Kristoffer Sahlholm
Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher
An intermittently visiting member of the lab since 2009, Kristoffer obtained his undergraduate and PhD degrees (the latter in the laboratories of Profs. Peter Århem and Kjell Fuxe) at the Karolinska institute in Stockholm, Sweden. His work at Karolinska, where he still maintains an active affiliation as a postdoctoral fellow, has mainly focussed on voltage clamp electrophysiology and the study of dopamine receptor signaling. After finishing his PhD in 2011, he has also worked with receptor autoradiography at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri (working with Prof. Robert H. Mach), and with positron emission tomography (PET) at the University Medical Center in Groningen, the Netherlands (with Prof. Philip Elsinga and Dr. Aren van Waarde). Kristoffer has continued collaborating with the Neuropharmacology and Pain Research Group led by Dr. Ciruela on issues related to dopamine-, trace-amine, and sigma-1 receptor pharmacology, utilizing mostly fluorescence- and electrophysiology-based assays.