novel by women in Spain from 1975 up to the present day...
Escriure el desig. De La Celestina a Maria-Mercè Marçal, by Marta Segarra
Marta Segarra, researcher with the Centre Dona i Literatura and coordinator of the UNESCO Chair Women, Development and Cultures, has published the book Escriure el desig. De La Celestina a Maria-Mercè Marçal...