The Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities has decided to fund the GLAC research project, "Gender(s) and Language(s) in the Contemporary Arabness" (PGC2018-100959-B-I00 MCIU/ AEI / FEDER, EU), directed by Mònica Rius-Piniés (ADHUC). This project seeks to analyze processes of hybridization at the core of artistic creations ensuing from today’s “Arabness”. In order to do so, the research will revolve around two main pillars: the first one is the concept of gender in relation to feminist, sexualities and masculinity studies, but also regarding artistic categories. The second central concept has to do with the analyses of languages, which include tongues but also the ways in which different forms of artistic creation are expressed. The goal is, thus, to delve into cultural hybridity processes not only through the study of their content, but also by exploring the ways in which these processes manifest themselves.