Poster sessions
Posters shedule ( posters will be displayed all day)
Monday, 29 | Tuesday, 30 | Wednesday, 31 | Thursday , 01
Monday August 29th
Attention: Search
1P001. Contingent affective capture: manipulating top-down search goals induces involuntary capture by threat. Christopher Brown, Nick Berggren , Sophie Forster
1P002. Can attentional templates operate in a spatially-localised format during visual search? An electrophysiological investigation. Nick Berggren, Michael Jenkins, Cody McCants, Martin Eimer
1P003. Fixation-related potentials in overt visual search for multiple targets. Hannah Hiebel, Joe Miller, Margit Höfler, Anja Ischebeck, Christof Körner
1P004. The Role of Working Memory in Serial Overt Visual Search: A Combined Eye Tracking and fMRI Study. Joe Miller, Hannah Hiebel, Margit Höfler, Anja Ischebeck, Christof Körner
1P005. The attentional salience of a reward cue outlasts reward devaluation. Matteo De Tommaso, Tommaso Mastropasqua, Massimo Turatto
1P006. Inhibition of irrelevant objects in repeated visual search?. Sebastian A Bauch, Christof Körner, Iain D. Gilchrist, Margit Höfler
1P007. Gaze fixations and memory in short and massive repeated visual search.. M Pilar Aivar, Meagan Y. Driver
1P008. Distraction in visual search is driven by neutral information as well as association with reward. Luke Tudge, Torsten Schubert
1P009. Visual search during navigation in complex virtual environments: an eyetracking study. Chris Ramsey, Christos Gatzidis, Sebastien Miellet, Jan Wiener
1P010. Saccades performance on visual search task center-periphery. Edgardo F Mamani, Mirta Jaén
1P011. Intertrial Priming and Target Certainty Both Affect Singleton Distractor Interference During Visual Search. Jacquelyn Berry
1P012. Search for symbolic images of real-life objects: An eye movement analysis. Irina Blinnikova, Anna Izmalkova, Maria Semenova
Attention: Spatial
1P013. Selective attentional bias to explicitly and implicitly predictable outcomes. Noelia Do Carmo Blanco, Jeremie Jozefowiez, John J.B. Allen
1P014. Attentional capture by subliminal onsets - Stimulus-driven capture or display wide contingent orienting?. Tobias Schoeberl, Ulrich Ansorge
1P015. Entire valid hemifield shows IOR during reference frame task. Liubov Ardasheva, Tatiana Malevich, Joseph MacInnes
1P016. Task dependency of audio-visual semantic congruency effect on spatial orienting. Daria Kvasova, Salvador Soto-Faraco
1P017. Continuous CTOAs in a cuing task experiment bring about Inhibition of Return, but not early facilitation. Tatiana Malevich, Liubov Ardasheva, W. Joseph MacInnes
1P018. Location based processing in object substitution masking. Iiris Tuvi, Talis Bachmann
1P019. Attentional capture by unexpected onsets depends on the top-down task-set. Josef G. Schönhammer, Dirk Kerzel
1P020. Testing three systems of attention with saccadic and manual responses. Alena Kulikova, W. Joseph MacInnes
1P021. Visual strategies of viewing flow visualisations under different workload conditions and representation types. Vladimir Laptev, Pavel A. Orlov, Ulyana M. Zhmailova, Vladimir Ivanov
1P022. Orientation-Contrast-based Retinotopy. Frans W Cornelissen, Funda Yildirim
1P023. Locally-directed visual attention as assessed by the attentional blink: Does video game experience really matter?. Travis C Ting, Nicole H.L. Wong, Dorita H.F. Chang
1P024. Attending to external feedback in goal-directed pointing: Differences in attention allocation based on feedback. Aoife Mahon, Constanze Hesse, Amelia Hunt
1P025. The role of perceptual factors in the reflexive attentional shift phenomenon. Alessandro Soranzo, Christopher Wilson, Marco Bertamini
1P026. Perception of backward visual masking in a patient with bilateral frontal leucotomy. Hector Rieiro, Susana Martinez-Conde, Jordi Chanovas, Emma Gallego, Fernando Valle-Inclán, Stephen Louis Macknik
1P027. Reading in visual noise in developmental dyslexia and autism spectrum disorders. Milena S Mihaylova, Katerina Shtereva, Yordan Y. Hodzhev, Velitchko Manahilov
1P028. Autistic traits indicate characteristic relation between self-body, others-body, and spatial direction. Hanako Ikeda, Makoto Wada
1P029. Neurotechnologies for rehabilitation of the patients in neurological and psychiatric clinics. Elena Yakimova, Evgeny Shelepin , Sergey Pronin, Yuri Shelepin
1P030. Visual rehabilitation in chronic cerebral blindness: a randomized controlled crossover study. J.A. Elshout, F. van Asten, C.B. Hoyng, D.P. Bergsma, A.V. van den Berg
1P031. How the lack of vision impacts on perceived verticality. Luigi F Cuturi, Monica Gori
1P032. Word and text processing in developmental prosopagnosia. Jeffrey Corrow, Sherryse Corrow, Cristina Rubino, Brad Duchaine, Jason JS Barton
1P033. Dysfunction of parvo–systems and its stimulation in patients with schizophrenia with early stage of the disease. Svetlana V Muravyova, Galina Moiseenko, Marina Pronina, Eugene Shelepin, Yuriy Shelepin
1P034. Impaired cognitive functioning in first-episode patients. Maya Roinishvili, Mariam Oqruashvili, Tinatin Gamkrelidze, Michael Herzog, Eka Chkonia
1P035. Inverted saccade adaptation in Parkinson’s disease.. Mark R Harwood, Alicia Perre-Dowd, Annabelle Blangero
Eye movements
1P036. Gaze fixation during the slowing down presentation of handwriting movement in adults with autism spectrum disorders. Anaïs Godde, Raphaele Tsao, Carole Tardif
1P037. Effect of unconscious fear-conditioned stimuli on eye movements. Apoorva R Madipakkam, Marcus Rothkirch, Kristina Kelly, Gregor Wilbertz, Philipp Sterzer
1P038. The dynamics of gaze trajectory when imagining a falling object. Nuno A De Sá Teixeira, Heiko Hecht
1P039. Does conceptual quantity of words affect the spatial coding of saccade responses, like a SNARC effect ?. Alexandra Pressigout, Agnès Charvillat, Alexandra Fayel, Viktoriya Vitkova, Karine Doré-Mazars
1P040. Identifying information processing strategies during the picture completion test from eye tracking data. Ayano Kimura, Shinobu Matsunaga, Takanori Matsuno
1P041. The role of eye movements during image learning and recognition. Polina Krivykh, Galina Menshikova
1P042. Fixations on human face: cross-cultural comparison.. Kristina I Ananyeva, Ivan Basyul, Alexander Demidov
1P043. Is the remote distractor effect on saccade latency greater when the distractor is less eccentric than the target?. Soazig Casteau, Françoise Vitu, Robin Walker
1P044. The correlation between visual perception and verbal description of painting. Veronika Prokopenya, Elena Chernavina
1P045. Do sunglasses hide your feelings?. Priscilla Heard, Hannah Bainbridge
1P046. Planning functional grasps of tools. What can eye movements tell us about motor cognition?. Agnieszka Nowik, Magdalena Reuter, Gregory Kroliczak
1P047. Testing the level of knowledge of a foreign language using Eye-Tracking techlology. Maria Oshchepkova, Galina Menshikova
1P048. Eye movements in second language vocabulary acquisition. Anna Izmalkova, Irina Blinnikova, Sofia Kirsanova
1P049. Evolutive Gradient Face Compositing using The Poisson Equation. Ruben Garcia-Zurdo
1P050. Combined TMS and fMRI demonstrates a Double dissociation between face and motor functional brain networks. David Pitcher, Daniel Handwerker, Geena Ianni, Peter Bandettini, Leslie Ungerleider
1P051. Spatiotemporal dynamics of view-sensitive and view-invariant face identity processing. Charles C Or, Joan Liu-Shuang, Bruno Rossion
1P052. Holistic Processing of Static and Rigidly Moving Faces. Mintao Zhao, Isabelle Bülthoff
1P053. Face inversion reveals configural processing of peripheral face stimuli. Petra Kovács, Petra Hermann, Balázs Knakker, Gyula Kovács, Zoltán Vidnyánszky
1P054. Five Commonly Used Face Processing Tasks Do Not Measure The Same Construct. Elizabeth Nelson, Abhi Vengadeswaran, Charles Collin
1P055. The Timecourse of Expression Aftereffects. Nichola Burton, Linda Jeffery, Jack Bonner, Gillian Rhodes
1P056. Fast and objective quantification of face perception impairment in acquired prosopagnosia. Joan Liu-Shuang, Katrien Torfs, Bruno Rossion
1P057. Vertically oriented cues to face identification are susceptible to color manipulations. Kirsten Petras, Laurie Geers, Valerie Goffaux
1P058. The contribution of spatial transformations in the estimation of the psychological characteristics of people by facial expressions. Vladimir A Barabanschikov, Irina Besprozvannaya
1P059. Skilled face recognizers have higher contrast sensitivity in the right hemifield. Simon Faghel-Soubeyrand, Frédéric Gosselin
1P060. Face-responsive ERP components show time-varying viewing angle preferences. Anna L Gert, Tim C Kietzmann, Peter König
1P061. Interaction effect between length of nose, viewing angle of face, and gender in estimation of age. Takuma Takehara, Toyohisa Tanijiri
1P062. The Improved Discrimination on Facial Ethnicity Induced by Face Adaptation. Miao Song
1P063. Painted features transform the shape of 3-D surfaces they are painted on – the case of faces. Thomas V Papathomas, Attila Farkas
1P064. Center-surround unconscious visual contour integration. Hongmei Yan, Huiyun Du, Xiaoqiao Tang
1P065. The influence of a (physical or illusory) barrier on motion correspondence. Elisabeth Hein, Bettina Rolke
1P066. The Global Precedence Effect is not affected by background colour. Jan L Souman, Sascha Jenderny, Tobias Borra
1P067. Neurophysiological investigation of the role of (reflection) symmetry in figure-ground segregation. Giulia Rampone, Marco Bertamini, Alexis David James Makin
1P068. Local and Global Amodal Completion: Revealing Separable Processes Using A Dot Localization Method. Susan B Carrigan, Philip Kellman
1P069. Task-dependent effect of similarity grouping and proximity on visual working memory. Jiehui Qian, Shengxi Liu
1P070. No evidence for perceptual grouping in the absence of visual consciousness. Dina Devyatko, Shahar Sabary, Ruth Kimchi
1P071. The effect of color contrast on Glass pattern perception. Yih-Shiuan Lin, Chien-Chung Chen
1P072. Modelling the Effects of Spatial Frequency Jitters in a Contour Integration Paradigm. Axel Grzymisch, Malte Persike, Udo Ernst
1P073. A model of border-ownership assignment accounting for figure/hole perception. Masayuki Kikuchi
1P074. The simplest visual illusion of all time? The folded paper-size illusion. Claus-Christian Carbon
1P075. Shooting at the Ponzo - effects and aftereffects.. Valeriia Karpinskaia, Vsevolod Lyakhovetskii
1P076. Interest is evoked by semantic instability and the promise of new insight. Claudia Muth, Claus-Christian Carbon
1P077. Tell me about your Ponzo and I will tell you who you are. Lukasz Grzeczkowski, Aaron Clarke, Fred Mast, Michael Herzog
1P078. Influences on the perception of the morphing face illusion. Sandra Utz, Claus-Christian Carbon
1P079. The PhiTOP Gelatinous Ellipsoid Effect. Kenneth Brecher
1P080. Effects of edge orientation and configuration on sliding motion. Nobuko Takahashi, Shinji Yukumatsu
1P081. How to turn unconscious signals into visible motion: Modulators of the Motion Bridging Effect.. Maximilian Stein, Robert Fendrich, Uwe Mattler
1P082. The Greenback Illusion: a new geometrical illusion. Kenpei SHIINA
1P083. Perceptual filling-out induced by a preceding mask on the stimulus boundary. Shuichiro Taya
1P084. Fluttering-heart Illusion Occurs in Stimuli Consisting of Only Contours. Kazuhisa Yanaka, Masahiro Suzuki, Toshiaki Yamanouchi, Teluhiko Hilano
1P085. Vibration condition that strengthens the illusory motion of the Ouchi illusion. Teluhiko Hilano, Kouki Kikuchi
1P086. Straight edges are not enough to overcome the tilt blindness. Takashi Ueda, Takashi Yasuda, Kenpei Shiina
1P087. Effect of eccentricity on the direction of gradation-induced illusory motion. Soyogu Matsushita
1P088. Curvy is the new straight: Kanizsa triangles. Tímea Gintner, Prashant Aparajeya, Frederic Fol Leymarie, Ilona Kovács
Neural Models & Computational
1P089. Boundary extension and image similarity via convolutional network: expanded views are more similar to the original. Jiri Lukavsky
1P090. Contrast effect on visual spatial summation of different cell categories in cat V1. Ke Chen
1P091. A Retinal Adaptation Model for HDR Image Compression. Yongjie Li, Xuan Pu, Hui Li, Chaoyi Li
1P092. Revealing alpha oscillatory activity using Voltage-Sensitive Dye Imaging (VSDI) in Monkey V1. Sandrine Chemla, Frédéric Chavane, Rufin VanRullen
1P093. Image Reconstruction from Neural Responses: what can we learn from the analytic inverse?. Marina Martinez-Garcia, Borja Galan, Jesús Malo
1P094. Mapping the visual brain areas susceptible to phosphene induction through brain stimulation. Lukas F Schaeffner, Andrew Welchman
1P095. Feedback signals from the local surround are combined with feedforward information in human V1. Yulia Revina, Lucy Petro, Sebastian Blum, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, Lars Muckli
1P096. Perceptual Grouping and Feature Based Attention by Firing Coherence Based on Recurrent Connections. August Romeo, Hans Supèr
1P097. Spiking–neuron model for the interaction between visual and motor representations of action in premotor cortex. Mohammad Hovaidi Ardestani, Martin A. Giese
1P098. Decoding eye-of-origin signals in and beyond primary visual cortex. Milena Kaestner, Ryan T. Maloney, Marina Bloj, Julie M. Harris, Alex R. Wade
1P099. Reducing Visually Objectionable Noise in Hyperspectral Renderings. Thomas S Maier, Roland Fleming, Fran González García
1P100. Spatial phase coherence analysis reveals discrete cortical modules within early visual cortex. Nicolás Gravel, Ben Harvey, Serge O. Dumoulin, Remco Renken, Frans W. Cornelissen
1P101. Integrated computational model of salience and semantic similarity on spatial attention. Ekaterina Gordienko, William Joseph Macinnes
1P102. A Multi-Task Neurodynamical Model of Lateral Interactions in V1: Visual Saliency of Colour Images. David Berga, Xavier Otazu
1P103. Multi-Spatial-Frequency-Channel Processing in Retina. JIhyun Kim, Marcelo Bertalmío
1P104. Model selection for prediction of Visually Induced Motion Sickness. Shin Tabeta, Tohru Kiryu, Shigehito Tanahashi
1P105. A Model of Competitive Neural Network for Exogenous Visuospatial Orienting. Drazen Domijan
1P106. A Multi-Task Neurodynamical Model of Lateral Interactions in V1: Chromatic Induction. Xim Cerdá-Company, Xavier Otazu
1P107. Migration through evolution of the bottom-up saliency map from the optic tectum to the primary visual cortex. Li Zhaoping
1P108. Sensitivity to Weight Changes of Others Depends on Personal Body Size. Anne Thaler, Michael N. Geuss, Simone C. Mölbert, Stephan Streuber, Katrin E. Giel, Michael J. Black, Betty J. Mohler
1P109. What is a haptic object?. Rebecca Lawson, Stefano Cecchetto
1P110. Visual second-order features and objects categorization. Daria Alekseeva, Vitaly Babenko, Denis Yavna
1P111. Motion induced distortion of shapes. Nika Adamian, Patrick Cavanagh
1P112. Optical information for accurate perception of objects with orientation change. Jing Pan, Ned Bingham, Geoffrey Bingham
1P113. Speed of color recognition depends on Gestalt representations of cause, consequence, condition, and concession. Magda L Dumitru, Gitte Joergensen
1P114. Disrupting object identification with iridescence. Joanna Hall, Karin Kjernsmo, Nick Scott-Samuel, Innes Cuthill, Heather Whitney
1P115. Estimation of the individual tendencies in the subjective Kansei evaluation of three-dimensional shapes. Kazuhito Muto, Sho Hashimoto, Kazuaki Tanaka, Kenji Katahira, Noriko Nagata
1P116. Tuning to radial frequency patterns in human visual cortex. Samuel J Lawrence, Richard Vernon, Bruce Keefe, Andre Gouws, Alex Wade, Declan McKeefry, Antony Morland
1P117. Exploring curvature representations in LO-1, LO-2 and shape-selective Lateral Occipital Cortex (LO). Richard J W Vernon, Samuel Lawrence, Andre Gouws, Bruce Keefe, Antony Morland
1P118. Perceived rigidity is not enough to explain why shape from specular flow in 3D-rotating objects is difficult. Dicle N Dovencioglu, Maarten Wijntjes, Ohad Ben-Shahar, Katja Doerschner
1P119. Different electrophysiological correlates for conscious detection and higher-level consciousness. Mika Koivisto, Simone Grassini, Niina Salminen-Vaparanta, Antti Revonsuo
1P120. Familiarity effect in ERP study of face and word perception. Daria Podvigina, Veronika Prokopenya
1P121. Object selective areas in the lateral occipital complex preferentially process high spatial frequencies. Hinke N Halbertsma, Minke de Boer, Frans Cornelissen, Barbara Nordhjem
Perception & Action
1P123. Distributed Representations – Interplay between internal and external actions in the Tower of Hanoi task. Gregor Hardiess, Marcel Dorer, Hanspeter A. Mallot
1P124. Quick spatial reorientation after teleportation: ERP evidence. Agoston Torok, Andrea Kobor, Gyorgy Persa, Peter Galambos, Peter Baranyi, Valeria Csepe, Ferenc Honbolygo
1P126. Men’s visual attention to and perceptions of women’s dance movements. Susanne Röder, Claus-Christian Carbon, Todd K. Shackelford, Katarzyna Pisanski, Bettina Weege, Bernhard Fink
1P127. Beyond humans: contagious yawning in primates elicited by the visual perception of a non-human agent - an android.. Ramiro M Joly-Mascheroni, Bettina Forster, Miquel Llorente, Beatriz Calvo-Merino
1P128. Conscious and Unconscious Priming Influence on Sense of Agency. Almara Kulieva, Maria Kuvaldina
1P129. Body and eye movements during interactions with avatars in virtual environments. Olga Saveleva, Denis V. Zacharkin, Galina Ya. Menshikova
1P130. How is the remembered area of scenes affected by location shift in object-centered and ego-centered coordinates?. Takuma Murakoshi, Eiji Kimura, Makoto Ichikawa
1P131. Perceiving social intention in motor action. Francois Quesque, Yann Coello
1P132. Angle rounding and finger shrinkage when watching and touching a partially occluded corner. Walter Gerbino, Giovanni Lecci, Joanna Jarmolowska, Carlo Fantoni
1P133. Personality Predictors of Ideomotor Response in a Detection Task. Jay A Olson, Amir Raz
1P134. Visual processes dominate perception and action during social interactions. Laura Fademrecht, Heinrich H. Bülthoff, Stephan de la Rosa
1P135. The power of self in action: Prioritized processing of self-relevant stimuli on a perceptual-matching task extends a performance advantage to response execution. Clea E Desebrock, Jie Sui, Charles Spence
1P136. The role of action in the formation of visual representations of both actors and observers. Dejan Draschkow, Melissa L.-H. Võ
Visual memory & Cognition
1P137. A strategy to improve arithmetical performance in four day-old domestic chicks (Gallus gallus). Maria Loconsole, Rosa Rugani, Lucia Regolin
1P138. The time course of image memorability. Lore Goetschalckx, Johan Wagemans
1P139. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Evidence from cognitive science about detection and identification of objects during scene viewing.. Javier Ortiz, Bruce Milliken, Juan Lupiáñez
1P140. Numerosity-evoked fMRI activity patterns in human intra-parietal cortex reflect individual differences in behavioral numerical acuity. Evelyn Eger, Gabriel Lasne, Stanislas Dehaene, Manuela Piazza, Andreas Kleinschmidt
1P141. Subordinated function of visual perception in conscious semantic cognitive tasks. Sergei Artemenkov
1P142. The role of categorization in the cognitive process of a person moving in an interior space. Anna Losonczi, Anett Rago, Levente Gulyás, Klára Sarbak, Attila Kurucz, Andrea Dúll
1P143. Metacontrast masking applied to lexical stimuli. Nicolas Becker, Uwe Mattler
1P144. Individual Perception Style Affects Implicit Memory. Kyoko HINE
1P145. Remembering without really trying. Volodya Yakovlev, Shaul Hochstein
1P146. Effects of geometrical shape on the retrieval of spatial location. Elena Azañón, Metodi Siromahov , Matthew R Longo
1P147. Space-Valence Priming with Subliminal and Supraliminal Words: ERP Investigations. Shah Khalid
Tuesday August 30th
2P001. Does surprise enhancement or repetition suppression explain visual mismatch negativity?. Catarina Amado, Gyula Kovács
2P002. Spatial factors underlying curvature detection. Marie Morita, Takao Sato
2P003. Modelling Chromatic Adaptation using Unique Hues. Tushar Chauhan, Sophie Wuerger
2P004. Vergence is limited by adaptation. Elizabeth Fast, Linus Holm, Linda McLoon, Stephen Engel
2P005. An adaptable, context-dependent object size representation in human parietal cortex. Stephanie Kristensen, Alessio Fracasso, Serge Dumoulin, Jorge Almeida, Ben Harvey
2P006. Effect of orthogonal adaptation on the perceived velocity of multidirectional random dot stimuli at different speeds. Nikos Gekas, Pascal Mamassian
2P007. Visual similarity modulates visual size contrast. Nicola Bruno, Oga Daneyko, Gioacchino Garofalo, Lucia Riggio
2P008. Adaptation to eyeglasses with fully-corrected lenses: Assessment of wearing feeling and depth distortion. Yasuaki Tamada, Takumi Ono, Ryuto Fujie, Hiroshi Kaneko, Masayuki Sato
2P009. Temporal Expectations and Stimulus Repetition: An Event-Related Potential Study. Daniel Feuerriegel, Scott Coussens, Owen Churches, Hannah Keage
2P010. The time course of visual adaptation is adaptable. Sarah Maddison, Neil Roach, Ben Webb
2P011. Attention and the Motion Aftereffect. Laura Bartlett, Wendy Adams, Erich Graf
2P012. Effects of attention on form perception and form-motion integration from static and dynamic Glass patterns. Andrea Pavan, Matthew Foxwell, George Mather
2P013. Sharpening static spatial vision by adapting to flicker. Derek Arnold, Jeremy D. Williams, Natasha E. Phipps, Melvyn A. Goodale
Attention: Search
2P014. Proactive control mechanisms in visual search. Marco A Petilli, Francesco Marini, Roberta Daini
2P015. Negative emotional valence intensity modulates visual search performance. Yasuhiro Takeshima
2P016. Modyfing detectibility map for formal models of visual search. Filip Dechterenko, Wilson Geisler
2P017. Temporal attention aids the selection of targets in a visual search task: An ERP study. Bettina Rolke, Verena Carola Seibold
2P018. Search Advantage by Color Repetition Priming and Distracter Preview. Sophie Lukes, Malte Persike, Guenter Meinhardt
2P019. Active Ignoring by Color Repetition Priming. Günter Meinhardt, Sophie Lukes, Malte Persike
2P020. Human foraging in dynamic versus static displays.. Ian M Thornton, Claudio de’Sperati, Árni Kristjánsson
2P021. Visual search asymmetry between photographs and illustrations of animals and man-made objects. Kohske Takahashi, Katsumi Watanabe
2P022. Forcing strategy change: Time limited visual foraging reveals template switches. Tómas Kristjánsson, Ian M. Thornton, Árni Kristjánsson
2P023. Collinear search impairment is luminance contrast invariant. Chia-huei Tseng, Chien-chung Chen
2P024. Individual Differences in Change Blindness. Nora Andermane
2P025. Relationship between the stereoscopic feeling and weave structure of carbon fiber woven fabric. Tomoko Awazitani, Aki Kondo, Sachiko Sukigara
2P026. What Defeats Binocular Stereo?. Kokichi Sugihara
2P027. Stereoscopic viewing induces changes in the accommodation-vergence cross-coupling. Pascaline Neveu, Corinne Roumes, Matthieu Philippe, Philippe Fuchs, Anne-Emmanuelle Priot
2P028. Apparent depth in glass, bronze, and nickel mirrors: Color effects. Atsuki Higashiyama, Seiichi Tsuinashi
2P029. Reaction times to changes in binocular correlation are consistent with the fusional hysteresis effect. Gábor Horváth, János Radó, András Czigler, Vanda Nemes, Diána Fülöp, Sára Pásztor, Béla Török, Ilona Kovács, Péter Buzás, Gábor Jandó
2P030. Effect of the field of view on accommodation stimulated with a volumetric badal optometer. Carles Otero, Mikel Aldaba, Carme Alavedra-Ortiz, Jaume Pujol
2P031. A geodesic on a piecewise smooth surface and a piecewise smooth curve as a geodesic on a surface. Tadamasa Sawada, Denis Volk
2P032. Convergent Stereo-Cameras affect Distance and Depth Perception. Cyril Vienne, Justin Plantier, Anne-Emmanuelle Priot
2P033. Eye movements during perception of 3D scenes using hologram and stereo image stimuli. Taina M Lehtimäki, Mikko Niemelä, Risto Näsänen, Ronan G. Reilly, Thomas J. Naughton
2P034. Comparing stereotests: the TNO test overestimates stereoacuity. Kathleen Vancleef, Jenny Read, William Herbert, Nicola Goodship, Maeve Woodhouse, Ignacio Serrano-Pedraza
2P035. Eye Fixation during static multi-object attention in 3D: Evidence for perspective scaling of attention?. Dhanraj Vishwanath, Giedre Zlatkute
2P036. Interaction among binocular disparity, motion parallax, and relative size cues for perceiving large depth. Yuta Ozawa, Tamada Yasuaki, Sato Masayuki
2P037. Vergence dynamics in stereoscopic displaysare related to fusional reserves. Anne-Emmanuelle Priot, Cyril Vienne, Bertrand Saussard, Justin Plantier, Pascaline Neveu
2P038. Representation of visual distance in the brain. David T Field, Charlotte Goodwin
2P039. The motion/pursuit law’s limit on depth from motion parallax. Mark Nawrot, Grant Christianson, Keith Stroyan
2P040. Binocular summation in Pinna illusion. Pei-Yin Chen, Chien-Chung Chen, Lothar Spillmann
2P041. Separate recalibration of perception of distance and object size in virtual environment. Shigeaki Nishina
Eye movements
2P042. Gaze strategies in peripheral motion detection: On the superiority of fixations over smooth pursuit eye movements (SPEM). André Klostermann, Christian Vater, Ernst-Joachim Hossner
2P043. Novelty modulates oculomotor learning. Annegret Meermeier, Svenja Gremmler, Markus Lappe
2P044. Modeling the effect of dynamic contingencies on anticipatory eye movements. Jean-Bernard Damasse, Anna Montagnini, Laurent U Perrinet
2P045. Voluntary tracking the moving clouds : Effects of speed variability on human smooth pursuit. Kiana Mansour Pour, Laurent Perrinet, Guillaume Masson, Anna Montagnini
2P046. Spatial frequency selectivity of microsaccadic suppression. Chris Scholes, Neil W Roach, Paul V McGraw
2P047. Information uptake around the time of saccades. Christian Wolf, Alexander Schütz
2P048. Visual attention saccadic models: taking into account global scene context and temporal aspects of gaze behaviour. Antoine Coutrot, Olivier Le Meur
2P049. Fluctuations in both accommodation and fixational eye movements: effect of distance and peripheral cues. Josselin Gautier
2P050. Transsaccadic feature prediction is location specific. Arvid Herwig, Katharina Weiß, Werner X. Schneider
2P051. The blindspot is remapped before eye movements. Daniel T Smith, Mark Avery
2P052. Stimulus characteristics and presentation time do not influence saccadic inhibition of foveal and peripheral presented distractors in visual fixations. Johannes Schulz, Sebastian Pannasch
2P053. Disentangling fixation duration and saccadic planning using gaze dependent guided viewing. Benedikt V Ehinger, Lilli Kaufhold, Peter König
2P054. Trans-saccadic integration and visual masking. Alexander C Schütz
2P055. Smooth-Pursuit Eye – Gaze interface tracking: “Open – loop” versus “Closed – loop” Tracking Accuracy.. Michael Wagner, Tomer Elbaum, Assaf Botzer
2P056. Interaction between pursuit and saccades for speed judgements. Alexander Goettker, Karl Gegenfurtner
2P057. Static cues for mirror-glass discrimination explored by gaze distribution. Maki Tsukuda, Roman Bednarik, Markku Hauta-Kasari, Shigeki Nakauchi
2P058. Perceptual localization versus oculomotor behaviour. Eva R Joosten, Thérèse Collins
2P059. The saccadic global effect with sub-threshold stimuli. Sabrina Aït Amiri, Delphine Massendari, Françoise Vitu, Thérèse Collins
2P060. Eye movements during gaze-contingent spatial-frequency filtering of real-world scenes: Effects of filter location, cutoff, and size. Anke Cajar, Ralf Engbert, Jochen Laubrock
2P061. The pursuit of covert attention in change blindness. Vasili Marshev, Andrey Chetverikov, Maria Kuvaldina
2P062. Statistics of microsaccades indicate early frequency effects during visual word recognition. André Krügel, Ralf Engbert
2P063. Temporal Dynamics of Microsaccades and Saccades: Stochasticity or Rhythmicity?. Roy Amit, Dekel Abeles, Izhar Bar-Gad, Shlomit Yuval-Greenberg
Lightness, brightness & contrast
2P064. Combination of motion and luminance defined edges:a cross-orientation masking study. Nilufar Razmi
2P065. Visual dominance for darks increases with low light and optical blur. Carmen Pons, Reece Mazade, Jianzhong Jin, Mitchell Dul, Qasim Zaidi, Jose-Manuel Alonso
2P066. The Glare Effect Test (GET): a tool to assess brightness or discomfort glare?. Alessio Facchin, Roberta Daini, Daniele Zavagno
2P067. Pupillary responses to perceived brightness require visual awareness. Irene Sperandio, Nikki Bond, Paola Binda
2P068. Canonical Material and Illumination Confounds. Fan Zhang, Huib de Ridder, Sylvia Pont
2P069. Quantifying the simultaneous contrast for gloss and luminance. Sabrina Hansmann-Roth, Pascal Mamassian
2P070. The effect of luminance gradient induced luminosity and darkness in static and dynamic patterns on pupil diameter. Daniele Zavagno, Luca Tommasi, Bruno Laeng
2P071. Anchoring theory outmatches ODOG in tests of four lightness illusions. Elias Economou, Alexandros Dimitriadis, Suncica Zdravkovic, Alan Gilchrist
2P072. The threat bias for fearful expressions is evident in apparent contrast. Abigail L Webb, Paul B Hibbard
2P073. Proposal for a glare risk scale along a specific route in daylight hours. Vincent Boucher
2P074. Visual impression of the fabric while rotating. Megumi Yoshikawa, Aki Kondo, Chiaki Umebayashi, Toshinori Harada, Sachiko Sukigara
2P075. “Glowing gray” does exist: the influence of luminance ramps on whiteness perception.. Yuki Kobayashi, Soyogu Matsushita, Kazunori Morikawa
2P076. Attention as a new parameter in modeling brightness induction. Kuntal Ghosh, Ashish Bakshi, Sourya Roy, Arijit Mallick, Kuntal Ghosh
2P077. Predicting Discomfort Glare. Leslie Guadron, HHLM Goossens, Leonie Geerdinck, Maurice Donners
2P078. Perceived emotional valence of faces is affected by the spectral slope but not the brightness of the image. Claudia Menzel, Christoph Redies, Gregor Hayn-Leichsenring
2P079. Turning a horse into a unicorn: How a double dissociation can be produced by custom-made mask functions in a response priming experiment.. Melanie Schröder, Thomas Schmidt
2P080. The brightness of noisy textures. Jose F Barraza, Andrés Martín
2P081. Influence of diffusibility of illumination on the impression of surface appearance. Yoko Mizokami, Yuki Nabae, Hirohisa Yaguchi
2P082. The direction of lightness induction is affected by grouping stability and intentionality. Tiziano Agostini, Mauro Murgia, Valter Prpic, Ilaria Santoro, Fabrizio Sors, Alessandra Galmonte
2P083. Mechanisms underlying simultaneous brightness induction: Early and innate. Dylan Rose, Sarah Crucilla, Amy Kalia, Peter Bex, Pawan Sinha
2P084. Receptive fields for Illumination effects.. Alejandro Lerer, Matthias Keil, Hans Supèr
2P085. Common and different mechanisms behind White's illusion, simultaneous contrast illusion and the Mach band illusion. Mariann Hudák, János Geier
Motion/Complex & Models
2P086. Centre-Surround Antagonism in the Perception of Motion in Depth. Benjamin James Portelli, Alex Wade, Marina Bloj, Julie Harris
2P087. A new analytical method for characterizing nonlinear visual processes. Ryusuke Hayashi, Hiroki Yokoyama, Osamu Watanabe, Shin'ya Nishida
2P088. Kinetic cue for perceptual discrimination between mirror and glass materials. Hideki Tamura, Hiroshi Higashi, Shigeki Nakauchi
2P089. The interaction between image motion and surface optics in material perception. Alexandra C Schmid, Katja Doerschner
2P090. Sensitivity and precision to speed differences across kinetic boundaries. Bilyana Genova, Nadejda Bocheva, Miroslava Stefanova, Simeon Stefanov
2P091. Computing the IOC from Gabor filter outputs: Component Level Feature Model version 2. Linda Bowns
2P092. Comparing perception of motion-in-depth for anti- and de-correlated random dot stimuli. Martin Giesel, Alex Wade, Marina Bloj, Julie M. Harris
2P093. Event-based model of vision: from ATIS to hierarchical motion processing. Mina A Khoei, Ryad Benosman
2P094. Spatial context alters the contribution of motion-coding mechanisms to contrast detection. Alison Chambers, Neil Roach
2P095. Global motion influences the detection of motion-in-depth. Kait Clark, Simon Rushton
2P096. Gravity-specific representation in human EEG. Zhaoqi Hu, Ying Wang, Yi Jiang
2P097. Extra-retinal information for disambiguating depth from motion parallax. Kenzo Sakurai, Shihori Furukawa, William Beaudot, Hiroshi Ono
2P098. Investigating the sound-induced flash illusion in people with ASD: An MEG study. Jason S Chan, Marcus Naumer, Christine Freitag, Michael Siniatchkin, Jochen Kaiser
2P099. Comparing Finger Movement Directions and Haptically Perceived Texture Orientation. Alexandra Lezkan, Knut Drewing
2P100. Musical training modulates brain recalibration of audiovisual simultaneity. Crescent Jicol, Frank Pollick, Karin Petrini
2P101. Comparing ambiguous apparent motion in tactile and visual stimuli. Harry H Haladjian, Stuart Anstis , Tatjana Seizova-Cajic , Mark Wexler, Patrick Cavanagh
2P102. Multisensory adaptation: How visual are haptics?. Stefan J Breitschaft, Claus-Chrisitian Carbon
2P103. The apparent elongation of a disk by its rotation as haptic phenomenon. Akira Imai, Yves Rossetti, Patrice Revol
2P104. Distinct Patterns of Bias in Visuo-haptic and Haptic-visual Slant Matching Tasks. Juan Liu, Hiroshi Ando
2P105. Hearing one’s eye movements: effects of online eye velocity-based auditory feedback on smooth pursuit eye movements after transient target disappearance. Arthur Portron, Eric O. Boyer, Frederic Bevilacqua, Jean Lorenceau
2P106. Perceived audio-visual simultaneity as a function of stimulus intensity. Ryan Horsfall, Sophie Wuerger, Georg Meyer
2P107. Integrating vision and haptics for determining object location. Mark A Adams, Peter Scarfe, Andrew Glennerster
2P108. The clash of spatial representations: Modality switching knocks out the Simon effect. Manuela Ruzzoli, Leonor Castro, Salvador Soto-Faraco
2P109. The variation in the signaling frequency in a multisensory experimental study causes different modality effect on the quality and quantity of the equilibrium function. Denis Kozhevnikov
2P110. Perceived timing of multisensory events. Ljubica Jovanovic, Pascal Mamassian
2P111. Haptic shape adaptation is not object dependent. Catharina Glowania, Loes van Dam, Sarah Hanke, Marc Ernst
2P112. Comparing physiological arousal for visually and haptically explored stimuli. Roberta Etzi, Alberto Gallace
2P113. Visual mechanisms in the face-sensitive posterior superior temporal sulcus facilitate auditory-only speaker recognition in high levels of auditory noise. Corrina Maguinness, Katharina von Kriegstein
2P114. Response times in audio-visual cue-conflict stimuli. Baptiste Caziot, Pascal Mamassian
2P115. “When sounds speak faster than words”: Audiovisual semantic congruency enhances early visual object processing. Yi-Chuan Chen, Charles Spence
2P116. Effect of audio-visual source misalignment on timing performance. John Cass, Erik Van der Burg, Tarryn Baldson
2P117. Adaptation to softness in haptic perception - temporal and spatial aspects. Anna Metzger, Knut Drewing
2P118. Spatiotemporal interactions in the ventriloquist effect. Min S Li, Massimiliano Di Luca
2P119. Investigations of inter-ocular grouping for luminance- and contrast-modulated stimuli. Jan Skerswetat, Monika A. Formankiewicz, Sarah J. Waugh
2P120. Differential modulation of foreground and background in early visual cortex by feedback during bistable Gestalt perception. Pablo R Grassi, Natalia Zaretskaya, Andreas Bartels
2P121. Figure-ground organization interferes with the propagation of perceptual reversal in binocular rivalry.. Naoki Kogo, Charlotte Spaas, Johan Wagemans, Sjoerd Stuit, Raymond van Ee
2P122. Hysteresis in Processing of Perceptual Ambiguity on Three Different Timescales. Jürgen Kornmeier, Harald Atmanspacher, Marieke van Rooij
2P123. Under what conditions is optokinetic nystagmus a reliable measure of perceptual dominance in binocular rivalry?. Péter Soltész, Alexander Pastukhov, Jochen Braun, Ilona Kovács
2P124. Social influences on binocular rivalry. Arash Sahraie, Marius Golubickis, Aleksandar Visoikomogilski, Neil Macrae
2P125. Sensitivity and response criteria in reporting binocular rivalry. J. Antonio Aznar-Casanova, Manuel Moreno-Sánchez , Robert O’Shea
2P126. Differentiating aversive conditioning in bistable perception: avoidance of a percept vs. salience of a stimulus. Gregor Wilbertz, Philipp Sterzer
2P127. The interaction between temporal properties and spatial density of the mask on continuous flash suppression effectiveness. Weina Zhu, Jan Drewes, David Melcher
2P128. Attentional modulation of binocular rivalry. Manuel Moreno Sánchez, J. Antonio Aznar-Casanova
Visual memory & Cognition
2P129. EEG correlates of memory contribution to perceptual disambiguation. Ellen Joos, Jürgen Kornmeier
2P130. Long- and short-term memory in repeated visual search. Margit Höfler, Iain D. Gilchrist, Anja Ischebeck, Christof Körner
2P131. Influencing working memory using social and non-social attention cues. Samantha Gregory, Margaret Jackson
2P132. Neural correlates of color working memory: An fMRI study. Naoyuki Osaka, Takashi Ikeda, Mariko Osaka
2P133. Working memory precision for emotional expressions of faces. Kaisu Ölander, Ilkka Muukkonen, Viljami Salmela
2P134. Verification of the reliability of MEG source localization using VBMEG in visual short-term memory. Mitsunobu Kunimi, Nobuo Hiroe, Maro G. Machizawa, Okito Yamashita
2P135. Color affects memory not totally but shortly. Haruyuki Kojima, Haruyuki KOJIMA, Ayasa IMURA
2P136. Rapid Access to Visual and Semantic Representations in Iconic Memory. Jasmina Vrankovic, Veronika Coltheart, Nicholas Badcock
2P137. Integration of context and object semantic representations during rapid categorisation within and between the cerebral hemispheres. Anaïs Leroy, Sylvane Faure, Sara Spotorno
2P138. The neural basis of serial behavioral biases in visual working memory. Joao M Barbosa, Christos Constantinidis, Albert Compte
2P139. Dissociable brain networks revealed single-repetition learning in Braille reading and Braille writing-from-memory. Lora Likova, Christopher Tyler, Kristyo Mineff, Laura Cacciamani, Spero Nicholas
2P140. Temporal Processing of Visual Information and Its Influence on Visual Working Memory Representation. Turgut Coşkun, Aysecan Boduroglu
2P141. Remembering who was where: Visuospatial working memory for emotional faces and the role of oculomotor behavior. Sara Spotorno, Margaret Jackson
2P142. Exploring the shape-specificity of memory biases in color perception. Toni P Saarela, Maria Olkkonen
2P143. Topography of memory interference in visuo-spatial working-memory. David S Bestue, João Barbosa, Albert Compte
2P144. Left extrastriate body area shows sensitivity to the meaning of symbolic gestures: evidence from fMRI adaptation. Agnieszka Kubiak, Gregory Kroliczak
2P145. To tell or not to tell: gender-related information modulates visual social cognition in healthy women and breast cancer patients. Alexander N Sokolov, Marina A Pavlova, Sara Y Brucker, Diethelm Wallwiener, Elisabeth Simoes
2P146. Does better encoding lead to slower forgetting?. Haggar Cohen, Yoni Pertzov
2P147. Object maintenance beyond their visible parts in working memory: Behavioral and ERP evidence. Siyi Chen, Thomas Töllner, Hermann J. Müller, Markus Conci
Wednesday August 31th
3P001. Equidistant intervals in perspective photographs. Casper Erkelens
3P002. Mona Lisa is always happy – and only sometimes sad. Emanuela Liaci, Andreas Fischer, Ludger Tebartz van Elst, Jürgen Kornmeier
3P003. The big picture of aesthetics changes depending on the level of analysis. Uwe C Fischer, Claus-Christian Carbon, Danaja Rutar, Ivan Stojilovic, Stefan A. Ortlieb
3P004. Individual differences in aesthetic evaluations of visual arts: Focusing on the aesthetic dimension of value and art-expertise. Tatsuya Miyashita, Atsushi Kimura, Takashi Oka
3P005. Nobody likes a fake: Aesthetic value depends on perceived authenticity. Aenne A Brielmann, Denis Pelli
3P006. The visual attention when viewing colored and black-and-white movies. Pavel A Orlov, Daria Pavlova, Victor Yanchus, Vladimir Ivanov
3P007. An exploratory study on somaesthetics: judged beauty and difficulty of dance postures depends on the involvement of one’s own body. Rob van Lier, Anja Bos-Roubos, Arno Koning
3P008. Structure of experience of beauty: General and category specific dimensions. Slobodan Marković, Vanja Čokorilo, Marija Trkulja, Tara Bulut, Katarina Rančić
3P009. Attention Modulation on Children’s Representational Drawings. Chen I-Ping, Lu Ying-Rong
3P010. Evolution of symmetry in fractal tree and moss patterns. Tim Holmes, Helen Scott, Johannes Zanker
3P011. Mobile Eye tracking in the Gallery: Square murals by Sol LeWitt. Johannes M Zanker, van der Vliet Skye , Jasmina Stevanov, Tim Holmes
Attention: Objects & Features
3P012. Role of Action in modulating bottom-up attentional mechanisms. Kishore K Jagini, Meera Mary Sunny
3P013. Global Enhancement but Local Suppression in Feature Based Attention. Matthias M Mueller, Norman Forschack, Soeren Andersen
3P014. The role of overt attention in brain response to emotional images. Michał Kuniecki, Joanna Pilarczyk, Aleksandra Domagalik
3P015. Comparing the allocation of visual attention to features and spatial locations. Cody W McCants, Nick Berggren, Martin Eimer
3P016. Object IOR in dynamic displays is modulated by social stimuli.. Robert Swalwell, Daniel Smith
3P017. Object-based attention in pigeons: Effects of enhanced independence between objects. Kazuki Fujii, Yukiko Hoshino, Maki Katsube, Tomokazu Ushitani
3P018. Fear improves unconscious visual processing of coarse low spatial frequency information. Manon Mulckhuyse, Maria Lojowska, Erno Hermans, Karin Roelofs
3P019. Concurrent auditory rhythm enhances visual object salience. Xiangyong Yuan, Yi Jiang
3P020. Surprising non-salient stimuli detract attention from a novel color singleton. Daniel Ernst, Gernot Horstmann
3P021. The Role of Attention on the Minimum Presentation Duration Required for Scene Recognition. Berhan Senyazar, Albert Ali Salah, Inci Ayhan
3P022. Visual direction of Brewster’s phenomenon and the percept produced by Wheatstone’s first stereogram. Linda Lillakas, Hiroshi Ono
3P023. Mapping the temporal and neural properties of binocular mechanisms for motion-in-depth perception. Ryan T Maloney, Milena Kaestner, Joe Ansell, Marina Bloj, Julie Harris, Alex Wade
3P024. Inter-dimensional crosstalk in perceived three-dimensional position relative to a slanted array. Harold Sedgwick
3P025. Perceived stimulus size and depth in virtual 3D space – Measurement of response force and simple reaction time. Thorsten Plewan
3P026. More 3D ambiguity is produced by less 2D information. Vasiliy Minkov, Sergey Kutylev, Tadamasa Sawada
3P027. Is there a cost to binocular vision: A link between the statistics of binocular images and the effect of eccentricity on visual performance.. David W Hunter, Paul Hibbard
3P028. Predicting how similar two faces look, using deep neural networks and optimised stimuli. Katherine R Storrs, Kamila Jozwik, Johnathan O'Keeffe, Nikolaus Kriegeskorte
3P029. A Model for Binocular Summation of Chromatic Signals. Hsiao-Yuan Lin, Chien-Chung Chen
3P030. The role of stereo disparity in early processing of global shape configuration and local part structure during object recognition: an ERP study. Zoe Oliver, Filipe Cristino, Charles Leek
3P031. The Extraction of Disparity-Defined Structure Using Cyclopean Filtering. Paul B Hibbard, Ross Goutcher
3P032. Influence of stimulus orientation and closed figures on stereopsis. Anna Ptukha, Pascal Mamassian
3P033. Synoptic viewing and monocular blur. Maarten Wijntjes
3P034. Reading speed improvement with coloured filters: Is the advantage of preferred over non-preferred colours a placebo effect?. Jane Cowan, Dr Nick Scott-Samuel, Dr Clive Franklish
3P035. Better colour constancy or worse discrimination? Illumination discrimination in colour anomalous observers. Stacey Aston, Jay Turner, Thomas Le Couteur Bisson, Gabriele Jordan, Anya Hurlbert
3P036. Color Vision Perception: A trial to understand how the change in colour perception happens in “#thedress” phenomenon. Kazim H Or
3P037. Is primate trichromacy optimized for detecting variation in face coloration?. Chihiro Hiramatsu, Amanda Melin, William Allen, Constance Dubuc, James Higham
3P038. Evidence for a temporal component in the influence of the colour of the surrounding. Borja Aguado, Cristina M Maho, Michele Rucci, Eli Brenner
3P039. Quantitative characterization of color vision using steady state visual evoked potentials. Hideaki Hirose, Shigeki Nakauchi
3P040. The role of visual coding in categorical perception of color. Ivana Jakovljev, Suncica Zdravkovic
3P041. Testing for Multidimensional Color-Emotion Semantic Space. Suncica Zdravkovic, Jelena Havelka, Christine Mohr, Domicele Jonauskaite, Nele Deal
3P042. The development of a colour basic category in the Spanish language: Universal and relativistic factors related to the “celeste” colour category. Julio A Lillo, Fernando Gonzalez, Lilia Prado-León, Anna Melnikova, Leticia Alvaro, José Collado, Humberto Moreira
3P043. Striate and extrastriate responses evoked by selective S-cone stimulation in human. Kalina I Racheva, Milena Mihaylova, Ivan Hristov, Tsvetalin Totev, Christina Christova, Stilian Georgiev, Dimitar Mitov
3P044. Colour spaces of red-green dichromats derived from multidimensional scaling: Effect of stimulus size and individual differences. Humberto Moreira, Leticia Álvaro, Anna Melnikova, Julio Lillo
3P045. Blue light reduces eye growth at high temporal frequencies but only at high contrast levels. Frances Rucker, Tiffany Yanase, Mark Henriksen, Chris Taylor
3P046. Evidence of Nonlinear Edge Mechanism in Cortical Responses to Color in the cVEP. Valerie Nunez, Robert Shapley, Peter Schuette, Afsana Amir, Chloe Brittenham, Asmaa Butt, Norine Chan, Syed Ali Hassan, Patricia Pehme, Carim-Sanni Ridwan, Yoomin Song, James Gordon
3P047. Colour simulation tools assessment: beyond colorimetric measurements. Leticia Álvaro, Julio Lillo, Humberto Moreira, Anna Melnikova
3P048. Colour Visual Coding in trained Deep Neural Networks. Ivet Rafegas, Maria Vanrell
3P049. A comparison between illuminant discrimination and chromatic detection. David Weiss, Karl Gegenfurtner
3P050. Investigating the relationship between population receptive field (pRF) sizes and spatial resolution using chromatic stimuli. Lauren E Welbourne, Freya Lygo, Su Zhao, Fraser Aitken, Alex Wade
3P051. Colour dimensions of transparent media. Alexander Logvinenko
3P052. Blue, white and pink—A cross-cultural comparison of kitsch and kič concepts from Bavaria, Serbia, and Slovenia. Stefan A Ortlieb, Danaja Rutar, Ivan Stojilovic, Claus-Christian Carbon
3P053. The first and the last time plasticity of Mondrian color induction. Hiroki Yokota, Seiichiro Naito
3P054. Does color affect physiological response to emotional images?. Joanna Pilarczyk, Kinga Wołoszyn, Michał Kuniecki
3P055. Perceptual color change of face by lipsticks. Yoshie Kiritani, Akane Okazaki, Kanako Motoyoshi, Ruriko Takano, Noriko Ookubo
3P056. Variations in skin colour and its ecological relevance. Sophie Wuerger, Tushar Chauhan, Kaida Xiao, Julian Yates, Ali Sohaib
3P057. Skin Colour Cues to Health and Fitness. David Perrett, Audrey Henderson, Ross Whitehead, Rebecca Hjemdahl, Abigail Bender, Amy Waters, Sean Talamas, Patrick Cairns, Gozde Ozakinci
3P058. The “Camouflage Machine”: optimising patterns for camouflage and visibility. Laszlo Talas, John G. Fennell, Roland J. Baddeley, Innes C. Cuthill, Nicholas E. Scott-Samuel
3P059. How does color diagnosticity modulate subjective experience of full-color natural scenes?. Eiji Kimura, Natsumi Takahashi, Mayu Sekizuka
3P060. Effects of Color Distribution on the Impression of Facial Skin. Katsunori Okajima, Miki Yonezawa
3P061. Implicit knowledge of the colours of natural scenes matches real colours. Sérgio M Nascimento, João Linhares, Ruben Pastilha, Cristina Montagner
3P062. Yellow is more creative than you know: Exploring implicit color associations with the multidimensional IAT. Marius H Raab, Anastasia Mironova1, Claus-Christian Carbon
3P063. The effect of ceiling color on interior space perception. Christoph von Castell, Heiko Hecht, Daniel Oberfeld
3P064. Object color change under natural illumination despite. Toshihiro Bando, Michitomo Ishii, Yasunar Sasaki
3P065. Models of crowding: a comparative study. Adrien C Doerig, Aaron Clarke, Greg Francis, Michael Herzog
3P066. The role of focal and orientation components of attention in modulating crowding in central and peripheral vision. Roberta Daini, Andrea Albonico, Emanuela Bricolo, Eleonora Frasson, Giuseppina Grasso, Antea Peiti, Marica Tessera, Marialuisa Martelli
3P067. Crowding effects using negatively conditioned stimuli. Ferdinand Pittino, Anke Huckauf
3P068. Visual crowding in natural images is affected by perceptual grouping of flankers. Anna E Hughes, Sarah Vaughan, David Tolhurst
3P069. Distinct process for perceptual and numerical estimation of average across time. Hiromi Sato, Isamu Motoyoshi
3P070. Crowded and uncrowded perception of Cyrillic letters in parafoveal vision: confusion matrices based on error rates. Svetlana V Alexeeva, Alena Konina
3P071. Identity-Crowding: Perception without Attention or Cognitive Inference?. Bilge Sayim, Daniel R. Coates, Henry Taylor
3P072. Crowded letter recognition: An objective measure of letter similarity. Deyue Yu, Ryan Loney
3P073. Perceptual learning following visual search decreases peripheral visual crowding. Alessandro Grillini, Remco Renken, Nomdo Jansonius, Frans Cornelissen
3P074. Can we predict peripheral reading speed based on visual letter recognition performance for individual readers?. Jean-Baptiste Bernard, Deyue Yu, Eric Castet
3P075. Target discrimination is not affected by distractor expectation. Josephine Reuther, Ramakrishna Chakravarthi
Decision Making
3P076. Differential gains depending on relying more on time or space: evidence from a timing task. David Aguilar-Lleyda, Elisabet Tubau, Joan López-Moliner
3P077. The neural basis of the paired-object affordance effect. Alexia Roux-Sibilon, Solene Kalenine, Cedric Pichet, Carole Peyrin
3P078. On optimal estimation from correlated samples. Oana Stanciu, Mate Lengyel, Daniel Wolpert, Jozsef Fiser
3P079. Predicting perception from the electroencephalogram. Greta Vilidaite, Daniel H Baker
3P080. Logistic mixed models to investigate implicit eye gaze and explicit choice predictions. Martin Lages, Anne Scheel
3P081. Control of saccadic latencies in a choice paradigm.. Cécile Vullings, Laurent Madelain
3P082. Developmental differences in canonical visual size during a drawing task. Kentaro Inomata
3P083. Development of haptic and visual 2D shape recognition. Krista Overvliet, Ralf Krampe
3P084. Gaze patterns to the focus of a radial optic flow in school age children. Nobu Shirai, Tomoko Imura
3P085. The development of facial expression recognition abilities from childhood to adulthood. Megan Willis, Nicholas Badcock, Nicole Ridley, Romina Palermo
3P086. The development of convergence and divergence to radial optic flow in infancy. Elizabeth Nawrot, Mark Nawrot
3P087. Unisensory and multisensory development in typically and visually deprived children. Giulia Cappagli, Sara Finocchietti, Elena Cocchi, Monica Gori
3P088. Age-related differences in object recognition tasks in preschool children. Sergey Kiselev
3P089. Object-based visual attention assessed by eye vergence movements in early infancy. Flavia Espósito, Hans Supèr
3P090. Expression dependence in the perception of facial identity. Annabelle S Redfern, Chris Benton
3P091. Categorical and dimensional representations of emotions tested by adaptation to dynamic facial expressions. Olga A Korolkova
3P092. Composite facial expressions: half-face diagnostic features dominate emotion discrimination. Galina Y Menshikova, David Bimler, Yakov Bondarenko, Galina Paramei
3P093. Dissociations of Face and Emotion Perception: A Case Study of Congenital Prosopagnosia. David M Kurbel, Malte Persike, Günter Meinhardt, Bozana Meinhardt-Injac
3P094. Face your body! Bi-directional shifts in emotion categorization following face-body integration. Maya Lecker, Ron Dotsch, Gijs Bijlstra, Hillel Aviezer
3P095. Effect of Smiling on Perception of Facial Birthmarks of Different Sizes. Ken Masame
3P096. Hiding emotions: The effects of masking facial regions on judgements of emotional similarity within "expression space". David Bimler, John Kirkland
3P097. Traditional Islamic Headdress and Facial Features Unconsciously Elicit Negative Emotions. Trevor J Hine, Bhutto Sarah
3P098. Crossmodal integration of emotional sounds and faces depends on the degree of autistic traits. Arno Koning, Lena Mielke, Rob van Lier
3P099. Reading the Mind in the Blink of an Eye - A novel database for facial expressions. Gunnar Schmidtmann, Daria Sleiman, Jordan Pollack, Ian Gold
3P100. Is there a correlation between psychophysical visual surround suppression and IQ?. Sandra Arranz-Paraíso, Ignacio Serrano-Pedraza
3P101. Context improves motion speed estimation. Agustín P Décima, Andrés Martín, José Barraza
3P102. Anodal and cathodal electrical stimulation over v5 improves motion perception by signal enhancement and noise reduction. Luca Battaglini, Clara Casco
3P103. Migraine and the motion streak. Louise O'Hare
3P104. Further observations of the "Witch Ring" illusion. david a phillips, Priscilla Heard, Thomas Ryan
3P105. Direction perception in center-surround multi-element configurations with varying contrast and velocity. Miroslava Stefanova, Nadejda Bocheva, Byliana Genova, Simeon Stefanov
3P106. Size of motion display affects precision of motion perception.. Yoshiaki Tsushima, Yuichi Sakano, Hiroshi Ando
3P107. The effect of temporal duration on the integration of local motion in the discrimination of global speed, in the absence of visual awareness.. Charles Y Chung, Sieu Khuu, Kirsten Challinor
3P108. Second-order apparent motion perception traversing horizontal and vertical meridians. Hidetoshi Kanaya, Takao Sato
3P109. Effects of different electrical brain stimulations over V5/MT on global motion processing.. Filippo Ghin, George Mather, Andrea Pavan
Perception & Action
3P110. The window of simultaneity widens around the time of an active or passive action. Belkis Ezgi Arikan, Bianca M. van Kemenade, Benjamin Straube, Laurence Harris, Tilo Kircher
3P111. The influence of effector movement on the spatial coding of somatosensory reach targets: From gaze-independent to gaze-dependent coding. Stefanie Mueller, Katja Fiehler
3P112. Turning down the noise in interceptive timing. Oscar T Giles, Richard Wilkie, Peter Culmer, Ray Hold, James Tresilian, Mark Mon-Williams
3P113. The lack of effect of a visual size illusion on grip aperture is independent of object size. Jeroen Smeets, Eli Brenner
3P114. Repeated Search with Arm and Body Movements. Christof Körner, Margit Höfler, Iain Gilchrist
3P115. Gaze when grasping a glass of milk or water. Eli Brenner, Dimitris Voudouris, Katja Fiehler, Jeroen B.J. Smeets
3P116. Tactile enhancement in reaching. Dimitris Voudouris, Katja Fiehler
3P117. Sensory-based versus memory-based selection in well-practiced sensorimotor sequences. Rebecca M Foerster, Werner X. Schneider
3P118. How do people steer a car to intercept a moving target: Flexibility in the visual control of locomotor interception. Huaiyong Zhao, Dominik Straub, Constantin Rothkopf
3P119. Exploring the role of actions in calibrating audio-visual events in time. Nara Ikumi, Salvador Soto-Faraco
3P120. Effects of visual feedback of virtual hand on proprioceptive drift. Hiroaki Shigemasu, Takuya Kawamura
3P121. Motor activity associated with perceived objects depends on its location in space and previous interactions: an EEG study. Alice Cartaud, Yannick Wamain, Ana Pinheiro, Yann Coello
3P123. Foreperiod beta-power correlates with the degree of temporal adaptation. Clara Cámara, Josep Marco-Pallarés, Joan López-Moliner
3P124. The nature of error signals in adaptation. Elisabeth Knelange, Joan López-Moliner
3P125. Motor learning that demands novel dynamic control and perceptual-motor integration: An fMRI study of training voluntary smooth circular eye movements. Raimund Kleiser, Cornelia Stadler, Sibylle Wimmer, Thomas Matyas, Rüdiger Seitz
3P126. Optic flow speed modulates guidance level control: new insights into two-level steering. Jac Billington, Callum Mole, Georgios Kountouriotis, Richard Wilkie
3P127. Predicting the trajectory of a ball from the kinematics of a throwing action.. Antonella Maselli, Aishwar Dhawan, Benedetta Cesqui, Andrea d'Avella, Francesco Lacquaniti
Perceptual organization
3P128. Simultaneous density contrast. Hua-Chun Sun, Curtis Baker, Frederick Kingdom
3P129. The neural response to visual symmetry in each hemisphere. Damien Wright, Alexis Makin, Marco Bertamini
3P130. Identifying Semantic Attributes for Procedural Textures. Qitao Wu, Jun Liu, Lina Wang, Ying Gao, Junyu Dong
3P131. The role of motion in mirror-symmetry perception. Rebecca J Sharman, Elena Gheorghiu
3P132. Dynamically adjusted surround contrast enhances boundary detection. Arash Akbarinia, Alejandro Parraga
3P133. From grouping to coupling: A new perceptual organization beyond Gestalt grouping. Katia Deiana, Baingio Pinna
3P134. Probing Attentional Deployment to Foreground and Background regions. Adel Ferrari, Marco Bertamini
3P135. Perception of the Kanizsa illusion by pigeons when using different inducers. Tomokazu Ushitani, Mochizuki Shiori
3P136. Depth perception affects figure-ground organization by symmetry under inattention. Einat Rashal, Ruth Kimchi, Johan Wagemans
3P137. Measuring Plaid-Selective Responses Across Contrast Using the Intermodulation Response. Darren G Cunningham, Jonathan Peirce
3P138. Different mechanisms mediating interpolation of illusory and partly-occluded contours. Bat-Sheva Hadad
Temporal processing
3P139. The time compression induced by visual masking. Riku Asaoka, Jiro Gyoba
3P140. Emotions evoked by viewing pictures may affect perceived duration and temporal resolution of visual processing. Makoto Ichikawa, Misa Kobayashi
3P141. The effects of spatial attention on temporal integration. Ilanit Hochmitz, Marc M. Lauffs, Michael H. Herzog, Yaffa Yeshurun
3P142. Cinematic cuts and temporal continuity. Elena A Parozzi, Luca Tommasi, Rossana Actis-Grosso
3P143. Unpacking the prediction-motion literature. Alexis D Makin
3P144. Effect of stimulus placement and presentation on duration discrimination. Charlotte Harrison, Nicola Binetti, Isabelle Mareschal, Alan Johnston
3P145. The effect of awareness of temporal lag on motor-visual temporal recalibration varies with judgment tasks. Masaki Tsujita, Koichiro Yamada, Makoto Ichikawa
3P146. Illusion and reality: the case of apparent duration. David Rose
Thursday September 1st
4P001. Age-related changes in saccadic adaptation. Jing Huang, Jutta Billino, Sabine Margolf-Hackl, Karl Gegenfurtner
4P002. Gender differences in visual perception. Albulena Shaqiri, Andreas Brand, Maya Roinishvili, Marina Kunchulia, Guillaume Sierro, Julie Willemin, Eka Chkonia, Luisa Iannantuoni, Karin Pilz, Christine Mohr, Michael Herzog
4P003. Biological Motion and Attention in Healthy Ageing.. Hannah C Agnew, Karin S Pilz
4P004. Manipulation and function knowledge in a lifespan perspective: evidence from a semantic priming study. Cynthia Collette, Isabelle Bonnotte, Charlotte Jacquemont, Solène Kalénine, Angela Bartolo
4P005. Age-related differences in preferential attention to, but not interference from, affective images. Janice E Murray, Mark Madill
4P006. Quantifying the Effect of Healthy Ageing on Features of Face Perception. Andrew J Logan, Gael E Gordon, Gunter Loffler
4P007. Alpha7 subunit of the nicotinergic acetylcholine receptor gene (CHRNA7) and perception of coherent motion in aging. Marina Kunchulia, Nato Kotaria, Karin Pilz, Adam Kotorashvili, Michael Herzog
4P008. Age related differences in perception of a situation and eye-witness identification. Helen Kaye
4P009. Effects of aging in cognitive and anticipated properties of the moving object. Masaru Takeichi, Takeyuki Arai, Kinya Fujita
4P010. Spatial attention measures in healthy aging. Gesine Maerker, Gemma Learmonth, Monika Harvey
4P011. Compensation mechanism of chromatic adaptation in elderly person. Katsuaki Sakata, Hitomi Shimakura
4P012. Dual task performances in pathological and physiological aging.. Martina Conti, Maria Gabriella Donato, Simona Cintoli, Nicoletta Berardi, Gloria Tognoni, Maria Michela Del Viva
Applied vision
4P013. Visually evoked potentials gained by new mobile device can detect CNS fatigue. Zuzana Kubova, Karolina Kubova, Miroslav Kuba, Jan Kremlacek, Frantisek Vit, Jana Szanyi, Jana Langrova
4P014. Effects of indirect screen vision and tool-use on the time and precision of object positioning on real-world targets. Anil Ufuk Batmaz, Michel de Mathelin, Birgitta Dresp-Langley
4P015. The relationship between the direction of attention and evaluation content while observing products. Aya Shiraiwa, Kentaro Inomata, Ayako Masuda, Takashi Asano, Kunio Nikata, Keigo Kawasaki, Seiichi Furuhashi, Noriko Nagata, Norio Komura
4P016. Assessing visual processing capabilities using the virtual reality device Oculus Rift. Christian H Poth, Rebecca M. Foerster, Christian Behler, Mario Botsch, Werner X. Schneider
4P017. Brain games: Extensive action video game experience enhances globally-directed visual-attention. Nicole H. L. Wong, Travis C. M. Ting, Dorita H. F. Chang
4P018. Blur Unblurred, for the Vision Scientist. Hans Strasburger, Sven P. Heinrich, Michael Bach
4P019. Mobile device for visually evoked potentials recorded from prefrontal cortex. Miroslav Kuba, Jan Kremlacek, Frantisek Vit, Martina Holubova, Aneta Mlynarova, Zuzana Kubova, Jana Langrova, Jana Szanyi
4P020. From brain oscillations to new technological applications: Proof of concept. Mireia Torralba, Salvador Soto-Faraco, Manuela Ruzzoli
4P021. Visual-motor integration in dyslexia. Barbara Piotrowska, Jennifer Murray, Alexandra Willis, Jon Kerridge, Rory MacLean
Attention: tracking
4P022. Inattentional Blindness: the role of target-congruency in a multiple object tracking paradigm. Michaela Porubanova, Maria Kuvaldina
4P023. Collaborative multiple object tracking: How many objects can you track and which ones did you pick?. Basil Wahn, Alan Kingstone, Peter König
4P024. Multiple identity tracking: evidence that location tracking and identity tracking suffer similarly from spatial interactions. Katie M McLeod, Leili Soo, Soren K Andersen
4P025. Attentional (an-)isotropy: differential effects of covert and overt object tracking. Andrea Frielink-Loing, Arno Koning, Rob van Lier
4P026. Age and gender effects in attentional tracking. Eugenie Roudaia, Jocelyn Faubert
Biological motion
4P027. Infant’s Perception of Biological Motion – a Neurobiological study using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Isabel C Lisboa, Helga Miguel, Alfredo F. Pereira, Adriana Sampaio, Sandra Mouta, Jorge A. Santos
4P028. Dissociating global and local biological motion processing in the human brain. Dorita H Chang, Hiroshi Ban, Nikolaus F. Troje
4P029. Response priming with dynamic, spatially varied, and biologically moving stimuli. David Eckert, Christina Bermeitinger
4P030. It’s not human! - Neural correlates of agency violations. Hanna Gertz, Maximilian Hilger, Mathias Hegele, Katja Fiehler
4P031. When your movements betray your feelings: Reading emotional state through body kinematics. Yannick Wamain, Anaïs Demay, Yvonne Delevoye-Turrell
4P032. The face of actions: Evidence for neural action recognition processes being sensitive for facial identity. Stephan de la Rosa, Ylva Ferstl, Heinrich H Bülthoff
4P033. Biological motion presented with upright and inverted display orientation: Human ultra high field 9.4 T fMRI. Marina A Pavlova, Michael Erb, Gisela Hagberg, Alexander Sokolov, Klaus Scheffler
4P034. Processing of emotional body language within the visual social cognition network. Arseny A Sokolov, Michael Erb, Frank Pollick, Richard SJ Frackowiak, Karl J Friston, Marina A Pavlova
4P035. Impaired visual competition in patients with homonymous visual field defects.. Anna Geuzebroek, A.C. Geuzebroek, A.V. Van den Berg
4P036. Neural correlates of visual backward masking: Compensation mechanism in relatives of schizophrenia patients. Janir Nuno da Cruz, Maya Roinishvili, Eka Chkonia, Patrícia Figueiredo, Michael Herzog
4P037. Evidence for a Face Inversion Effect in People with Parkinson's. Louise S Delicato, Joanna Wincenciak, David Burn
4P038. The role of optical and morphological characteristics of the human eye in detection of objects in different visual tasks. Olga Vakhrameeva, Galina Moiseenko, Aino Lamminpia, Dmitry Maltsev, Mikhail Sukhinin, Sergey Pronin, Sergey Koskin, Yuri Shelepin
4P039. Transfer of induced preferred retinal locus of fixation among visual tasks. Maria J Barraza Bernal, Katharina Rifai, Siegfried Wahl
4P040. The integration of gaze cues in faces for congenital prosopagnosia. Leia Vrancken, Filip Germeys, Karl Verfaillie
4P041. Structural insights into mutations of RDH12 causing Leber Congenital Amaurosis based on the Drosophila Melanogaster homolog, PDH. Lukas Hofmann, Yaroslav Tsybovsky, Nathan Alexander, Surajit Banerjee, Krzysztof Palczewski
4P042. How does glaucoma affect visual categorization of objects?. Quentin Lenoble, Jia Jia Lek, Allison M. McKendrick
4P043. The evaluation of dynamic stereotests in the screening of amblyopia – a clinical study. Anna Budai , Andras Czigler, Petra Juhasz, Vanda Nemes, Agota Pusztai, Gabor Jando
4P044. Alternation frequency ranges for stereopsis in patients with strabismus. Svetlana Rychkova, Maria Gracheva, Michail Zhmurov
4P045. Peripheral eye optics, blind retina and potential extent of nasal and temporal visual fields. Galina Rozhkova, Ekaterina Kruttsova
4P046. Assessment of the blind retina margins by means of perimetry. Alexander Belokopytov, Galina Rozhkova
4P047. Amblyopia treatment: Advantages of virtual occlusion based on a contemporary 3D technique. Andrey Bolshakov, Maria Gracheva, Svetlana Rychkova, Galina Rozhkova
4P048. A quick method for quantifying depth and extent of interocular suppression in amblyopes. Akash S Chima, Monika Formankiewicz, Sarah Waugh
4P049. The relationship between spatial/motion perception and traits of visual vertigo. Georgie Powell, Simon Rushton, Hannah Derry-Sumner, Deepak Rajenderkumar, Kait Clark, Luke Bratton, Petroc Sumner
4P050. Visual Compensation Method using Stereo Vision System for People with Color Vision Deficiency. Toshiaki Yamanouchi, Kazuhisa Yanaka, Chisato Kimura
4P051. Using MRI to assess visual function during treatment for wet age-related macular degeneration. Rachel L Woodall, Andre D Gouws, Richard P Gale, Antony B Morland, Heidi A Baseler
4P052. Can an fMRI signature of reorganisation of visual processing in patients with retinal lesions be found in normally-sighted individuals?. Holly D Brown, Andre Gouws, Richard Gale, Samuel Lawrence, Richard Vernon, Heidi Baseler, Antony Morland
4P053. The evidence of impairment the processes of identification in schizophrenia. Irina Shoshina, S.A. Konkina, Y.E. Shelepin , R.A Sergienko
4P054. Central Contrast Sensitivity of Individuals with Dyslexia does not differ from age-matched Controls. Sweta Panchagnula, Jan Lauritzen, Udaya Panchagnula, Ramesh Chandra Babu
Eye movements: Applications
4P055. Eye-tracking based technic for detection of deception. Yuri G Pavlov, Kirill V. Zlokazov, Oksana D. Slesareva, Nadezhda V. Tulenina
4P056. On the robustness of the measurement of eye dominance strength based on saccadic parameters. Jérôme Tagu, Karine Doré-Mazars, Judith Vergne, Christelle Lemoine-Lardennois, Dorine Vergilino-Perez
4P057. GridFix: A Python toolbox to facilitate fixation analysis and evaluation of saliency algorithms using Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM). Immo Schütz, Wolfgang Einhäuser, Antje Nuthmann
4P058. Detecting Diplopia through Eye Movements: A Machine Learning Approach. Borja Galán, Marina Martínez-García, Vicent Sanchis-Jurado, Jaume Pujol, Jesús Malo
4P059. Effects of ADAS notifications on driver’s visual attention under simulator driving conditions. Florin Girbacia, Adrian Dumitru, Cristian Postelnicu, Mihai Duguleana, Teodora Girbacia, Eugen Butila, Andreea Beraru, Gheorghe Mogan
4P060. New methods for an eye-tracker based on multiple corneal reflections. Clara Mestre, Josselin Gautier, Jaume Pujol
4P061. Influence of simulated blur on kinematic of eye movements. Marta S Bernadí, Josselin Gautier, Garcia-Guerra Carlos-Enrique, Carles Otero, Jaume Pujol
4P062. CHAP: An Open Source Software for Processing and Analyzing Pupillometry Data. Ronen Hershman, Noga Cohen, Avishai Henik
4P063. Classification of Expertise in Photoediting based on Eye Movements. Tandra Ghose, Kartikeya Karnatak, Yannik Schelske, Takeshi Suzuki
4P064. The testing of motion sickness resistance in virtual reality using eye tracking. Oksana A Klimova, Artem Ivanovich
4P065. Gaze behavior in real-world driving: cognitive and neurobiological foundations. Otto Lappi
4P066. The Other Race Effect on contextual face recognition. Fatima M Felisberti, James John
4P067. Incidental learning of trust does not result in distorted memory for the physical features of faces. James Strachan, Steven Tipper
4P068. Pupillary response reflects the effect of facial color on expression. Satoshi Nakakoga, Yuji Nihei, Shigeki Nakauchi, Tetsuto Minami
4P069. Learning faces from inverted television. Robin S Kramer, Rob Jenkins, Andrew Young, Mike Burton
4P070. Precise Representation of Personally, but not Visually, Familiar Faces. Duangkamol Srismith, Mintao Zhao, Isabelle Bülthoff
4P071. The effect of facial familarity on the assessment of facial attractiveness. Yuan Zhou
4P072. Uncanny Valley: social distance and prosopagnosia. Marija Cmiljanović, Sunčica Zdravković
4P073. Trustworthiness judgement from facial images and its relationship to outcome of political contest in South Asia. Garga Chatterjee, Avisek Gupta, Ishan Sahu
4P074. Changes of eyes expression of a model affect a perception of facial expression. Elizaveta Luniakova, Jahan Ganizada
4P075. Pupillary response to face-like processing. Yuji Nihei, Tetsuto Minami, Shigeki Nakauchi
4P076. Disruption of face detection and individuation in schizophrenia: links with deficits of visual perception and selective attention. William Comfort, Thiago Fernandes, Natanael dos Santos, Yossi Zana
4P077. Face direction or image direction?. Elena Nikitina
4P078. The speed of continuous face detection in a gaze-contingent paradigm. Jacob G Martin, Maximilian Riesenhuber, Simon J. Thorpe
4P079. Stepwise dimensional discrimination of compound visual stimuli by pigeons. Olga Vyazovska, V.M. Navarro, E.A. Wasserman
4P080. Perceptual learning for global motion is tuned for spatial frequency. Jordi M Asher, Vincenzo Romei, Paul B Hibbard
4P081. tRNS over the parietal lobe inhibits perceptual learning of task irrelevant stimuli. Federica Contò, Sarah Christine Tyler, Lorella Battelli
4P082. Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation (tRNS) Modulates Cortical Excitability of the Visual Cortex in Healthy Adults. Florian S Herpich, Martijn van Konigsbruggen , Lorella Battelli
4P083. Perceiving novel objects: The effect of learning on repetition blindness. Idy W Chou, Dorita H. F. Chang
4P084. Dichoptic perceptual training in juvenile amblyopes with or without patching history. JunYun Zhang, Xiang-Yun Liu, Cong Yu
4P085. Learning when (and when not) to integrate audiovisual signals. Neil Roach, Eugenie Roudaia, Fiona Newell, David McGovern
4P086. Visual perceptual learning of a task-irrelevant feature of the stimulus. Jessica Galliussi, Lukasz Grzeczkowski, Walter Gerbino, Michael Herzog, Paolo Bernardis
4P087. Broad learning transfer in visual hierarchical processing. Kenji C Lau, Dorita H. F. Chang
4P088. Training transfer: from augmented virtual reality to real task performance.. Georg Meyer, Natalia Cooper, Mark White, Fernando Milella, Iain Cant
4P089. The role of vestibular inputs in self-motion perception by cutaneous sensation (2): Does the active motion of the perceiver facilitate or inhibit perceived self-motion by cutaneous sensation?. Hidemi Komatsu, Kayoko Murata, Yasushi Nakano, Shigeru Ichihara, Naoe Masuda, Masami Ishihara
4P090. Coordination of eye-head movements and the amount of twist of the body while jumping with turn. Yusuke Sato, Shuko Torii, Masaharu Sasaki
4P091. Construction of a model of vection. Takeharu Seno, Ken-ichi Sawai, Masaki Ogawa, Toshihiro Wakebe, Hidetoshi Kanaya, Juno Kim, Stephen Palmisano
4P092. A New Bias in Repeated Serial Subjective Estimation - Vection in a Contest of Japanese Comedians –. Emi Setoguchi, Takeharu Seno
4P093. No evidence for a locomotion-induced change in human surround suppression. Alex V Benjamin, Kirstie Wailes-Newson, Daniel Baker, Alex Wade
4P094. Does vection affect sensitivity of smell?. Yuichi Bannai, Masashi Tohju
4P095. Representation of egomotion in non-human primate. Benoit R Cottereau, Samy Rima, Yves Trotter, Andy Smith, Jean-Baptiste Durand
4P096. The role of a vestibular input in self-motion perception by cutaneous sensation (1): Does the transfer of the perceiver’s position facilitate or inhibit the self-motion?. Kayoko Murata, Hidemi Komatsu, Yasushi Nakano, Shigeru Ichihara, Naoe Masuda, Masami Ishihara
4P097. The link between slow phases of opto-kinetic nystagmus and vection perception in virtual reality. Artem I Kovalev, Galina Menshikova
4P098. Does self-movement silence change detection?. Simon K Rushton, Yasmeenah Elzein, Laurence Harris
4P099. The sound of body movements: Synesthetic sound symbolism observed in human gesture. Naoto Yamauchi, Kazuko Shinohara, Masato Iwami, Hideyuki Tanaka
4P100. Interactions between articulation and hand movements - congruency effects in Czech. Kaisa Tiippana, Mikko Tiainen, Jiri Lukavsky, Martti Vainio, Juraj Simko, Fatima Felisberti, Lari Vainio
4P101. The influence of implicit representations on haptic shape perception. Elizabeth S Collier, Tushar Chauhan, Rebecca Lawson
4P102. Cross-modal correspondence between visual symmetry and taste. Nora Turoman, Charles Spence
4P103. Moving hands perception in virtual reality. Olga Perepelkina, Galina Arina, Valentina Nikolaeva
4P104. Auditory space around the body. Elena Aggius-Vella, Claudio Campus, Sara Finocchietti, Monica Gori
4P105. Echolocation modifies your peripersonal space. Alessia Tonelli, Claudio Campus, Andrea Serino, Luca Brayda, Monica Gori
4P106. Audio helps to rescue visual events to awareness, but there is no shortcut through audiovisual integration. Marta S Papai, Salvador Soto-Faraco
4P107. Face and voice contributions to gender discrimination. Clement Abbatecola, Peggy Gerardin, Kenneth Knoblauch, Henry Kennedy
4P108. Exploring mirror-sensory synesthesia: differential effects on altruism and emotional context in pictures. Kalliopi Ioumpa OU Iuba, Tessa Van Leeuwen, Rob Van Lier
4P109. Multimodal effects of color and aroma on predicted palatability of red milk beverages. Akihisa Takemura, Shino Okuda, Katsunori Okajima
4P110. The Effects of Multisensory Cues on the Sense of Presence and Task Performance in a Virtual Reality Environment.. Natalia Cooper, Ferdinando Millela, Carlo Pinto, Iain Cant, Mark White, Georg Meyer
4P111. Auditory and tactile frequency representations overlap in parietal operculum. Alexis Pérez-Bellido, Kelly A. Barnes, Jeffrey M. Yau
4P112. Colour associations in synaesthetes and nonsynaesthetes: A large-scale study in Dutch. Tessa M van Leeuwen, Mark Dingemanse
4P113. Effects of object-specific sounds on haptic scene recognition. Simon Hazenberg, Rob van Lier
4P114. The interactions with own avatars may improve the presence effect in virtual environments. Natalya Krasilshchikova, Galina Menshikova
4P115. Crossmodal transfer of emotion by music is greater for social compared to non-social visual cues: an event-related potential (ERP) study. Neil Harrison, Linda Jakubowiczová
Scene perception
4P116. Eye-Fixation Related Potentials evidence for incongruent object processing during scene exploration. Hélène Devillez, Randall C. O'Reilly, Tim Curran
4P117. Reducing the impact of a restricted field of view when watching movies. Francisco M Costela, Russell Woods
4P118. The interactive role of nCRF on CRF at cat's primary visual cortex to natural stimuli. Ling Wang, Lipeng Zhang, Zhengqiang Dai, Jiaojiao Yin
4P119. Awareness level modulates ERPs for evolutionarily threatening images: investigating the snake detection hypothesis. Simone Grassini, Suvi Holm, Henry Railo, Mika Koivisto
4P120. Interaction of perceptibility and emotional arousal in modulating pupil size. fMRI study.. Kinga Wołoszyn, Joanna Pilarczyk, Aleksandra Domagalik, Michał Kuniecki
4P121. Automatic analysis of smooth pursuit episodes in dynamic natural scenes. Michael Dorr, Ioannis Agtzidis, Mikhail Startsev
4P122. The Influence of Detailed illustrations on Comprehension Monitoring and Positive Emotions. Yu Ying Lin, Kiyofumi Miyoshi, Hiroshi Ashida
4P123. Constructing scenes from objects: holistic representation of object arrangements in the parahippocampal place area. Daniel Kaiser, Marius V Peelen
4P124. Visual processing of emotional information in natural surfaces. Isamu Motoyoshi, Shiori Mori
4P125. Encoding basic visual attributes of naturalistic complex stimuli. Jozsef Fiser, Jeppe Christensen, Peter Bex
4P126. Perceptual Organization of Badminton Shots in Experts and Novices. Ehsan Shahdoust, Thomas H Morris, Dennis Gleber, Tandra Ghose, Arne Güllich
4P127. Effects upon magnitude estimation of the choices of modulus’ values. Adsson Magalhaes, Marcelo Costa, Balazs Nagy
4P128. How information from low and high spatial frequencies interact during scene categorization?. Louise Kauffmann, Alexia Roux-Sibilon, Dorante Miler, Brice Beffara, Martial Mermillod, Carole Peyrin
4P129. Large-scale human intracranial LFPs related to scene cuts in the TV series “Friends”. Evelina Thunell, Sébastien M. Crouzet, Luc Valton, Jean-Christophe Sol, Emmanuel J. Barbeau, Simon J. Thorpe
4P130. Experimental cognitive toponymy: what’s in a (place) name?. David R Simmons, Leslie Spence
4P131. What is actually measured in the rapid number estimation task?. Yulia M Stakina, Igor S. Utochkin
Scene: Stats summary
4P132. The effects of spatial dividers on counting and numerosity estimation. Qi Li, Ryoichi Nakashima, Kazuhiko Yokosawa
4P133. Serial dependence for perception of visual variance. Marta Suarez-Pinilla, Warrick Roseboom, Anil Seth
4P134. Visual-auditory interaction in perception of the variance. Sachiyo Ueda, Ayane Mizuguchi, Reiko Yakushijin, Akira Ishiguchi
4P135. Automatic detection of orientation variance within scenes. Szonya Durant, Istvan Sulykos, Istvan Czigler
4P136. Anchoring predictions in scenes: Electrophysiological and behavioral evidence for a hierarchical structure in scenes.. Sage E Boettcher, Melissa L.-H. Võ
4P137. Neural substrates of early data reduction in the visual system. Laura Palmieri, Maria Michela Del Viva
Spatial aspects
4P138. Simple reaction times as an implicit measure of the development of size constancy. Carmen Fisher, Irene Sperandio
4P139. Dynamics of the perceived space under the self induced motion perception. Tatsuya Yoshizawa, Shun Yamazaki, Kasumi Sasaki
4P140. The perceived size and shape of objects in the peripheral visual field. Robert Pepperell, Nicole Ruta, Alistair Burleigh, Joseph Baldwin
4P141. Spatial phase discrimination in visual textures. Endel Poder
4P142. Colour discrimination, coloured backgrounds, non-verbal IQ and global and local shape perception. Alex J Shepherd, Ardian Dumani, Geddes Wyatt
4P143. Examining the spatial extent of orientation-tuned contextual modulation in human V1 with fMRI. Susan G Wardle, Kiley Seymour
4P144. Wish I was here – anisotropy of egocentric distances and perceived self-location. Oliver Tošković
4P145. Visual discrimination of surface attitude from texture. Samy Blusseau, Wendy Adams, James Elder, Erich Graf, Arthur Lugtigheid
4P146. Shape discrimination. Why is a square better than a triangle for a jumping spider?. Massimo De Agrò, Iacopo Cassai, Ilaria Fraccaroli, Enzo Moretto, Lucia Regolin
4P147. Measures of orientation-tuned inhibition in human primary visual cortex agree with psychophysics. Kiley Seymour, Timo Stein, Colin Clifford, Philipp Sterzer