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Andreas Angourakis

PhD Student, FI Program

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Graduated in Humanities (2010) and Sociology (2011) and Master in Prehistoric Archeology (2011) by the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He has been a member of the ERAAUB since January 2012 and has been part of the projects Social and environmental transitions: Simulating the past to understand human behavior (SimulPast) and Characterization and modeling of technological processes in the manufacture of ceramics of ancient societies of Central Asia. From Hellenism to Islam (CAMOTECCER).

He is a doctoral student with a scholarship (FPI) in the Societat i Cultura program (Archeology specialty) by the University of Barcelona, ​​under the tutelage and supervision of Josep M. Gurt i Esparraguera i Verònica Martínez (ERAAUB members). The development of his thesis involves the use of formal models, computational simulation, and statistical analysis to assist in the synthesis, analysis, and interpretation of archaeological evidence. Interested mainly in the construction of social theory applied to the past, he has focused on case studies ranging from the Neolithic to the present, limited to the arid and semi-arid regions of Afro-Eurasia. Despite this diversity of sources, the space-time epicenter of his work has been protohistoric periods and antiquity in Central Asia.

Reserach Lines

1.- Agent-Based modelling and simulation of the mechanisms involved in the formation and change of land use patterns (sedentary farming and herding) in the arid Afro-Eurasia.

SimulPast Project (Ingenio CSD 2010-00034)

Collaborators: Sebastian Stride, Verònica Martínez, Josep M. Gurt, Agnese Fusaro (ERAAUB-Universitat de Barcelona), Bernardo Rondelli, Andrea L. Balbo (IMF-CSIC), Marco Madella (ICREA, IMF-CSIC and Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Matthieu Salpeteur (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Xavier Rubio-Campanillo and Alexis Torrano (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)

From 2012 to 2017.

2.- Modelling the relationships between culture and functionality through the archaeometric analysis of pottery from the Northern Bactria (Surkhan Darya, Southern Uzbekistan) of Greco-Bactrian, Kushan, Sassanian and Early Medieval periods.

CAMOTECCER Project (Plan Nacional de Investigación HAR2012-32653)

Collaborators: Verònica Martínez, Josep M. Gurt (ERAAUB-Universitat de Barcelona) and Alexis Torrano (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)

From 2013 to 2016.

3.-  Multiparadigmatic modelling and simulation of the interaction between humans and plants during domestication

Colaboradors/Colaboradores/Collaborators: Marco Madella (ICREA , IMF-CSIC and Universitat Pompeu Fabra)

From 2012.

4.-  Agent-Based modelling and simulation of the mechanisms involved in the emergence and disruption of cooperative food storage.

Collaborators: José Ignacio Santos, José Manuel Galán (Universidad de Burgos), Andrea L. Balbo (IMF-CSIC)

From 2013 to 2014.



SimulPast Project (Ingenio CSD 2010-00034)

Projecte CAMOTECCER (Plan Nacional de Investigación HAR2012-32653)

CERAC Project


Selected Publications

Angourakis, A., Salpeteur, M., Martínez, V., and Gurt, J.M. (2017). The Nice Musical Chairs model. Exploring the role of competition and cooperation between farming and herding in the formation of land use patterns in arid Afro-Eurasia. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 21: 405-425. Link

Angourakis, A. (2017, January 9). "Nice Musical Chairs" (Version 5). CoMSES Computational Model Library. Retrieved from: Link

Martínez Ferreras, V., Angourakis, A., Hein, A., Gurt Esparraguera, J.M., Sverchkov, L.M., and Sánchez del Corral, A. (2016). Pottery in Hellenistic tradition from ancient Bactria: The Kurganzol fortress (Uzbekistan, Central Asia). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. Link

Angourakis, A. (2016, March 11). "Musical Chairs" (Version 2). CoMSES Computational Model Library. Retrieved from: Link

Angourakis, A., Santos, J.I., Galán, J.M. and Balbo (2014). Food For All: An Agent-Based model to explore the emergence and implications of cooperation for food storage. Environmental Archaeology: The Journal of Human Paleoecology. DOI: Link

Angourakis, A. (2014). Exploring the oases of Central Asia: A model of Interaction between mobile livestock breeding and sedentary agriculture. In Antela-Bernárdez, B. and Vidal, J. (eds.) Central Asia in Antiquity: Interdisciplinary Approaches, BAR International Series 2665, pp. 3-16.

Angourakis, A., Rondelli, B., Stride, S., Rubio-Campanillo, X., Balbo, A.L., Torrano, A., Martínez, V., Madella, M., and Gurt, J.M. (2014). Land Use Patterns in Central Asia. Step 1: The Musical Chairs Model. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 21: 405-425. Link