- Innovation and performance in European banks adopting Internet
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- La Política de Cohesión 2007-13: balance y perspectivas
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- Spatial Econometrics
Data 30-04-2010 10:00 (teoria) 14:30 (laboratorPonent: Giuseppe Arbia and Gianfranco Piras, University G. d'Annunzio and Regional Planning Cornell UniversityLlegir més
- Sobreeducación, Educación no Formal y Salarios: Evidencia para Espanya
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- Social inefficiency of territorial entry regulations: An structural approach
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- New evidence on training programs: evidence from meta-analysis and dose-response functions
Data 15-10-2010 12:30Ponent: Jochen Kluve, Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für WirtschaftsforschungLlegir més
- Models Of Interdependence Between The Public Sector And Business Community In Services
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- Unemployment Forecasting: Evaluation with Google Data for Spain
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- Fiscal consolidation
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- Factores determinantes de la innovación de las empresas españolas. la importancia del sector y el tipo de inovación
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- Life is short, art is long
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- Crecimiento del Empleo Regional en España: Un Enfoque Dinámico
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- What Determines Local Power of Panel Unit Root Tests?
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- Los precios de la vivienda en España: Análisis de presencia de volatilidad y spillovers espaciales
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- Dwindling U.S. Internal Migration: Evidence of a Spatial Equilibrium?
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- Econometric Analysis of High Dimensional VARs Featuring a Dominant Unit
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- Lowering barriers to engage in innovation: evidence from the Spanish Innovation survey
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