Place names

When there is a well-established English version of a place name, use it.

Exemple adequatAntwerp
Exemple adequatthe Balearic Islands
Exemple adequatCatalonia

Exemple adequatGenoa
Exemple adequatMoscow
Exemple adequatMunich

When there is no well-established English translation, use the name in the local language.

Exemple adequatArezzo
Exemple adequatCastelló de la Plana
Exemple adequatGirona

When a Catalan place name may not be as familiar to the reader as the Spanish, French or Italian equivalent, you may decide to add this version in brackets after the Catalan name.

Exemple adequatAlacant (Alicante)
Exemple adequatL’Alguer (Alghero)
Exemple adequatEivissa (Ibiza)

Exemple adequatElx (Elche)
Exemple adequatPerpinyà (Perpignan)

Avoid the use of demonyms (words used to describe inhabitants) for towns and cities. Use the inhabitants of Barcelona or the people of Barcelona, rather than Barcelonans. Note that the demonym for Catalonia is Catalan (not Catalonian).

Do not translate addresses, but if they can be made more understandable or easier to read for an English-speaking audience, then do this. For example, transcribe the first letter of lower-case Catalan terms such as avinguda, carrer, carretera, passeig and plaça in upper case for English-speaking audiences (so Carrer de Sant Pau, Avinguda Diagonal, etc.).

Write out the full address rather than using abbreviations (so for pl. de Catalunya, write Plaça de Catalunya).

Floor and door numbers should be expressed in cardinal rather than ordinal numbers (for example, Carrer de Provença, 66, 1, 2).

  • Rivers and lakes

    Do not translate the names of rivers and lakes (River Sec and Lake Sant Maurici, not the Dry River or Saint Maurice Lake) unless there is a well-established English version (Danube River, Shatsky Lakes).

  • Seas

    Translate the names of seas when there is a well-established English translation. For example, use the Bay of Biscay rather than the Cantabrian Sea (unless you are referring strictly to the southern part of the bay).

  • Islands

    Translate the names of islands when there is a well-established English translation.

    Exemple adequatCorsica
    Exemple adequatSardinia
    Exemple adequatSicily

  • Mountain ranges

    Translate the names of mountain ranges when there is a well-established English translation.

    Exemple adequatthe Alps
    Exemple adequatthe Pyrenees

    Do not translate them when there is not.

    Exemple adequatthe Picos de Europa
    Exemple adequatthe Serra de Tramuntana

  • Landmarks and public buildings

    Generally speaking, do not translate the names of landmarks and public buildings. However, there are some exceptions such as the Catalan Parliament building, the Eiffel Tower or the Great Wall of China. Likewise, descriptive translations may be used to make references clearer: for example, the Les Àligues building at the University of Girona or the Camp Nou stadium.

  • Buildings, rooms and halls at the UB

    At the UB, some institutional buildings, rooms and halls have English translations while others do not.

    Atri Solar
    Solar Atrium
    Aula Magna
    Aula Magna
    Aula Ramón y Cajal
    Aula Ramón y Cajal
    Capella (Edifici Històric)
    Col·legi Major Universitari Penyafort-Montserrat
    Penyafort-Montserrat Hall of Residence
    Edifici de Llevant
    Llevant Building
    Edifici de Ponent
    Ponent Building
    Edifici Històric
    Historic Building
    Edifici Margalef
    Margalef Building
    Edifici Migdia
    Migdia Building
    Escala d’Honor (Edifici Històric)
    Stairway of Honour
    Finca Pedro i Pons
    Pedro i Pons Estate
    Galeria de retrats dels rectors
    Rector’s Portrait Gallery
    Galeria del Paranimf
    Paranymph Gallery
    Jardí Ferran Soldevila
    Ferran Soldevila Garden
    Palau de les Heures
    Palau de les Heures
    Paranymph Hall
    Pati de Ciències
    Sciences Courtyard
    Pati de Lletres
    Arts Courtyard
    Pavellons Güell
    Güell Pavilions
    Replà superior del Rectorat
    Upper Landing
    Sala de Graus Margarida Comas
    Sala de Graus Margarida Comas
    Sala de Graus Rosa Roig
    Sala de Graus Rosa Roig
    Sala de Juntes (Edifici Històric)
    Rector’s Boardroom
    Vestíbul Principal (Edifici Històric)
    Main Vestibule
Darrera actualització: 30-5-2024
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Recommended citation:
«Place names» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 22 juliol 2024].
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