- Lunch Seminar: How does Political Alignment affect the Allocation of Intergovernmental Grants: Empirical Evidence with Historical Data from Greece
Llegir més
- RUE SEMINAR: On the behavioral antecedents of business cycle coherence in the euro area
Llegir més
- RUE SEMINAR: Racing ahead or lagging behind? Territorial cohesion in human development around the globe
Llegir més
- RUE SEMINAR: Living on my own: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on housing demand
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- RUE SEMINAR: Development Level of Hosting Areas and the Impact of Refugees on Natives' Labor Market Outcomes
Llegir més
- Lunch SEMINAR: Interdisciplinarity dilemmas: trade-offs in scientific research
Llegir més
- Local Public University Research Funding and Firm-University Cooperation
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- Lunch SEMINAR: The Dynamics of Industry Agglomeration: Evidence from 44 years of Co-agglomeration Patterns
Data 26-05-2021 14:00Ponent: Mathieu P.A. Steijn, Utrecht University and Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamLlegir més
- Lunch SEMINAR: Industrial Transformation and Migration in China
Llegir més