Terms that have no established translation

Terms that have no established translation may be left in the original Catalan accompanied by a descriptive translation on first mention.

Exemple adequatThis year's conference will conclude with a visit to Montblanc, the historical centre of one of Catalonia’s eight vergueries (territorial divisions established in medieval times) and still a thriving market town, even though its administrative importance as a vergueria has declined.

Exemple adequatOur exchange students attended a traditional parade featuring processional giants and capgrossos — big-headed figures smaller than giants whose faces are fashioned to recall local dignitaries or popular characters. After the parade, there was also a capgrossos workshop, in which the students learned to repair the dents and holes in the material the heads are made out, a kind of industrial-grade papier-mâché called cartró pedra. Finally, each student was invited to take home a small piece of the leftover cartró pedra as a souvenir!

Even if you translate the term, it is still advisable to provide an explanation for it.

Exemple adequatA new feature of this year's programme was that our nursing students could complete a placement in one of Barcelona’s Basic Healthcare Areas. (Basic Healthcare Areas are regional demarcations used by the Catalan Health Service to organize primary healthcare services.) Given the success of the placements, our intention for the coming year is to establish agreements with other Areas across the province.
Darrera actualització: 14-6-2024
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Recommended citation:
«Terms that have no established translation» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <https://www.ub.edu/llibre-estil/criteri.php?id=2438> [consulta: 18 setembre 2024].
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