- RUE Seminar: Global Value Chains and Productivity: Causal Evidence from Firms Worldwide
Llegir més
- RUE Seminar: The (Real) Premium of Cities and the Location of Workers: Evidence from Spain
Llegir més
- Lunch SEMINAR: Pro-immigrant Legislation and Financial Inclusion: The Effects of Sanctuary Policies on the Mortgage Market
Llegir més
- Lunch Seminar: Subsidised school meals and child well-being: the case of Barcelona
Llegir més
- RUE Seminar: Bright and green? A global view on density and the trade-off between economic activity and green spaces for over 1000 cities
Data 17-05-2024 14:15Ponent: Konstantin Reisner, German Center for Integrative Biodiversity ResearchLlegir més
- RUE Seminar: The impact of academisation in English schools on the England-Scotland PISA achievement gap
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- Lunch Seminar: Establishing Academic Independence: Evaluating the Impact of H2020 Grants on Early Career Pathways
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- Lunch SEMINAR: The Effect of Public Sector Relocations on Regional Development
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- RUE Seminar: Local Justice Quality and Crimes
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- CANCELLED RUE Seminar: Brand awareness in the Spanish higher education market: evidence from online searches
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- Lunch SEMINAR: Mode of delivery and long-term child outcomes: Evidence from the United Kingdom
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