• Spiritual Landscapes

    Models of Spatial Analysis of the Transformation of Women's Medieval Religiosity in the Iberian Kingdoms (12th-16th c.)
  • Spiritual Landscapes

    Models of Spatial Analysis of the Transformation of Women's Medieval Religiosity in the Iberian Kingdoms (12th-16th c.)
  • Spiritual Landscapes

    Models of Spatial Analysis of the Transformation of Women's Medieval Religiosity in the Iberian Kingdoms (12th-16th c.)
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The nunnery and its Environment

Analysis of nunneries in their territorial context Read More

Inside the Nunnery

Objects and their relation to the nunneries' inner spaces Read More

Network Analysis

Networks of Reform and Dissent Read More
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This project explores the possibilities of a holistic analysis of spatial approximations to the religious phenomenon in medieval Europe by studying the forms of reception, transformation and development of female spirituality in the different spheres of the Iberian Peninsula and its historical areas of influence.

Desmontando tópicos sobre el monacato femenino medieval

La Universidad de Oviedo se ha hecho eco de las investigaciones realizadas por la Dra. Raquel Alonso, profesora de Historia del Arte de dicha universidad, y Laura Cayrol, becaria FICYT, en el marco del proyecto Paisajes Espirituales. Estudian, respectivamente, el papel de las mujeres en el monasterio de Santa María de las Huelgas (Burgos) y en el monasterio de San Pelayo (Oviedo).

En este enlace podéis leer el artículo completo. A continuación, y por cortesía de la Universidad de Oviedo, os mostramos también un video en el que la profesora Raquel Alonso comenta algunos de los resultados de ambas investigadoras.
