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The research activity of the group in the last years has resulted in the publication of a good number of publications including peer-reviewed journals, WoS, JCR, Scopus or ERIH journals (*), book chapters, and edited books. A selection for the last period of the group activity is presented below. Scientific-technical reports are not included.



 Accepted or in press

  • Pecci A., Contino, A., Mileto, S., Toniolo, L., Reynolds, P., in press, Anfore africane antiche a Pompei: uso e riuso in base all’analisi dei contenuti, Rivista di Studi Pompeiani.
  • Pecci A., in press, La Producción y consumo de vino a través del análisis de residuos químicos en materiales arqueológicos, Tribuna d' arqueologia, 2018-2019.
  • Munar Llabrés, S., Cardell Perelló, J., de Juan, C., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Bernal-Casasola, D., Picornell, Ll., García Riaza, E. (2021), The shipwreck of Ses Fontanelles (Mallorca, Balearic Islands): an exceptional Late Roman vessel and its cargo, Journal of Maritime Archaeology

Published or first published on-line


  • Brown, T., Fallu, D., Walsh, K., Cucciaro, S., Tarolli, P., Zhao, P., Pears, B., Van Oost, K., Snape, L., Lang, A., Albert, R.M., Alsos, I., Waddington, C., 2021, Ending the Cinderella Status of Terraces and Lynchets in Europe: The Geomorphology of Agricultural Terraces and Implications for Ecosystem Services and Climate Adaptation, Geomorphology Journal 379.
  • Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Fantuzzi, L., Quevedo, A., Tsantini, E., Ronda Femenía, A. M., 2021, A shared pottery-making tradition in different workshops? Early Roman Ware 1 from Cartagena and Elche (Spain), Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports, 38, August 2021, 103007,,
  • Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Mas-Florit, C., Fantuzzi, L., Tsantini, E. (2020), Roman and Late Roman Common Buff Wares from the rural site of Sa Mesquida (Mallorca, Balearic Islands): continuity of local production?, Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports
  • Fantuzzi, L., Bernal-Casasola, D., Cau Ontiveros M. Á., Díaz J.J., Expósito J. Á., 2020, Importaciones de cerámicas de cocina modeladas a mano/torneta de ámbito mediterráneo en la Baelo Claudia tardorromana, Boletín Ex Officina Hispana, 12: 80-84.
  • Mas Florit, C., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Meyer, C., Goossens, L., Sala, R., Ortiz, H., 2020, Geophysical Survey at the early Christian complex of Son Peretó (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain), Archaeological Prospection,
  • Mateo Corredor, D., Járrega Domínguez, R., Colom Mendoza, E., Martínez Ferreras, V., 2021, Figlinae y producción anfórica en el territorium de Saguntum, Lucentvm, 40, 173-195,
  • Miriello D., Barba, L., Barba A., Barca, D., Bloise, A., González J.R., Crisci, G.M., De Luca, R., Girimonte, G., Ruvalcaba-Sil, J.L., Pecci, A., 2021, Hydraulicity of lime plasters from Teotihuacan, Mexico: a microchemical and microphysical approach, Journal of Archaeological Science 133, DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2021.105453
  • Pecci, A., 2021, Análisis de residuos químicos en materiales arqueológicos: marcadores de actividades antrópicas en el pasado, Pyrenae, 52, 1: 7-54.
  • Pecci, A., Reynolds, P., Mileto, S., Vargas Girón, J.M., Bernal-Casasola, D., 2021, Production and transport of goods in the Roman period: Residue analysis and wine derivatives in late Republican Baetican ovoid amphorae, Environmental Archaeology, online.
  • Riutort Riera, J., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., 2021, Late Roman coarse wares from the Roman villa of Torre Llauder (Barcelona, Spain): Archaeometric Characterization, Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports, 35, February 2021, 102776.
  • Riutort, J., Cau Ontiveros, M. A., Fantuzzi, L., 2021, Production and distribution of Late Antique utilitarian wares in the micro-region of Vallès (Catalonia, Spain): a perspective from the rural hinterland of Barcino, Journal of Archaeological Sciences Reports.
  • Rivero-Montero, M. Gómez-Paccard, M. Pavón-Carrasco, F.J. Cau-Ontiveros, M. Á., Fantuzzi, L., Martín-Hernández, F., Palencia-Ortas, A., Aidona, E., Tema, E., Kondopoulou, D., Mas-Florit, C., Ramon-Torres, J., 2021, Refining geomagnetic field intensity changes in Europe between 200 CE and 1600 CE. New data from the Mediterranean region, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors.
  • Soler i Nicolau, A., Font Jaume, A., Berni Millet, P., García Riaza, E., Bernal-Casasola, D., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Cardell Perelló, J., Munar Llabrés, S., 2021, El singular conjunto de tituli picti del pecio de Ses Fontanelles (Mallorca, islas Baleares) y su contribución a la epigrafía anfórica tardorromana hispánica, Cuadernos de Arqueología y Prehistoria de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (CUPAUAM) 47 (1): 287-317.
  • Stollhofen, H., Stanistreet, I., Toth, N., Schick, K.D., Rodríguez-Cintas, A., Albert, R.M., Farrugia, P., Njau, J., Pante, M., Hermann, E., Ruck, L., Bamford, M., Blumenschine, R.J., Masao, F. T., 2020, Olduvai Oldest Oldowan, Journal of Human Evolution 150, 102910,



  • Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Fantuzzi, L., Tsantini, E., Mas-Florit, C., Chávez-Álvarez, E., 2020, Archaeometric characterization of water jars from the Muslim period at the city of Pollentia (Mallorca, Balearic Islands), ArcheoSciences, Révue d'Archéometrie, 44 (1), 7-17.
  • Esteban, I., Albert, R.M., Cabanes, D., Marean, C., 2020, Estratègies de recol·lecció de plantes i paleoambients durant la Middle Stone Age a Pinnacle Point (costa sud de Sud-àfrica): les anàlisis de fitòlits, Servei d’Arqueologia i Paleontologia, Direcció General del Patrimoni Cultural, Tribuna d’arqueología 2016-2017, 29-51,
  • Esteban, I., Marean, C., Cowling, R., Fisher, R., Cabanes, D., Albert, R.M., 2020, Palaeoenvironments and plant availability during MIS 6 to MIS 3 on the edge of the Palaeo-Agulhas Plain (south coast, South Africa) as indicated by phytolith analysis at Pinnacle Point. Special issue: The Palaeo-Agulhas Plain. A lost world and Extinct Ecosystem, Quaternary Science Reviews, 235, 105667,N
  • Fantuzzi, L., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Mas Florit, C., Chávez-Álvarez, E., 2020, Primera evidencia de ánforas tardorromanas del sur de Galicia (tipo San Martiño de Bueu 2) en las Baleares: un ejemplar hallado en Pollentia (Alcúdia, Mallorca), Boletín Ex Officina Hispana, 11, 32-35,
  • Kaniewski, D., Marriner, N., Cheddadi, R., Morhange, C., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Fornós, J. J., Giaime, M., Trichon, V., Otto, T. L., Frédéric Van Campo, E., 2020, Anthropogenic climate change has transgressed natural Holocene variability on the Balearic Islands, Anthropocene 32, December 2020, 100268,
  • Luneau, E., Martínez Ferreras, V., Abdykanova, A., Tabaldiev, K., Motuzaite Matuzeviciute, G., 2020, The first combined archaeological and archaeometric analyses on Bronze Age pottery from Kyrgyzstan (Uch Kurbu site), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 31, 10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102302
  • Martínez Ferreras, V., Fusaro, A., Gurt Esparraguera, J.M., Ariño Gil, E., Pidaev, S.R., Angourakis, A., 2020, The Islamic ancient Termez through the lens of ceramics: A new archaeological and archaeometric study, IRAN, Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, 58, 2, 250-278, 10.1080/05786967.2019.1572430
  • Mas Florit, C., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Alcaide, S., 2020, Buildings of Faith: Early Christianity in the countryside of the Balearics (Spain), Journal of Roman Archaeology 33, 271-290,
  • Mas Florit, C., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Van Strydonck, M., Boudin, M., Cardona, F., Munar, S., 2020, Radiocarbon dating of Late Antique necropolis from Felanitx (Mallorca, Balearic Islands), Radiocarbon, First View, 1 – 13,
  • Molera, J., Martínez Ferreras, V., Fusaro, A., Gurt Esparraguera, J.M., Gaudenzi, M., Pidaev, SH., Pradell, T., 2020, Islamic glazed wares from ancient Termez (southern Uzbekistan). Raw materials and techniques, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 29,
  • Rick, T. C., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Jerardino, A., Mariotti, A., Méndez, C., Williams, A.N., 2020, Archaeology and Long-Term Human Social and Cultural Evolution in Mediterranean Climate Regions, Anthropocene, 31, September 2020, 100253,
  • Riutort, J., Fantuzzi, L., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., 2020, Cooking and common wares in the Late Antique rural site of Plaça Major de Castellar del Vallès (Catalonia, Spain): archaeometric characterization, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12, 106,
  • Rodríguez-Cintas, A., Albert, R.M. Bamford, M.K., Stanistreet, I.G., Stollhofen, H., Stone, J.R., Rivera-Rondón, C., Pronzato, R., Njau, J.K., Schick, K., Toth N, 2020, Palaeovegetation changes recorded in Palaeolake Olduvai OGCP Core 2A (2.09-2.12 Ma) Naibor Soit Formation Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaecology 557,
  • Tsantini, E., Minami, T., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Takahashi, K., Melgarejo, J. C., 2020, Sulphur isotope analysis to examine the provenance of cinnabar used in the wall paintings from the Roman domus Avinyó (Barcelona), Minerals 2020, 11,
  • Weiner, S., Regev, L., Texel, I., Asscher, Y., Albert, R.M., Yan, X., Natalio, F., Boaretto, E., Nagorsky A., 2020, High Temperature Pyrotechnology: A Macro- and Microarchaeology Study of a Late Byzantine-beginning of Early Islamic period (7th century AD) Pottery Kiln from Tel Qatra/Gedera, Israel, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 31, 102263,



  • Angás, J., Uribe, P., Ariño Gil, E., Gurt Esparraguera, J.M., Martínez Ferreras V., Pidaev, S.R., 2019, A multi-scalar photogrammetric recording approach in Termez (Uzbekistan), The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 42, 2/W15, 93-100, 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W15-93-2019.
  • Angelats, E., Parés, M.E., Mas-Florit, C., Cau-Ontiveros, M. Á., 2019, A methodology for semi-automatic documentation of archaeological elements using RPAS imagery, Proceedings of 2019 IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 4–6 December 2019, Florence (Italy), Zenodo,
  • Barca, D., Pecci, A., Barba, L., Crisci, G.M., De Luca, R., Marabini, S., Manzanilla, L., Ortiz, A., Blancas, J., Pastrana, A., Miriello, D., 2019, Geochemical and petrographic characterization of pyroclastic deposits of Los Humeros Volcanic Complex used as aggregates in the plasters from Teotihuacan (Mexico), Microchemical Journal, 145, 852-863.
  • Boixadera, J., Esteban, I., Albert, R.M., Poch, R., 2019, Anthropogenic soils from Llanos de Moxos (Bolivia): Soils fromPre-Columbian raised fields (camellones), Catena 172, 21-39.
  • Carrato, Ch., Martínez Ferreras, V., Dautria, J.-M., Bois, M., 2019, The Biggest Opus doliare Production in Narbonese Gaul Revealed by Archaeometry (first to second centuries A.D.), Archeosciences. Révue d’Archeometrie, 43, 1, 69-82, 10.4000/archeosciences.6257
  • Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Fantuzzi, L., Albero Santacreu, D., Tsantini, E., García Rosselló, J., Calvo Trías, M., 2019, Iron Age Indigenous Pottery from the Staggered Turriform of Son Ferrer (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain): Archaeometric Characterisation, Geoarchaeology, 34 (2), 149-168,
  • Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Fantuzzi, L., Tsantini, E., Burriel Alberich, J. Mª, Jiménez Salvador, J.L., Rosselló Mesquida, M., 2018, Caracterización arqueométrica de cerámicas comunes y de cocina tardoantiguas del asentamiento rural de L’Horta Vella (Bétera, Valencia): evaluación de posibles producciones regionales e importaciones, Saguntum 51, 215-232,
  • Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Fantuzzi, L., Tsantini, E., Ribera Lacomba, A., Rosselló Mesquida, M., 2019, Archaeometric Characterization of Common and Cooking Wares from the Late Antique City of Valentia (Valencia, Spain), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11 (8), 4035–4057,
  • Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Tsantini, E., Fantuzzi, L., Ramon, J., 2019, Archaeometric characterisation of Late Antique pottery from the rural site of Ses Païsses de Cala d'Hort (Eivissa, Balearic Islands, Spain), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11 (2), 627–649,
  • Daura, J., Sanz, M., Oms, F.X., Pedro, M., Martínez, P., Mendiela, S., Oliva Poveda, M., Gibaja, J.F., Mozota, M., Alonso-Eguiluz, M., Albert, R.M., Allue, E., Bañuls-Cardona, S., Lopez-García, J.M., Santos Arévalo, F.J., Fullola, J.M., 2019, Deciphering Neolithic activities from a Cardial burial site (Cova Bonica) on the western Mediterranean Coast, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23, 324-347,
  • Fantuzzi, L., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., 2019, Amphora production in the Guadalquivir valley (Spain) during the Late Roman period: petrographic, mineralogical and chemical characterization of reference groups, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11, 6785–6802,
  • Fantuzzi, L., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Macías i Solé, J. Mª., Rodríguez Martorell, F., 2019, Eastern Mediterranean amphorae from Late Antique urban centers of the northeastern Iberian Peninsula: archaeometric characterization, ArcheoSciences. Révue d'Archéometrie, 39(2), 229-247.
  • Fusaro, A., Martínez Ferreras, V., Gurt Esparraguera, J.M., Angourakis, A., Pidaev, S.R., Baratova, L., 2019, Islamic Pottery from Ancient Termez (Uzbekistan): New Archaeological and Archaeometric data, Archéosciences. Révue d’Archéométrie, 43, 2, 249-264,
  • Gurt i Esparraguera, J. M.ª, Sánchez Gil de Montes, J., 2019, Assentament de la Rectoria (Navès, Solsonès). La presència de les produccions ceràmiques del taller de Pla d’Abella en un centre de consum, Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent, 29, 147-176, 10.21001/rap.2019.29.5
  • Martínez Ferreras, V., Angourakis, A., Hein, A., Aulinas-Juncà, M., Garcia-Vallés, M., Gurt Esparraguera, J.M., Ariño-Gil, E., Sánchez del Corral, A., Pidaev, S.R., 2019, Assessing Hellenistic to nomadic cultural patterns through pottery in ancient Termez, Uzbekistan, Geoarchaeology, 34, 540-564, 10.1002/gea.21714
  • Martínez Ferreras, V., Bréchon, F., 2019, L’épandage d’amphores du cap Gros, vestiges d’une cargaison vinaire léétanienne. Analyses archéométriques des amphores, ARCHÉO 66, 34, 92-100.
  • Mas Florit, C., 2019, Starting to look at early Christianity in the subarchipelago of Cabrera (Balearic Islands) - MATEU RIERA RULLAN, EL MONACAT INSULAR DE LA MEDITERRÀNIA OCCIDENTAL. EL MONESTIR DE CABRERA (BALEARS, SEGLES V-VIII), Journal of Roman Archaeology 32, 973-975.
  • Miriello, D., Antonelli, F., Bloise, A., Ceci, M., Columbu, S., De Luca, R., Lezzerini, M., Pecci, A., Mollo, B. S., Brocato, P., 2019, Archaeometric Approach for Studying Architectural Earthenwares from the Archaeological Site of S. Omobono (Rome), Minerals, 9, 266, 1-17.
  • Neumann, K., Stromberg, C., Ball, T., Albert, R.M., Vrydaghs, L., Scott Cummings, L., 2019, International Code for Phytolith Nomenclature (ICPN) 2.0., Annals of Botany 124, 189-199, 10.1093/aob/mcz064

  • Pecci, A., Moragas, N., Barba, L., Ortiz, A., Blancas, J., 2019, Proyecto Interdisciplinario para la localización de un centro de barrio en Teotihuacan (México), Informes y trabajos, ISSN: 2444-8087.
  • Pecci, A., Moragas, N., Ortiz A., Barba L., Blancas J., 2019, Proyecto Interdisciplinario para la localización de un centro de barrio en Teotihuacan (México), Informes y Trabajos: Excavaciones en el exterior, 19, 2019, 106-123.
  • Reynolds, P., Ripoll, G., Michel D’Annoville, C., Dugast, F., 2019 L’alimentation dans l’Antiquité tardive: une introduction, Antiquité Tardive 27, 15-24, 10.1484/J.AT.5.119540.
  • Ripoll, G., Tuset, F., Benseny, J. y Mesas, I., 2019, Sidillà, de vil·la romana a aglomeració medieval, Revista de Girona 312, 46-49,
  • Toffolo, M.B., Ritchie, M., Sellers, I., Morin, J., Lyons, N., Caldwell, M., Albert, R.M., Letham, B., Berna, F., 2019, Combustion features from short-lived intermittent occupation at the 1300-year-old Coast Salish DjRr-4 rock shelter, British Columbia: the microstratigraphic data, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23, 646-661,
  • Taranto, M., Barba L., Blancas J., Bloise A., Cappa M., F. Chiaravalloti, Crisci G.M., Cura, M., De Angelis, D., De Luca R., Lezzerini M., Pecci A., Miriello, D., 2019, The bricks of Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey): a new hypothesis to explain their compositional difference, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 38, 136-146.
  • *Tsantini, E., Quintana, C., Albero, D., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., 2019, Iberian Amphorae Beyond the Mainland: Imports in Southwestern Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11 (5), 1793–1812,
  • Villaverde, V., Real, C., Roman, D., Albert, R.M., Badal, E., Bel, MA., Bergadà, M., de Oliveira, P., Eixea, A., Esteban, I., Martínez, A., Martínez Varea, C.M., Perez-Ripoll, M., 2019, The Early Upper Palaeolithic of Cova de les Cendres, Quaternary International 515, 92-124,



  • Albert, R. M., Bamford, M., Stanistreet, I., Stollhofen, H., Rivera-Rondón, C., Njau, J., Blumenschine, R., 2018, River-fed wetlands in Bed I, HWK West locality, Olduvai Gorge, and Palaeoecological implications, Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 259, 223-241,
  • Angelats, E., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Mas Florit, C., 2018, High Resolution Orthophotos and a Digital Surface Model of the Roman City of Pollentia (Mallorca, Spain) using RPAS imagery, aerial images, and open data archives, Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Cassino (Italy), 22–24 October 2018,
  • Angourakis, A., Martínez Ferreras, V., Torrano, A., Gurt Esparraguera, J.M., 2018, Presenting multivariate statistical protocols in R using Roman wine amphorae productions in Catalonia, Spain, Journal of the Archaeological Science, 93, 150-165,
  • Barba L., Blancas J., Pecci A., Miriello D., Cura M., Crisci G.M., Cappa M., De Angelis D., Yavuz, H.B., 2018, Georadar investigations in the central nave of Hagia Sofia, Istanbul (Turkey), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 10, 259–268.
  • Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Martínez Ferreras, V., Pecci A., Mas-Florit, C., Fantuzzi, L., 2018, Provenance and Content of Roman Amphorae from the Site of Sa Mesquida (Mallorca, Spain), Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 18 (2), 87-105,
  • de la Torre, I., Albert, R.M., Arroyo A., Macphail, R., McHenry, L., Mora, R., Njau, J.K., Pante, M., Rivera Rondón, C.A., Rodríguez-Cintas, A., Stanistreet, I., Stollhofen, H., Wehr, K., 2018a, New excavations at the HWK-EE site: archaeology, palaeo-environment and site formation processes in the basal part of the Middle Bed II (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania), Journal of Human Evolution 120, 140-202,
  • de la Torre, I., Albert, R.M., Macphail, R., McHenry, L., Pante, M., Rodríguez-Cintas, A., Stanistreet, I., Stollhofen, H., 2018b, The contexts and early Acheulean archaeology of the EF-HR landscape (Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania), Journal of Human Evolution, 120, 274-297,
  • Esteban, I., Marean, C.W., Fisher, E.C., Karkanas, P., Cabanes, D., Albert, R.M., 2018, Phytoliths as an indicator of early modern humans´plant gathering strategies, fire fuel and site occupation intensity during the Middle Stone Age at Pinnacle Point 5.-6 (South coast, South Africa), PLoS ONE 13 (6): e0198558,
  • Martínez Ferreras, V., Angourakis, A., Hein, A., Gurt Esparraguera, J. M.ª, Sverchkov, L.M., Sánchez del Corral, A., 2018, Pottery in Hellenistic tradition from ancient Bactria: The Kurganzol fortress (Uzbekistan, Central Asia), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 21, 1044-1054, 10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.11.049
  • Mas Florit, C., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Meyer, C., Goossens, L., Sala, R., Ortiz, H., 2018, Geophysical survey of two rural sites in Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain): unveiling Roman villae, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 150, 101-117,
  • Fantuzzi, L., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., 2018, Archaeometric analysis of Late Roman amphorae from Africa in the ancient city of Iluro (Mataró, Catalonia, Spain), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 10 (4), 759–780,
  • Fantuzzi, L., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., 2018, Archaeometric characterisation of amphorae from the Late Antique city of Iluro (Mataró, Spain), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 21, 1079-1090,
  • Martínez Ferreras, V., 2018, Las ánforas vinarias de la Layetana (Hispania Citerior-Tarraconensis) en el s. I a.C., Ex Officina Hispana - Cuadernos de la SECAH, 3, 153-168.
  • Miriello D., Bloise A., Crisci G.M., De Luca R., De Nigris B., Martellone A., Osanna M., Pace R., Pecci A., Ruggeri N., 2018, New compositional data on ancient mortars and plasters from Pompeii (Campania –Southern Italy): Archaeometric results and considerations about their time evolution, Materials Characterization, 146, 189-203.
  • Molist, N., Esteve, X., Ripoll, G., 2018, “Olèrdola (Baix Penedès). Urbanisme de la ciutat altmedieval”, Tribuna d’Arqueologia 2015-16, 158-182.
  • Pecci A., 2018, Analisi dei residui organici e anfore medievali, Archeologia Medievale, 45, 275-280.
  • Pecci A., Domínguez-Bella S., Buonincontri M., Miriello D., De Luca,R., Di Pasquale G., Cottica D., Bernal-Casasola, D., 2018, Combining residue analysis of floors and ceramics for the study of activity areas at the Garum Shop at Pompeii, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 10, 485-502.
  • Pecci A., Miriello D., Barca D., Crisci G.M., De Luca R., Ortiz A., Manzanilla L., Blancas J., Barba L., 2018, Identifying a technological style in the making of lime plasters at Teopancazco (Teotihuacan, México), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 10: 2, 315-355.
  • Reynolds, P., 2018g, Amphorae in Beirut from the Umayyads to the Crusaders: A guide to trends in local and imported products, Archeologia Medievale 45, 91-110.
  • Riutort, J., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Roig Buxó, J., 2018, Archaeometric characterisation of regional Late Roman Cooking Wares from the area of Vallés (Catalonia, Spain): the case of two rural sites, Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, 21, 1091-1102,
  • Sánchez Gil de Montes, J., Gurt Esparraguera, J. M.ª, 2018, La fàbrica de ceràmica ornamental d’Antoni Tarrés, segles XVIII-XIX, QUARHIS, ÈPOCA II, 14, 150-165.
  • Stanistreet, I.G., Stollhofen, H., Njau, J.K., Farrugia, P., Pante, M.C., Masao, F.T., Albert, R.M., Bamford, M.K., 2018, Lahar inundated, modified and preserved 1.88 Ma early hominin (OH24 and OH56) Olduvai DK site, Journal of Human Evolution 116, 27-42,
  • Tsantini, E., Minami, T., Takahashi, K., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., 2018, Analysis of sulphur isotopes to identify the origin of cinnabar in the Roman wall paintings from Badalona (Spain), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 18, 300-307,




  • ALBERO SANTACREU, D., CAU ONTIVEROS, M. Á., 2017, Technological choices in Late Bronze and Iron Age pottery from western Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain) (c. 1200-75 bc): an archaeometric approach, Archaeometry, 59 (4), 642-666,
  • Angourakis, A., Salpeteur, M., Martínez Ferreras, V., Gurt Esparraguera, J. M, 2017, The Nice Musical Chairs model: Exploring the role of competition and cooperation between farming and herding in the formation of land use patterns in the arid Afro-Eurasia, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 24 (4), 1177-1202, 10.1007/s10816-016-9309-8
  • Alcaraz-Castaño, M., Alcolea-González, J., Kehl, M., Albert, R.M., Baena-Preysler, J., de Balbín-Behrmann, R., Cuartero, F., Cuenca-Bescós, G., Jiménez-Barredo, F., López-Sáez, J.A., Piqué R., Rodríguez-Antón, D., Yravedra, J., Weniger, G.C., 2017, A context for the last Neandertals of interior Iberia: Los Casares cave revisited, PlosOne,
  • Allevato E., Buonincontri M.P., Pecci A., D'Auria A., Papi E., Saracino A., Di Pasquale G., 2017, Wood exploitation and food supply at the border of the Roman Empire: the case of the vicus of Thamusida – Sidi Ali ben Ahmed (Morocco), Environmental Archaeology, 22, 200-217.
  • Alonso-Eguíluz, M., Fernández-Eraso, J., Albert, R. M.ª, 2017, First shepherds from the upper Ebro Basin at Los Husos II (Álava, Spain): microarchaeology applied to foumier deposits, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 26 (1), 143-157,
  • Angourakis, A., Salpeteur, M., Martínez Ferreras, V., Gurt Esparraguera, J. M.ª, 2017, The Nice Musical Chairs Model: Exploring the Role of Competition and Cooperation Between Farming and Herding in the Formation of Land Use Patterns in Arid Afro-Eurasia, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 24, 4, 1177-1202, 10.1007/s10816-016-9309
  • Buonincontri M., Pecci A., Di Pasquale G., Ricci P., Lubritto C., 2017, Multiproxy approach to the study of Medieval food habits in Tuscany (central Italy), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 9, 4, 653-671.
  • Cau, M. Á., Van Strydonck, M., Boudin, M., Mas Florit, C., Mestres, J.S., Cardona, F., Chávez, Mª.E., Orfila, M., 2017, Christians in a Muslim World? Radiocarbon dating of the cemetery over the forum of Pollentia (Mallorca, Balearic Islands), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 9 (7), 1529–1538,
  • Devos, Y., Nicoisa, C., Vrydaghs, L., Speleers, L., Van der Valk, J., Marinova, E., Claes, B., Albert, R. M.ª, Esteban, I., Ball, T.B., Court-Picon, M., Degraeve, A., 2017, An integrated study of Dark Earth from the alluvial valley of the Senne river (Brussels, Belgium), Quaternary International Journal 460, 175-197,
  • Esteban, I., Albert, R. M.ª, Eixea, A., Zilhao, J., Villaverde, V., 2017, Neanderthal use of plants and past vegetation reconstruction at the Middle Paleolithic site of Abrigo de la Quebrada (Chelva, Valencia, Spain), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 9, 265-278,
  • Esteban, I., de Vinck J., Singles, E., Vlok, J., Marean, C.W., Cabanes, D., Albert, R. M.ª, 2017a, Modern soil phytolith assemblages used as proxies for paleoscape reconstruction on the South Coast of South Africa, Quaternary International 434, 160-179 (1st April 2017),
  • Esteban, I., Vlok, J., Kotina, E., Bamford, M.K., Cowling, R.M., Cabanes, D., Albert, R. M.ª, 2017b, Phytoliths in plants from the Soutch Coast of the Greater Cape Floristic Region (South Africa), Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 245, 69-84,
  • Fantuzzi, L., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., 2017, Investigating the provenance of Baetican Amphorae Dressel 23: new archaeometric evidence from Late Roman consumption centres, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 17 (1), 47-68,
  • Giame, M., Morhange, C., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Fornós, J., Vacchi, M., Marriner, N., 2017, In search of southern Pollentia’s harbor: geoarchaeological evidence from the bay of Alcúdia, Paleo3. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 466, 184-201,
  • Henry, D.O., Cordova, C.E., Portillo, M., Albert, R.M., DeWitt, R., Emery-Barbier, A., 2017, Blame it on the Goats? Desertification in the Near East during the Holocene, The Holocene Journal 27, 625-637,
  • Lancelotti, C., Pecci, A., Zurro, D., 2017, Anthropic activity markers: archaeology and ethnoarchaeology, Environmental Archaeology, 22 (4), 339-342.
  • Miriello D., Barba L., Blancas J., Bloise A., Cappa M., Cura M., De Angelis D., De Luca R., Pecci A., Taratnto M., Yavuz H. B., Crisci G.M., 2017, New compositional data on ancient mortars from Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 9, 4, 499-514.
  • Olcese, G., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Fantuzzi, L., Razza A., Surace, D.M., Tsantini, E., 2017, Le anfore del contesto Augusteo della ruota idraulica di Ostia Antica: archeologia e archeometria, Archeologia Classica: LXVIII, 197-224.
  • Pecci A., Barba L., Ortiz A., 2017, Los residuos químicos de la producción de pulque. Etnoarqueometría y arqueología experimental, Anales de Antropología 51, 39-55.
  • Pecci A., Barba L., Ortiz A., 2017, Chemical residues as anthropic activity markers. Ethnoarchaeology, Experimental Archaeology and Archaeology of food production and consumption, Environmental Archaeology, 22 (4), 343-353.
  • Pecci A., Clarke J., Thomas M., Muslin J., van der Graaff I., Toniolo L., Miriello D., Crisci G.M., Buonincontri M., Di Pasquale G., 2017, Use and reuse of amphorae. Wine residues in Dressel 2–4 amphorae from Oplontis Villa B (Torre Annunziata, Italy), Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 12, 515-521.
  • Pecci A., Nizzo V., Bergamini S., Reggio C., Vidale M., 2017, Residue analysis of late Bronze Age ceramics from the archaeological site of Pilastri di Bondeno (northern Italy), Preistoria Alpina, 49, 51-57.
  • Portillo, M., Belarte, M.C., Ramon, J., Kallala, N., Sanmartí, J., Albert, R. M.ª, 2017, An ethnoarchaeological study of livestock dung fuels from cooking installations in northern Tunisia, Quaternary International Journal 431, Part A, 131-144 (28 feb 2017),
  • Portillo, M., Llergo, Y., Ferrer, A., Albert, R. M.ª, 2017, Tracing microfossil residues of cereal processing in the archaeobotanical record: an experimental approach, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 26 (1), 59-74,
  • Ripoll, G., Carrero, E., Rico, D., Molist, N., Centelles, À. G., Benseny, J., Tuset, J., Behaim, J., Martínez, J., Tuset, F., 2017, Sancti Cirici de Colera / Sant Quirze de Colera (Alt Empordà, Girona). Estudio preliminar del conjunto monástico, siglos VIII al XVI, [Living and dying in the cloister. Monastic life from the 5th to the 11th c.], Hortus Artium Medievalium 23, 602-628, 10.1484/J.HAM.5.113750
  • Arce, J., Ripoll, G., De nuevo sobre Centcelles. La función de la sala de la cúpula y la identificación del propietario, Antiquité Tardive 25, 2017, 431-442, 10.1484/J.AT.5.114869
  • Tsantini, E., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Montana, G., Randazzo, L., 2017, The production of traditional building materials in Oristano (Sardinia, Italy), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 9 (7), 1495–1513,
  • Valenzuela, A., Alcover, J. A., Cau, M. Á., 2017, The impact of Roman conquest on the pattern of livestock exploitation on the Balearic Islands, Archaeofauna 26, 127-142,
  • Valenzuela, A., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., León Mª. J., 2017, Broadening the scope of bone anvils: direct AMS 14C dating from the island of Menorca (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean), Radiocarbon, 59 (1), 61–67.



  • Mas Florit, C., 2021, La transformación del mundo rural durante la Antiguedad tardía en la isla de Mallorca (islas Baleares), Limina-limites: archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean (365-1556), Oxford: Archaeopress, 122 p., ISBN 978-1-78969-850-3, ISBN978-1-78969-851-0 (e-Pdf).

Books as editors

Accepted or in press

  • Riera Rullan, M., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Salas Burguera, M., 2021, (eds.), Excavaciones arqueológicas en el baptisterio de Son Peretó (Manacor, Mallorca, islas Baleares), Limina/Limites Series, Archaeopress, Oxford.


  • Bernal Casasola D., Bonifay M., Pecci A., Leich V. (eds.), 2021, Roman Amphora Contents. Reflecting on the Maritime Trade of Foodstuffs in Antiquity, RLAMP 17, Archaeopress, Oxford.
  • Reynolds, P., Ripoll, G., Michel D’Annoville, C., Dugast, F. (coords.), 2019, L’alimentation dans l’Antiquité tardive (IVe-VIIIe siècles), Antiquité Tardive 27, 2019 (dossier).
  • Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Mas Florit, C. (eds.), 2019, Change and Resilience. The occupation of Mediterranean Islands in Late Antiquity, Joukowsky Institute Publication 9, Oxbow Books, Oxford.
  • Augenti, A., Christie, N., Laszlovsky, J., Ripoll, G. (eds), 2017, La Basilica di San Severo a Classe. Scavi 2006, Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà dell’Università di Bologna - Archeologia, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2017, 264 p., ISBN 978-88-6923-174-2.

Books as Series Editors

Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Ceramics (RLAMP), Archaeopress, Oxford. M. Bonifay, M.A. Cau, P. Reynolds

  • RLAMP 15, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 15. Maria Duggan, Mark Jackson and Sam Turner (Eds.), 2019, Ceramics and Atlantic Connections: Late Roman and Early Medieval Imported Pottery on the Atlantic Seaboard. Proceedings of an International Symposium at Newcastle University, March 2014, Printed ISBN 9781789693379. Epublication ISBN 9781789693386, Archaeopress, Oxford.
  • RLAMP 14, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 14. Darío Bernal-Casasola and Daniela Cottica (Eds.), 2019, Scambi e commerci in area vesuviana. I dati delle anfore dai saggi stratigrafici I.E. (Impianto Elettrico) 1980-81 nel Foro di Pompei, Printed ISBN 9781789693232, Epublication ISBN 9781789693249, Archaeopress, Oxford.
  • RLAMP 13, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 13, Enrique García Vargas, Rui Roberto de Almeida, Horacio González Cesteros and Antonio Sáez Romero (Eds.), 2019, The Ovoid Amphorae in the Central and Western Mediterranean. Between the last two centuries of the Republic and the early days of the Roman Empire, Printed ISBN 9781789692969, Epublication ISBN 9781789692976, Archaeopress, Oxford.
  • RLAMP 12, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 12, Horacio González Cesteros and Piero Berni Millet (Eds.), 2018, Roman Amphorae in Neuss: Augustan to Julio-Claudian Contexts, Printed ISBN 9781789690521, Epublication ISBN 9781789690538, Archaeopress, Oxford.
  • RLAMP 11, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 11, Pablo Ruiz Montes, María Vitoria Peinado Espinosa and María Isabel Fernández García (Eds.), 2018, Estudios para la configuración de las facies cerámicas altoimperiales en el Sur de la Península Ibérica, Printed ISBN 9781784918118, Epublication ISBN 9781784918125, Archaeopress, Oxford.


Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, Histories, Islands and Borders in the Mediterranean (365-1556) (Limina/Limites), Series Editors M. A. Cau

  • Limina/Limites 7. Catalina Mas Florit, 2021, La transformación del mundo rural en la isla de Mallorca durante la Antigüedad tardía (c. 300-902/903 d. C.), Printed ISBN 9781789698503, Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean (365-1556), 7, Archaeopress, Oxford.
  • Limina/Limites 6. Angelo Castrorao Barba, 2018, Dinamiche insediative nelle campagne dell'Italia tra Tarda Antichità e Alto Medioevo, Printed ISBN 9781784918231, Epublication ISBN 9781784918248, Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean (365-1556), 6, Archaeopress, Oxford.


Chapters in books and other contributions in volumes

Accepted or in press

  • Bernal-Casasola, D., Juan Díaz, J., Bustamante-Álvarez, M., Fantuzzi, L., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Ghottes, M., Retamosa Gámez, J.A. (2021), Honorio y el abandono de Tamuda: a propósito de un contexto cerámico pre-vándalo, V Congreso Internacional de la SECAH, Alcalá de Henares 2019.
  • Cau Ontiveros, M. Á. (2021), Arqueología subacuática y Universidad, in Catálogo de la exposición Naufragios, Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya.
  • Cau Ontiveros, M. Á. (2021), Los cursos de arqueología como complemento en la formación universitaria: algunas reflexiones y perspectivas de futuro, in Pere Castanyer, Elisa Hernández, Marta Santos, Joaquim Tremoleda, Carme Oliveras (Coords), Els Cursos d’Arqueologia d’Empúries (1947-2021), Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, pp. 73-87.
  • Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., 2020, Una arqueometría cerámica para resolver problemas arqueológicos e históricos, in M. Díaz-Andreu, M. Portillo, L. Coltofean (eds.), Arqueología e interdisciplinaridad: la microhistoria de una revolución en la arqueología española (1970-2020), Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona.
  • Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Mas Florit, C., Chávez Álvarez, M.E., Valenzuela, A., Fantuzzi, L., Tuset, J., 2017, A Ceramic Assemblage from the Byzantine Period in the City of Pollentia (Alcudia, Mallorca), in V. Caminneci, M. C. Parello and M. S. Rizzo (eds.), LRCW 6, Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and archaeometry. Land and Sea: pottery routes, RLAMP Series, Archaeopress, Oxford (United Kingdom).
  • Fantuzzi, L., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á, 2020, Sourcing Late Roman amphorae from the Guadalquivir valley in consumption sites of Hispania Tarraconensis: the contribution of archaeometry, Ex Baetica Amphorae II. Conservas, aceite y vino de la Bética en el Imperio Romano. Veinte años después, RLAMP Series, Archaeopress, Oxford (in press).
  • Inserra, F., Pecci, A., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Roig Buxó, J., 2017, Organic Residue Analysis of Ceramics from Two Rural Late Antique Sites in current Catalonia (northeastern Spain), in V. Caminneci, M. C. Parello and M. S. Rizzo (eds.), LRCW 6, Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and archaeometry Land and Sea: pottery routes, RLAMP Series, Archaeopress, Oxford (United Kingdom).
  • Kadowaki, S., Maher, L., Portillo, M., Albert, R.M. Geoarchaeological investigation of storage space at Göytepe: Phytolith, spherulite, and micromorphological analyses, in Nishiaki, Y. and Guliyev, F. (eds.), Göytepe -Neolithic Excavations un The Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan, Archaeopress, Publishing Ltd. Chapter 6, Oxford (In press).
  • Luneau, E., Martínez Ferreras, V., Abdykanova, A., Tabaldiev, K., Motuzaite Matuzeviciute, G., 2020, New studies on Bronze Age ceramics from northern Kyrgyzstan, Ancient and Medieval cultures of Central Asia. The formation, development and interaction of urbanized and cattle-breeding societies, Proceedings of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 100th birth anniversary of Dr Nauk in Historical Sciences Anatolii M. Mandelstam and the 90th birth anniversary of Doktor Nauk in Historical Sciences Igor’ N. Khlopin 10–12 November 2020, San Petersburgo, 134-136, Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, State Hermitage, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (The Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, San Petersburgo, 10.31600/978-5-907298-09-5
  • Martínez Ferreras,V., Gurt Esparraguera, J.M., Hein, A., Carrión, S., 2019, Tableware for symposium in northern Bactria (Central Asia), Proceedings of the 4th IARPotHP Conference, Manufacturers and markers. The contributions of Hellenistic pottery to economies large and small, Athens, 11th–14th November 2019, IARPotHP, 4 (In press).
  • Mas Florit, C., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Pecci, A., Valenzuela, A., 2017, A Late Roman Deposit from the Roman Villa of Sa Mesquida (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain), in V. Caminneci, M. C. Parello and M. S. Rizzo (eds.) LRCW 6, Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and archaeometry. Land and Sea: pottery routes, RLAMP Series, Archaeopress, Oxford (United Kingdom).
  • Pavlidis, E., Reynolds, P., Chapter 11. The Sacred Garden of the Monument, in K. Zachos, The Trophaeum Actium Victory Monument of Augustus, Nicopolis, American Journal of Archaeology Supplements (in press).
  • Pecci, A., Cau Ontiveros, M.Á., 2020, 5.4 Residue Analysis, in Kim Bowes (ed.), The Roman Peasant Project 2009–2014. Excavating the Roman Rural Poor, Volume University Museum Monograph 154, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia.
  • Portillo, M., Albert, R.M., Els molins del talaiot de Cornia Nou: aportacions de l’estudi de fitòlits, in LL. Plantalamor, J. Ferrer (eds.), Les excavacions al talaiot Est de Cornia Nou (Maó, Menorca) (in press).
  • Reynolds, P., The Pottery, in K. Zachos, The Trophaeum Actium Victory Monument of Augustus, Nicopolis, American Journal of Archaeology Supplements (in press).
  • Reynolds, P., The Pottery, in P. Scotton et al. (rough title), Lechaion (Corinth). Preliminary Report on the excavations by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens and California State University, 2016-2018, Hesperia (forthcoming).
  • Riutort Riera, J., Cau Ontiveros, M.Á., 2017, Archaeometric characterisation of pottery from the rural site of Horts de Can Torras (Barcelona, Spain), in V. Caminneci, M. C. Parello and M. S. Rizzo (eds.), LRCW 6, Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean: Archaeology and archaeometry. Land and Sea: pottery routes, RLAMP Series, Archaeopress, Oxford (United Kingdom).
  • Van Dommelen, P, Cau Ontiveros, M. Á. (2021), Local Heroes: Alternative Histories of the Western Mediterranean, in L. Gosner and Jeremy Hayne (eds), Against the Grain: Local Experiences of Connectivity and Mobility in the Ancient West-Central Mediterranean, Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology, Sheffield (United Kingdom): Equinox.




  • Garnier N., Pecci A., 2021, Amphorae and residue analysis: content of amphorae and organic coatings, in Bernal-Casasola D., Bonifay M., Pecci A., Leitch V. (eds.), Roman Amphora Contents. Reflecting on the Maritime Trade of Foodstuffs in Antiquity, RLAMP 17, Archaeopress, Oxford.
  • Reynolds, P., 2021, The oil supply in the Roman East: identifying modes of production, containers and contents in the eastern Empire, in D. Bernal-Casasola, M. Bonifay and A. Pecci (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference Roman Amphora Contents (October 2015, Cádiz), RLAMP 14, Archaeopress, Oxford.
  • Woodworth, M., Reynolds, P., 2021, The Beirut amphora: residue analysis and contents, Proceedings of the International Conference Roman Amphora Contents (October 2015, Cádiz), RLAMP series, Archaeopress, Oxford.



  • Brughmans, T., Pecci, A., 2020, An Inconvenient Truth, in Duckworth C.N., Wilson A. (eds.), Recycling and Reuse in the Roman Economy Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy, Oxford University Press, 417-428.
  • Depalmas, A., Loi, C., Garnier, N., Pecci, A., 2020, Wine in Sardinia. New Archaeological Data and Research Methodology, in Brun J. P., Garnier N., Olcese G. (eds.), Making Wine in Western-Mediterranean B. Production and the Trade of Amphorae: Some New Data from Italy: Panel 3.5, Propylaeum, Heidelberg, 61-71.
  • Gabrieli R.S., Waksman Y., Shapiro A., Pecci A., 2020, Archaeological and archaeometric investigations of cooking wares in Frankish and Venetian Cyprus, in Y. Waksman (ed.) Multidisciplinary Approaches to Food and Foodways in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean, Lyon, MOM éditions, 97-112.
  • Garcés, I., Cau, M.Á., Reyes, T., Belmonte, C., Bermúdez, X., Mas, C., 2020, Chronica aesonensis 2. Recerques arqueològiques efectuades a Isona durant 2020, Memòria 2020, Centre d’Estudis d’Isona i Conca Dellà, pp.
  • Garcés Estallo, I., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., Reyes i Bellmunt, T., Belmonte Santisteban, C., Bermúdez i López, X., Mas-Florit, C., 2020, Dinàmiques de la ciutat i del territori d’Aeso en època ibèrica i romana. Passat i futur del projecte de recerca d’arqueologia a Isona, Segones jornades d’arqueologia i paleontologia del Pirineu i Aran, 120-130.
  • Gurt Esparraguera, J. M., Padrós Martí, P., Sánchez Gil de Montes, J., 2020, De los Decuriones baetulonenses a Sancte Marie Bitiluna. Retícula e itinerarios en la ciudad romana de Baetulo, in J.M. Noguera Celdrán, M.H. Olcina Doménech (eds.), Ruptura y continuidad. El callejero de la ciudad clásica en el tránsito del Alto Imperio a la Antigüedad Tardía, 127-143.
  • Luneau, E., Martínez Ferreras, V., Abdykanova, A., Tabaldiev, K., Motuzaite Matuzeviciute, G., 2020, New studies on Bronze Age ceramics from northern Kyrgyzstan, Ancient and Medieval cultures of Central Asia. The formation, development and interaction of urbanized and cattle-breeding societies. Proceedings of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 100th birth anniversary of Dr Nauk in Historical Sciences Anatolii M. Mandelstam and the 90th birth anniversary of Doktor Nauk in Historical Sciences Igor’ N. Khlopin 10–12 November 2020, San Petersburgo, 134-136, Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences, State Hermitage, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (The Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, San Petersburgo, 10.31600/978-5-907298-09-5
  • Pecci, A., 2020, Produzione e consumo di alimenti in area vesuviana: dati dalle analisi dei residui organici nelle ceramiche, in Osanna M., Toniolo L., (eds.), Fecisti Cretaria. Dal frammento al contesto: studi sul vasellame ceramico del territorio vesuviano, «L’Erma» di Bretschneider, Rome, 57-62.
  • Pecci A., Cau M. Á, 2020, Residue Analysis, in Bowes K. (ed), The Roman Peasant Project 2009–2014. Excavating the Roman Rural Poor, the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Philadelphia, 117-119.
  • Pecci, A., Cau M. Á., 2020, Appendix 2: Organic Residue Analysis of Two Wine Dolia from the Vrina Plain, in D. Hernandez and R. Hodges (eds.), Butrint 7. Beyond Butrint: Kalivo, Mursi, Çuka e Aitoit, Diaporit and the Vrina Plain, Surveys and Excavations in the Pavllas River Valley, Albania, 1928-2015, Oxbow, Oxford, 181-182.
  • Pecci A., Garnier N., Waksman Y., 2020, Residue Analysis of Medieval Amphorae from the Eastern Mediterranean, in Waksman S. Y. (ed.), Multidisciplinary Approaches to Food and Foodways in the Medieval Eastern Mediterranean, Lyon, MOM éditions, 417-428.
  • Reynolds, P., 2020, The Roman and Late Antique Pottery, 166-180, in O.J. Gilkes, E. Glass, V. Hysa, I. Parangoni and P. Reynolds, The Eastern Villa Suburbana and Its Pars Rustica on the Vrina Plain, in D. Hernandez and R. Hodges (eds.), Butrint 7. Beyond Butrint. Kalivo, Mursi, Çuka e Aitoit, Diaporit and the Vrina Plain surveys and excavations in the Pavllas River Valley, Albania 1928-2015, 155-182, Oxbow, Oxford.
  • Reynolds, P., Aleotti, N., 2020, Appendix. Notes on Diagnostic Pottery from the 2004 Kalivo excavations, p. 135, in A. Crowson, Excavations at Kalivo, 2004, Butrint 7, 124-135, Oxbow, Oxford.
  • Ripoll, G., 2020, El thesaurus visigodo. Notas al margen, in D. Moreau and R. González Salinero (eds.), Academica Libertas. Essais en l’honneur du professeur Javier Arce, Bibliothèque de l’Antiquité Tardive 39, Brepols, Turnhout, 238-244, (ISBN: 978-2-503-58449-2).
  • Sastre Morro, M., Salas Burguera, M., Alapont Martín, Ll., Cau Ontiveros, M.Á., Riera Rullan, M., 2020, L'Àmbit D del Sector Sud de Son Peretó (Manacor, Mallorca-Illes Balears). Enterraments d'una comunitat cristiana dels segles V a VII d. C., in VIII Jornades d'Arqueologia de les Illes Balears, Alcúdia, 321-333.
  • Simón Reig, J., Tremoleda Trilla, J., Castanyer Masoliver, P., Martínez Ferreras, V., 2020, La producción de dolia del alfar de Ermedàs (Cornellà de Terri), 2020, in Ch. Carrato, F. Cibecchini (eds.), Nouvelles recherches sur les dolia. L’exemple de la Méditerranée nord-occidentale à l’époque romaine (Ier s. av. J.-C. – IIIe s. ap. J.-C.), Actes de la Table Ronde tenue à Aspiran les 26 et 27 septembre 2013, Révue Archéologique de Narbonnaise, 50, Montpellier, 63-81.
  • Toniolo L., Pecci A., 2020, Il ciclo di vita del vino. Casi studio dall’area vesubiana, in Brun, J.-P. Garnier, N., Olcese, G. (eds.), Making Wine in Western-Mediterranean B. Production and the Trade of Amphorae: Some New Data from Italy, Panel 3.5, Propylaeum, Heidelberg, 131- 142.



  • Angás, J., Uribe, P., Ariño, E., Gurt, J. M.ª, Martínez-Ferreras, V., Pidaev, S. H., 2019, A multi-scalar photogrammetric recording approach in Termez (Uzbekistan), The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 27th CIPA International Symposium “Documenting the past for a better future”, 1–5 September 2019, Ávila, Spain, XLII-2/W15, 93-100,
  • Bernal, D., Pecci, A., Sáez, A. M., 2019, First residue analysis in Baetican Ovoid Amphorae, in Garcia Vargas E., Roberto De Almeida R., Gonzalez Cesteros H., Saez Romero A. (eds.), A Family Business. Ovoid Amphorae in the Central and Western Mediterranean, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, 391–402.
  • Cau Ontiveros, M.Á., 2019, Pròleg, in B. Vallori, La ciutat romana de Palma. Una topografia arqueològica, Ajuntament de Palma, Mallorca, 11-14.
  • Cau Ontiveros, M.Á., Mas Florit, C., 2019, Forward. Islands, Change and Late Antiquity, in Cau Ontiveros, M. A. and Mas Florit, C. (eds.), Change and Resilience. The occupation of Mediterranean Islands in Late Antiquity, Joukowsky Institute Publication 9, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 1-24.
  • *Fantuzzi, L., Cau Ontiveros, M. Á., 2019, Estudio arqueométrico de ánforas béticas procedentes de contextos tardorromanos del nordeste de la península ibérica, in J. Coll Conesa (ed.), Opera fictiles: estudios transversales sobre cerámicas antiguas de la península ibérica, Vol. 1, La Ergástula, Madrid, 203-218.
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  • Fantuzzi, L., Cau, M. Á., Reynolds, P., 2017, Archaeometric characterisation of Late Roman Amphora 1 imports in north-eastern Spain, in D Dixneuf (ed.), LRCW 5. Late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae, Archaeology and archaeometry, Institut d’Etudes Alexandrines, Alexandria, Vol. 1, 83–106.
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  • Inserra F., Pecci A., Cau Ontiveros M. Á, Roig Buixó J., 2017, Food habits and ceramic use in Late Antique Catalonia: residue analysis on cooking wares from the archaeological site of Can Gambús 1 (Sabadell, Catalonia, Spain), Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology, Benevento (Italy) (October 22-23), Benevento, 176-179, ISBN 978-88-940453-3-8.
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  • Reynolds, P., Pavlidis, E., 2017, An early 5th century pottery deposit from the cloaca by Basilica A, Nicopolis (Epirus, Greece), σπείρα. Επιστημονική συνάντηση προς τιμήν της Αγγέλικας Ντούζουγλη και του Κωνσταντίνου Ζάχου. Πρακτικά [Conference in honour of Angelika Douzougli and Konstantinos Zachos] (Ioannina, 1st-3rd November 2012), Athens, 651-666.
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  • Ripoll, G., 2017, Ampurias, in P.C. Finney (ed.), The Eerdmans Encyclopedia of Early Christian Art and Archaeology, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 53-54.
  • Ripoll, G., 2017, Recopolis, in P.C. Finney (ed.), The Eerdmans Encyclopedia of Early Christian Art and Archaeology, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 403-404.
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  • Ripoll, G., 2017, Las intervenciones arqueológicas del siglo XX en San Severo. Las intervenciones de G. Cortesi y M. Mazzotti, in A. Augenti, N. Christie, J. Laszlovsky, G. Ripoll (eds), La Basilica di San Severo a Classe. Scavi 2006, Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà dell’Università di Bologna - Archeologia, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2017, 4-6.
  • Ripoll, G., 2017, Descripción arquitectónica y volumétrica de la iglesia y sus anexos (San Severo, Sectores Área 1), in A. AUGENTI, N. CHRISTIE, J. LASZLOVSKY, G. RIPOLL (eds.), La Basilica di San Severo a Classe. Scavi 2006, Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà dell’Università di Bologna - Archeologia, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 153-160.
  • Ripoll, G., Cau, M. Á., 2017, Excavaciones de los años 1960 y 1980 y el arranque de los mosaicos, in A. Augenti, N. Christie, J. Laszlovsky, G. Ripoll (eds.), La Basilica di San Severo a Classe. Scavi 2006, DISCI/Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà dell’Università di Bologna - Archeologia, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2017, 6-10.
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AUGENTI, N. CHRISTIE, J. LASZLOVSKY AND G. RIPOLL (eds.), 2017, La Basilica di San Severo a Classe. Scavi 2006, DISCI/Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà dell’Università di Bologna - Archeologia, Bologna University Press, Bologna. 264 pp. ISBN 978-88-6923-174-2.

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CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á., FANTUZZI, L., ALBERO SANTACREU, D., TSANTINI, E., GARCÍA ROSSELLÓ, J., CALVO TRÍAS, M. (2017), Iron Age Indigenous Pottery from the Staggered Turriform of Son Ferrer (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain): Archaeometric Characterisation, Geoarchaeology. First Online: 03 December 2018

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CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á., TSANTINI, E., FANTUZZI, L.; RAMON, J., 2017. Archaeometric characterization of Late Antique pottery from the rural site of Ses Païsses de Cala d’Hort (Eivissa, Balearic Islands, Spain). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences: DOI 10.1007/s12520-017-0557-7.

CAU ONTIVEROS, MÁ, VAN STRYDONK, M, BOUDIN, M, MAS FLORIT C, MESTRES JS, CARDONA F, CHÁVEZ MªE & ORFILA M., 2017, Christians in a Muslim World? Radiocarbon dating of the cemetery over the forum of Pollentia (Mallorca, Balearic Islands), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 9 (7), 1529–1538.

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FANTUZZI, L., CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á., REYNOLDS, P., 2017, Archaeometric characterisation of Late Roman Amphora 1 imports in north-eastern Spain, in D Dixneuf (Ed) LRCW 5. Late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae. Archaeology and archaeometry. CEALEX (Centre d'Études Alexandrines), Alexandria, Vol. 1, pp. 93–116. ISBN 978-2-11-129856-9.

GABRIELI, R. S., WAKSMAN Y. S., SHAPIRO A., PECCI A., 2017, Cypriot and Levantine cooking wares in Frankish Cyprus, in Vroom J., Waksman Y., van Oosteen R. (eds.) Medieval MasterChef. Archaeological and Historical Perspectives on Eastern Cuisine and Western Foodways, Brepols Publishers, Thrnhout, Belgium, pp. 119-143. ISBN 978-2-503- 57579-7 (printed) 978-2-503- 57611-4 (online).

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MAS FLORIT C., CAU ONTIVEROS M.Á., MEYER C., GOOSSENS L., SALA R., ORTIZ, H. 2017, Geophysical survey of two rural sites in Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain): unveiling Roman villae, Journal of Applied Geophysics,

MIRIELLO, D., BARBA, L., BLANCAS, J., BLOISE, A., CAPPA, M., CURA, M., DE ANGELIS, D., DE LUCA, R., PECCI, A., TARANTO, YAVUZ, H.B., CRISCI, G.M., 2017, New compositional data on ancient mortars from Hagia Sophia (Istanbul, Turkey), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 9, 4, 499-514, doi:10.1007/s12520-016-0375-3.

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RIPOLL, G., 2017, “La invasió bàrbara”, in J. Guitart, M. Pagès, I. Rodà and J.M. Sans i Travé (ed.), L’Arquitectura cristiana prerrománica a Catalunya de J. Puig i Cadafalch, A. de Falguera i J. Goday. Ediciò facsímil i textos d’actualització, IEC-ANC-MNAC-ICAC, Barcelona, 2016, 485-490.

RIPOLL, G., 2017, “Spain / Hispania”, in P.C. FINNEY (ed.), The Eerdmans Encyclopedia of Early Christian Art and Archaeology, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2017, 532-534.

RIPOLL, G., 2017, “Ampurias”, in P.C. FINNEY (ed.), The Eerdmans Encyclopedia of Early Christian Art and Archaeology, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2017, 53-54.

RIPOLL, G., 2017, “Recopolis”, in P.C. FINNEY (ed.), The Eerdmans Encyclopedia of Early Christian Art and Archaeology, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2017, 403-404.

RIPOLL, G., 2017, “Toledo”, in P.C. FINNEY (ed.), The Eerdmans Encyclopedia of Early Christian Art and Archaeology, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2017, 610-611.

RIPOLL, G., 2017, Las intervenciones arqueológicas del siglo XX en San Severo. Las intervenciones de G. Cortesi y M. Mazzotti, A. Augenti, N. Christie, J. Laszlovsky & G. Ripoll (eds.), La Basilica di San Severo a Classe. Scavi 2006, DISCI/Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà dell’Università di Bologna - Archeologia, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2017, pp. 4-6. ISBN 978-88-6923-174-2.

RIPOLL, G. ,2017, Descripción arquitectónica y volumétrica de la iglesia y sus anexos (San Severo, Sectores Área 1), A. Augenti, N. Christie, J. Laszlovsky & G. Ripoll (eds.), La Basilica di San Severo a Classe. Scavi 2006, DISCI/Dipartimento di Storia Culture Civiltà dell’Università di Bologna - Archeologia, Bologna University Press, Bologna, 2017, pp. 153-160. ISBN 978-88-6923-174-2.

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RIPOLL, G., CARRERO, E., RICO, D., MOLIST, N., CENTELLES, À. G., BENSENY, J., TUSET, J., BEHAIM, J., MARTÍNEZ, J., TUSET, F., 2017, Sancti Cirici de Colera / Sant Quirze de Colera (Alt Empordà, Girona). Estudio preliminar del conjunto monástico, siglos VIII al XVI, [Living and dying in the cloister. Monastic life from the 5th to the 11th c.], Hortus Artium Medievalium 23: 602-628. DOI: 10.1484/J.HAM.5.113750.

RIUTORT, J., CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á., FANTUZZI, L., ROIG, J., 2017, Late Roman Common and Cooking Wares from the site of Can Gambús (Catalonia, Spain): archaeometric interim results, in D Dixneuf (Ed) LRCW 5. Late Roman coarse wares, cooking wares and amphorae. Archaeology and archaeometry, CEALEX (Centre d'Études Alexandrines), Alexandria, Vol.1, pp. 31–48. ISBN 978-2-11-129856-9.

RIUTORT, J., CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á, ROIG, J, 2017, Archaeometric characterisation of regional Late Roman Cooking Wares from the area of Vallés (Catalonia, Spain): the case of two rural sites, Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, 21: 1091-1102.

TSANTINI, E., CAU ONTIVEROS MÁ, MONTANA, G.and RANDAZZO L. 2017, The production of traditional building materials in Oristano (Sardinia, Italy), Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 9(7): 1495–1513.

VALENZUELA A., ALCOVER, A. and CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á., 2017, The impact of Roman conquest on the pattern of livestock exploitation on the Balearic Islands, Archaeofauna 26:127-142.

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ALCAIDE, S. and CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á., 2016, Les esglésies de l’Antiguitat tardana a les illes Balears, in Josep Guitart i Duran, Montserrat Pagès i Paretas, Isabel Rodà, Josep M. Sans i Travé (eds.), Josep Puig i Cadafalch, Antoni de Falguera, Josep Goday, L'arquitectura cristina preromànica a Catalunya. Edició Facsímil i textos d'actualització, Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya, Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica, pp. 527-542.

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CAPPA, M., DE ANGELIS, D., PECCI, A., BARBA, L., CURA, M., CRISCI, GM., BLANCAS, J., BORA YAVUZ, H., MIRIELLO, D., 2016, Thermographic Survey at Hagia Sophia: Main Arches, Pendentives and Tympana, International Journal of Architectural Heritage 10 (6), DOI: 10.1080/15583058.2015.1104400.

DAURA, J., SANZ, M., RAMOS, J., RIERA, S., MIRAS, Y., ALLUE, E., PICORNELL, LL., LÓPEZ-REYES, D., ALBERT, R.M., MACIA, L., DOMENECH, R., MARTINELL, J., FORNÓS, J.J., JULIÀ, R. 2016, 'Palaeoenvironmental record of the Cal Maurici wetland sediment archive in Barcelona (NE Iberian Peninsula) between VI and IV millenia cal. yr BP.', Holocene journal, 26, 7, 1020 - 1039.

FANTUZZI, L., CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á. and AQUILUÉ, X., 2016., Archaeometric characterisation of amphorae from the Late Antique city of Emporiae (Catalonia, Spain), Archaeometry 58, Supplement S1, 1–22. doi: 10.1111/arcm.12176.

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PALAU NADAL, L., DÍAZ-ANDREU GARCÍA, M., CAU ONTIVEROS, M.A., 2016, Creando impacto social y económico a través de las redes sociales: la ciudad romana de Pollentia (Alcudia, Mallorca), in Vaquerizo, D.; Ruiz, A.B.; Delgado, M. (Eds.), RESCATE. Del registro estratigráfico a la sociedad del conocimiento: el patrimonio arqueológico como agente de desarrollo sostenible, Córdoba 2016, Vol. I, pp. 423-437.

PECCI, A., BURRI, S., DURAND, A., INSERRA, F. and CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á., 2016., Residue analysis of the floors of a hut of a charcoal burner at Naour (Morocco), in F. LUGLI, A. STOPPIELLO and S. BIAGETTI (eds.), The Intangible Elements of Culture in the Ethnoarchaeological Research, Springer, pp. 253-261.

PECCI, A., CAU ONTIVEROS, M.A. 2016, Análisis de residuos orgánicos en algunas ánforas del Monte Testaccio (Roma), in Blázquez, J.Mª., Remesal, J. (Eds.), Estudios sobre el Monte Testaccio (Roma) VI, Colección Instumenta. 47, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, pp. 601-614.

PECCI, A., DEGLl'INNOCENTI, E., GIORGI, G., CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á., CANTINI F., SOLANES POLTRONY, E., ALÓS, C. and MIRIELLO, D., 2016, Organic residue analysis of experimental and Mediaeval and Post Mediaeval archaeological glazed ceramics, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 8 (4): 879-890.

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VALENZUELA, A., CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á. and ALCOVER, A., 2016, Archaeological evidence for the introduction of Emys orbicularis (Testudines: Emydidae) in the Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean, Amphibia-Reptilia, 37 (2): 229 - 236.

VALLORI MÁRQUEZ, B., CAU ONTIVEROS, M.A., MUNAR LLABRÉS, S., CHÁVEZ ÁLVAREZ, E. (2016), Resultats de la campanya de sondejos arqueològics al port de la ciutat romana de Pollentia (sector AS6 de les NNSS d’Alcúdia, Mallorca), X Jornades d’Estudis Locals d’Alcúdia, Ajuntament d'Alcúdia, Alcúdia, pp. 99-114.

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BLAIN, H.A., ORTIZ, J.E., TORRES, T., ALBERT, R.M., RODRÍGUEZ-CINTAS, À., CERDEÑO, E., SKINNER, A.R., ASMERON, Y., POLYAK, V.J., GARCÉS, M., ARNOLD, L.J., DEMURO, M., PIKER, A.W.G., EUBA, I., RODRÍGUEZ, R.F., YAGÜE, A.S., VILLAESCUSA, L., GÓMEZ, S., RUBIO, A., PEDRO, M., FULLOLA, J.M., ZILHÃO, J., 2015. Cova del Rinoceront (Castelldefels, Barcelona): a terrestrial record for the Last Interglacial period (MIS 5) in the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Quaternary Science Reviews 114, 203-227.

CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á. (2015), Arqueología para un futuro incierto: un debate abierto, Pyrenae, 46 (2): 79-87.

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CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á., MONTANA, G., TSANTINI, E. and RANDAZZO, L., 2015, Ceramic ethnoarchaeometry in Western Sardinia: Production of Cooking Ware at Pabillonis, Archaeometry 57 (3), 453–475.

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COMAS, M., MARTÍNEZ-FERRERAS, V., 2015, Productores y mercatores de Baetulo (Badalona). Las ánforas vinarias y la epigrafía asociada, en: V. Martínez Ferreras (ed.), La difusión comercial de las ánforas vinarias de Hispania Citerior-Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. - I d.C.), Archaeopress Roman Archaeology, 4, 125-146, Archaeopress, Oxford. ISBN: 9781784910624.

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DE LA TORRE, I., ALBERT, R.M., ALLUÉ, E., ÁLVAREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, E., APARICIO, M.T., ARROYO, A., BENITO-CALVO, A., GIL-GARCÍA, M.J., LÓPEZ-ROMERO, E., MOLONEY, N., RUIZ ZAPATA, M.B. and SALADIÉ, P., 2015. Chronological and palaeoenvironmental context of human occupations at the Buendía rockshelter (Central Spain) during the late Upper Pleistocene in inland Iberia. Journal of Quaternary Science 30(4), 376-389.

DE LUCA, R., MIRIELLO, D., PECCI, A., DOMÍNGUEZ-BELLA, S., BERNAL-CASASOLA, D., COTTICA, D., BLOISE, A. And CRISCI, G.M., 2015. Archaeometric Study of Mortars from the Garum Shop at Pompeii, Campania, Italy. Geoarchaeology 30, 330-351.

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FANTUZZI, L., CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á. and MACIAS, J.Mª., 2015, Amphorae from the Late Antique city of Tarraco-Tarracona (Catalonia, Spain): archaeometric characterisation, Periodico di Mineralogia 84 (1), 169-212.

GONZÁLEZ VILLAESCUSA, R., QUEVEDO, A., JÁRREGA, R., PECCI, A., CAU ONTIVEROS, M.A. (2015), A propos de la céramique culinaire africaine : typo-chronologie, fonction et diffusion de la forme Uzita 48.1 africaine, Mélanges de la Casa Velázquez 45 (2): 169-194.

GURT, J.M., ARIÑO GIL, E., MARTÍNEZ FERRERAS, V. and PIDAEV, S.R., 2015, The Buddhist occupation of Tchingiz Tepe (Termez, Uzbekistan) in the Kushan period through the ceramic contexts, Archaeological Research in Asia 3, 19-33.

INSERRA, F., PECCI, A., CAU ONTIVEROS M.Á. and ROIG BUXÓ, J., 2015, Organic residues analysis of Late Antique pottery from Plaça Major-Horts de Can Torras (Castellar del Vallés, Catalonia, Spain), Periodico di Mineralogia 84 (1), 123-138.

KADOWAKI, S., MAHER, L., PORTILLO, M., ALBERT, R. M., AKASHI, CH., NISHIAKI, Y. and GULIYEV, F., 2015, Geoarchaeological and palaeobotanical identification of prehistoric cereal storate at the Neolithic settlement of Göytepe (mid 8th millennium BP) in the southern Caucasus, Journal of Archeological Science 53, 408-425.

LAUBENHEIMER, F., MARTÍNEZ-FERRERAS, V., 2015, L’origine des amphores de l’ensemble aristocratique d’Antran (Vienne, France), en: V. Martínez Ferreras (ed.), La difusión comercial de las ánforas vinarias de Hispania Citerior-Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. - I d.C.), Archaeopress Roman Archaeology, 4, 193-204, Archaeopress, Oxford. ISBN: 9781784910624.

LÓPEZ VILAR, J., BERNI, P., MARTÍNEZ-FERRERAS, V., 2015, Sello BARSAE sobre ánfora itálica de Vilabella (Tarragona), Boletin Ex Officina Hispana, 6, SECAH, 17-21; ISBN: 1989-743X.

MARTÍNEZ-FERRERAS, V. (ed.), 2015, La difusión comercial de las ánforas vinarias de Hispania Citerior-Tarraconensis (s. I a.C. I d.C.). Archaeopress Roman Archaeology, 4, 220pp., Archaeopress, Oxford (GB). ISBN: 9781784910631.

MARTÍNEZ-FERRERAS, V., CAPELLI, C., JÉZÉGOU, M.P., SALVAT, M., CASTELLVI, G. and CABELLA, R., 2015, The Port-Vendres 4 Shipwreck Cargo: evidence of the Roman wine trade in the western Mediterranean, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 44-2, 277-299.

MAS FLORIT, C., VALLORI, B., MURRIETA, P., RIVAS, M.J. and CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á., 2015, The Roman villa of Sa Mesquida: a rural settlement on the island of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain), in P.M. Militello and H. Öniz (eds.), SOMA 11, Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, held at the University of Catania 3-5 March 2011, Vol. I, British Archaeological Reports, International Series, Oxford, Archaeopress, 461-466.

MIRIELLO, D., BARCA, D., PECCI, A., DE LUCA, R., CRISCI, G.M., LÓPEZ-LUJÁN, L., BARBA, L., 2015. Plasters from Different Buildings of the Sacred Precinct of Tenochtitlan (Mexico City): Characterization And Provenance. Archaeometry 57, 100-127.

MOLIST, N., RIPOLL, G., ESTEVE, X., 2015, “Civitas Olerdola. Un nou projecte de recerca vol donar a conèixer el creixement urbà medieval”, Auriga, 73, 37-41.

PECCI, A., VACCARO, E., CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á. and BOWES K., 2015, Wine consumption in a rural settlement in Southern Tuscany during Roman and Late Roman times, in E. CIRELLI, F. DIOSONO and H. PATTERSON (eds.), Le forme della crisi. Produzioni ceramiche e commerci nell’Italia centrale tra Romani e Longobardi (III-metà VIII secolo), Atti del Convegno (Spoleto-Campello sul Clitunno, 5-7 Ottobre 2012), Collana “Ricerche” - Series Maior 5, ed. Ante Quem, Bologna, 143-147.

RANDAZZO, L.; MONTANA, G.; ALDUINA, R.; QUATRINI, P; TSANTINI, E.; SALEMI, B., 2015, Flos Tectorii degradation of mortars: An example of synergistic action between soluble salts and biodeteriogens. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 16(6): 838 - 847. doi: 10.1016/j.culher.2015.04.002. ISSN 1296-2074.

REYNOLDS, P., 2015, Material culture and the Economy in the Age of Saint Isidore of Seville: the 6th and 7th centuries. In J.-P. Caillet, I. Velázquez and G. Ripoll (eds.), Isidore de Séville et son temps, Antiquité Tardive 23, Paris (Brepols): 163-210.

RIPOLL, G., 2015, La ciudad de la antigüedad tardía. Algunos puntos de reflexión, in A. RIERA, J. GUITART and S. GINER (ed.), Ciutats mediterrànies: civilització i desenvolupament, Publicacions de la Presidència, Sèrie Major 2, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, 161-171.

RIPOLL, G., ARCE, J. 2015. “De los cultos paganos al culto cristiano: el proceso de transformación en Hispania (siglos IV-VII)”, in J.-P. Caillet, S. Destephen, B. Dumézil y H. Inglebert (eds.), Des dieux civiques aux saints patrons (IVe-VIIe siècle), Textes, Images et Monuments de l’Antiquité au haut Moyen Age 12, Editions A. et J. Picard, París, 2015, p. 341-351. ISBN 978-2-7084-1004-6.

RIPOLL, G., CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á., DOMINGO, I., REVILLA, V., 2015, “Pyrenae 1965 – 2015”, Pyrenae, Número Especial 50è aniversari 2015, 5-7. DOI: 10.1344/Pyrenae2015.SpecialNumber.1.1.

STUTZ, A.J., SHEA, J.J., RECH, J.A., PIGATI, J.S., WILSON, J., BELMAKER, M., ALBERT, R.M., ARPIN, T., CABANES, D., CLARK, J.L., HARTMAN, G., HOURANI, F., WHITE, C.E. and STUTZ, L.N., 2015. Early Upper Paleolithic chronology in the Levant: New ABOx-SC accelerator mass spectrometry results from the Mughr el- Hamamah Site, Jordan. Journal of Human Evolution 85, 157-173.

TSANTINI, E., JIMÉNEZ-PIQUÉ, E., MONTANAC, G., RANDAZZO, L., 2015, Strength of pre-Roman amphorae: Comparison of the different types. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2: 405-417. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.04.001. ISSN 2352-409X.

TSANTINI, E., MARTÍNEZ-FERRERAS, V., ARIÑO GIL, E., GURT, J.M. and PIDAEV, S.R., 2015, Pottery production in the Buddhist communities in Central Asia: The Kushan-Sassanian pottery workshop of Kara Tepe (Termez, Uzbekistan). Archaeometry, 58 (1): 35–56.

VALENZUELA, A, 2015, An ancient fishery of Banded dye-murex (Hexaplex trunculus): Zooarchaeological evidence from the Roman city of Pollentia (Mallorca, Western Mediterranean), Journal of Archaeological Science 54, DOI10.1016/j.jas.2014.11.02.

VALENZUELA, A., ALCOVER, A., 2015, The chronology of the introduction of two species of Martes (Carnivora, Mustelidae) on the Western Mediterranean Islands: first direct radiocarbon evidence, Biological Invasions 17(11), DOI10.1007/s10530-015-0947-7.

VALLORI MÁRQUEZ, B., CAU ONTIVEROS, M.Á., ORFILA PONS, M., 2015, The Tuscan temple of Pollentia (Mallorca, Balearic Islands), Archeologia Classica 66, 289-317.

VELÁZQUEZ I., RIPOLL, G. (coord.) (2015), Isidore de Séville et son temps. Antiquité Tardive 23, 2015 (dossier).

VELÁZQUEZ I., RIPOLL, G. (2015), “Isidoro de Sevilla y su época. A modo de introducción”. In: Velázquez, I., Ripoll, G. (eds.), Isidore de Séville et son temps. Antiquité Tardive 23, pp. 41-43.

VILA SOCIAS, Ll., MARTÍNEZ FERRERAS, V., 2015, Caracterización arqueométrica de las ánforas romanas del Collet de Sant Antoni de Calonge, en: J. Burch, J.M. Nolla i J. Tremoleda (eds.), La alfarería romana del Collet Est (Calonge, Girona), BAR International Series 2770, 211-224; Oxford, GB; ISBN: 978 1 4073 1432 7.


RIPOLL, G. 2020. Büchsenschütz, Nora, Iberische Halbinsel und Marokko, Repertorium der christlich-antiken Sarkophage 4, Wiesbaden, 2018, en Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, 2020 (en prensa).

MAS FLORIT, C., 2019, Starting to look at early Christianity in the subarchipelago of Cabrera (Balearic Islands) - MATEU RIERA RULLAN, EL MONACAT INSULAR DE LA MEDITERRÀNIA OCCIDENTAL. EL MONESTIR DE CABRERA (BALEARS, SEGLES V-VIII), Journal of Roman Archaeology 32: 973-975.

RIPOLL, G. 2019. Kerner, Jennifer, Manipulations post-mortem du corps humain. Implications archéologiques et anthropologiques, Sidestone Press, Leiden, 2018, en Pyrenae 50.2, 2019, 171-174 (DOI: 10.1344/Pyrenae2019.vol50num2.8).

RIPOLL, G. 2019. Diarte-Blasco, Pilar, Late Antique and Early Medieval Hispania. Landscapes without Strategy? An Archaeological Approach, Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2018, en Pyrenae 50.2, 2019, 182-187 (DOI: 10.1344/Pyrenae2019.vol50num2.11).

RIPOLL, G. 2019. Balzaretti, R., Barrow, J. y Skinner, P. (eds.), Italy and Early Medieval Europe. Papers for Chris Wickham, Oxford University Press, 2018, en Hortus Artium Medievalium 25, 2019, 239-241.

RIPOLL, G. 2018. Finney, Paul Corby (ed.), The Eerdmans Encyclopedia of Early Christian Art and Archaeology, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Michigan, 2017, 3 vols, en Hortus Artium Medievalium 24, 2018, 475-477 (en inglés) (DOI: 10.1484/J.HAM.5.115972).

RIPOLL, G. 2018. Arce, Javier, Scripta varia. Estudios de Historia y Arqueología sobre la Antigüedad Tardía, Signifer Libros, Monografías y Estudios de Antigüedad Griega y Romana 52, Madrid-Salamanca, 2017, en Pyrenae 49.2, 2018, 155-161 (DOI: 10.1344/Pyrenae2018.vol49num2.13).

RIPOLL, G. 2018. Balmelle, Catherine and Darmon, Jean-Pierre, La mosaïque dans les Gaules romaines, Éditions Picard, Paris, 2017, en Pyrenae 49.2, 2018, 136-140 (DOI: 10.1344/Pyrenae2018.vol49num2.9).

RIPOLL, G. 2018. Hidalgo Prieto, Rafael (coord.), Las villas romanas de la Bética, Granada, 2017, 2 vols., en Pyrenae 49.2, 2018, 144-151 (DOI: 10.1344/Pyrenae2018.vol49num2.11).

RIPOLL, G. 2017. Barral i Altet, X., En souvenir du roi Guillaume. La broderie de Bayeux. Stratégies narratives et vision médiévale du monde, Les Éditions du Cerf, Patrimoines, Paris, 2016, en: Hortus Artium Medievalium 23, 2017, 882-884 (DOI: 10.1484/J.HAM.5.113769).

RIPOLL, G. 2017. Führer, Joseph and Schultze, Victor, Le sepolture paleocristiane in Sicilia, eds. Santino Alessandro Cugno y Giuseppe Garro, Moondi Edizioni, Catania, 2016, en Pyrenae 48.2, 2017, 177-179.

RIPOLL, G. 2017. Finney, Paul Corby (ed.), The Eerdmans Encyclopedia of Early Christian Art and Archaeology, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Michigan, 2017, 3 vols, en Pyrenae 48.2, 2017, 179-184 (en español).

RIPOLL, G. 2016. I. Rébé, C. Raynaud Et Ph. Sénac (dir.), Le premier Moyen Âge à Ruscino (Château-Roussillon, Perpignan, Pyrénées-Orientales). Entre Septimanie et al-Andalus (VIIe-Ixe s.), Hommages à Rémy Marichal, Monographies d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne 35, Lattes, 2014, en: Hortus Artium Medievalium 22, 2016, 484-485.


Books published as series editors 

Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery Series (RLAMP) (Series Editors: M. Bonifay, M.Á. Cau, and P. Reynolds)

RLAMP 14, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 14. Darío Bernal-Casasola and Daniela Cottica (Eds.), 2019, Scambi e commerci in area vesuviana. I dati delle anfore dai saggi stratigrafici I.E. (Impianto Elettrico) 1980-81 nel Foro di Pompei, Printed ISBN 9781789693232. Epublication ISBN 9781789693249, Archaeopress, Oxford.

RLAMP 13, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 13, Enrique García Vargas, Rui Roberto de Almeida, Horacio González Cesteros and Antonio Sáez Romero (Eds.), 2019, The Ovoid Amphorae in the Central and Western Mediterranean. Between the last two centuries of the Republic and the early days of the Roman Empire, Printed ISBN 9781789692969. Epublication ISBN 9781789692976, Archaeopress, Oxford.

RLAMP 12, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 13, Horacio González Cesteros and Piero Berni Millet, 2018, Roman Amphorae in Neuss: Augustan to Julio-Claudian Contexts, Printed ISBN 9781789690521. Epublication ISBN 9781789690538, , Archaeopress, Oxford.

RLAMP 11, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 11, Pablo Ruiz Montes, María Vitoria Peinado Espinosa and María Isabel Fernández García (Eds.), 2018, Estudios para la configuración de las facies cerámicas altoimperiales en el Sur de la Península Ibérica, Printed ISBN 9781784918118. Epublication ISBN 9781784918125, Archaeopress, Oxford.

RLAMP 10, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 10, Inês Vaz Pinto, Rui Roberto de Almeida and Archer Martin (Eds.), 2016, Lusitanian Amphorae: Production and Distribution, ISBN 9781784914271, Archaeopress, Oxford.

RLAMP 9, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 9, Tomoo Mukai, 2016, La Céramique du groupe épiscopal d’ARADI/Sidi Jdidi (Tunisie), ISBN 9781784912611, Archaeopress, Oxford.

RLAMP 8, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 8, Jihen Nacef, 2015, La production de la céramique antique dans la région de Salakta et Ksour Essef (Tunisie), ISBN 9781784911720, Archaeopress, Oxford.

RLAMP 7, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 7, Alejandro Quevedo, 2015, Contextos cerámicos y transformaciones urbanas en Carthago Nova (s. II-III d.C.), ISBN 9781784910549, Archaeopress, Oxford.

RLAMP 6, Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery 6, Philip Bes, 2015, Once upon a time in the East. The Chronological and Geographical Distribution of Terra Sigillata and Red Slip Ware in the Roman East, ISBN 9781784911201, Archaeopress, Oxford.


Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, Histories, Islands and Borders in the Mediterranean (365-1556) (Limina/Limites) (Series Editors: Miguel Angel Cau, Demetrios Michaelides, Philippe Pergola, Helen Saradi, Guido Vannini, Enrico Zanini)

Limina/Limites 6. Angelo Castrorao Barba, 2018, Dinamiche insediative nelle campagne dell'Italia tra Tarda Antichità e Alto Medioevo, Printed ISBN 9781784918231. Epublication ISBN 9781784918248, Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean (365-1556), 6, Archaeopress, Oxford

Limina/Limites 5. Elisabetta Giorgi, 2016, Archeologia dell’acqua a Gortina di Creta in età protobizantina, ISBN 9781784914448, Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean (365-1556), 5, Archaeopress, Oxford

Limina/Limites 4. Alessandro Monti and Elisa Pruno (Eds.), 2016, Atti del convegno di studi, Firenze-Scarperia 28–29 settembre 2012, Printed ISBN 9781784912635. Epublication ISBN 9781784912642, Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean (365-1556), 4, , Archaeopress, Oxford

Limina/Limites 3. X Ballestín, E. Pastor (Eds.), 2013, Lo que vino de Oriente. Horizontes, praxis y dimensión material de los sistemas de dominación fscal en Al-Andalus (ss. VII-IX), 2013, BAR International Series 2525 2013, ISBN 9781407311432, Limina/Limites 3. Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean (365-1556), 3, Archaeopress, Oxford

Limina/Limites 2. Demetrios Michaelides, Philippe Pergola, Enrico Zanini (Eds.), 2013, The Insular System of the Early Byzantine Mediterranean Archaeology and history, BAR S2523 2013, ISBN 9781407311418, Limina/Limites 2. Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean (365-1556), 2,Archaeopress, Oxford

Limina/Limites 1. Guido Vannini and Michele Nucciotti (Eds.), 2013, La Transgiordania nei secoli XII-XIII e le ‘frontiere’ del Mediterraneo BAR S2386 2013, ISBN 9781407309781, Limina/Limites 1. Limina/Limites: Archaeologies, histories, islands and borders in the Mediterranean (365-1556), 1, Archaeopress, Oxford