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The Corpus architecturae religiosae europeae (saec IV-X) (CARE) is an international project, whose aim is to publish a detailed catalogue and build up an extended digital database on European religious architecture. It covers religious architecture from the 4th century to the 10th century (in some case extends to the 11th century). It includes all the European countries. and all the religious buildings that are known archaeologically and/or described by the available written sources.

The project is led by Miljenko Jurković (University of Zagreb, Croatia) and Gian Pietro Brogiolo (University of Padua, Italy) and is sponsored by the International Research Center for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages (IRCLAMA, Motovun-Zagreb, Croatia) and in he participates different countries. In order to carry out this enormous task, teams have been created by countries that guide their way of working.

The Iberian Peninsula, the CARE-Hispania, is led by Gisela Ripoll from the ERAAUB and its objective is the revision of all the ecclesiastical architecture from the 4th to the 10th centuries. The Hispanic project has been developed thanks to several calls for National Plans I + D + I (HUM2005-00268 / Hist; HAR2009-13104 / Hist .; HAR2012-35177 / Hist.).

RIPOLL, G., E. CARRERO, D. RICO, F. TUSET, I. VELÁZQUEZ, A. LÓPEZ BATLLE, C. MAS, M. VALLS y M.A. CAU, 2012, La arquitectura religiosa hispánica del siglo IV al X y el proyecto del Corpus Architecturae Religiosae Europeae – CARE-Hispania, Hortus Artium Medievalium 18.1, 45-73.

RIPOLL, G., 2012, Arquitectura religiosa hispánica entre los siglos IV y X. Paradojas y dialéctica de la investigación, Medievalia 15, 67-70.

RIPOLL, G., 2009, Corpus Architecturae Religiosae Europeae, saec. IV-X (CARE--Hispania)”, Mainake 31, 2009, 229-242.

RIPOLL, G. y CARRERO, E., 2009, Art wisigoth en Hispania : en quête d’une révision nécessaire, Perspective. Revue de l’Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art, París, 2009/2, 256-276.