- LUNCH SEMINAR: Spatial Exploration of Age Distribution in Catalan Municipalities
Llegir més
- LUNCH SEMINAR: Geo-Segregation Analyzer: an Open Source Software for Calculating Residential Segregation Indices.
Llegir més
- LUNCH SEMINAR: Double Penalty in Returns to Education: Informality and Mismatch in the Labor market, Evidence From Colombia.
Llegir més
- RUE SEMINAR: Local human capital externalities and wages at the firm level: Evidence from Italian Manufacturing.
Llegir més
- LUNCH SEMINAR: Interdependence in the stock market during the great recession.
Llegir més
- RUE SEMINAR: Euro area sovereign debt crisis: A change in the market assessment of the underlying risk or a change in the price of risk?
Llegir més
- LUNCH SEMINAR: Country Study: Hungary
Llegir més
- LUNCH SEMINAR: Wage Curve Evidence from Living Conditions Surveys of Spain and Turkey: 2006-2010
Llegir més
- LUNCH SEMINAR: Interrelation among Economic Growth, Income Inequality, and Fiscal Performance
Llegir més
- RUE SEMINAR: Regional retail regulation and supermarket entry in Spain
Llegir més
- LUNCH SEMINAR: Performance in Post-compulsory Education: Evidence from Vocational and Academic Tracks
Llegir més
- RUE SEMINAR: On the non-linear relation between trade and distance: New results for the border effect using region-to-region national and inter-national flows.
Llegir més
- RUE SEMINAR: On Regional Macroeconomic Shocks in the Spanish Regional Economic System.
Llegir més
- RUE SEMINAR:Underqualification as an opportunity for low-educated workers.
Llegir més
- LUNCH SEMINAR: Social networks and trade of services: modelling interregional flows with spatial and network autocorrelation effects
Llegir més
- RUE SEMINAR:Alike in Many Ways: Intergenerational and Sibling Correlations of Brothers’ Earnings
Llegir més
- RUE SEMINAR: Spatial organization of firms and location choices through the value chain.
Llegir més
- LUNCH SEMINAR: Which agency and which period is the best? Analyzing national and international fiscal forecasts in Italy
Llegir més
- RUE SEMINAR: Segregation and Social Conflict
Data 13-09-2013 12:30Ponent: Miguel Ángel Vargas Román, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de ChileLlegir més
- LUNCH SEMINAR: A panel data analysis on FDI and informal labor markets
Llegir més
- LUNCH SEMINAR: Analysis in labour productivity in manufacturing industry: Spain and Germany, 1993-2007
Llegir més