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This is a specific project (2016-2020) for the application of remote sensing, geophysics and paleoenvironmental reconstruction with the aim to contribute to a better definition of already know sites, the detection of new sites and the reconstruction of the paleoclimate and paleovegetation of the island with a particular interest in the transition from the Roman to the Medieval periods. In this first phase of the project, the tasks are concentrated in the Eastern part of Mallorca where we developed previous field surveys. Nevertheless, the project aims the application of this methodology on the entire island.

Participants in the 2018 action: M.A. Cau Ontiveros (co-PI) (ICREA/ERAAUB), Catalina Mas Florit (co-PI) (ERAAUB), Eduard Angelats Company (CTTC), Eulàlia Parés (CTTC), Cornelius Meyer (Eastern Atlas), Roger Sala (SOT Prospecció).

 Funding: Consell de Mallorca.