Postgraduate in Foot Patomechanics and its orthopedic treatments
Universitat de Barcelona

Teaching program

SESSION 1 (15/16/17 January 2025) - Examination of the foot and lower limbs 

- Examination of the foot and leg, the CCA and CCC 

- Integrative examination General anamnesis, pelvis and spine 

- Integrative muscular examination 

- Clinical practice where the acquired knowledge is applied and the design, preparation and application of conservative treatments to patients is initiated real. 

SESSION 2 (13/14 February 2025) - Plantar orthoses I 

- Methodologies for making molds 

- Methodologies for working with materials for orthoses and their characteristics 

- Methodologies for making strategies for treatments using plantar orthoses 

- Clinical practice where the acquired knowledge is applied and the design, preparation and application of conservative treatments to real patients. 

SESSION 3 (13/14 March 2025) - Plantar orthoses II 

- Preparation of Direct Mold Orthosis (DMO) 

- Preparation of plantar supports using live techniques at CCA 

- Preparation of plantar supports using live techniques at CCC 

- Clinical practice where the acquired knowledge is applied and the patient is initiated into the design, preparation and application of conservative treatments to real patients. 

SESSION 4 (24/25 April 2025) - Digital and digito-metatarsal orthotics 

- Methodology for carrying out conservative treatments with silicones, polymeric and bicomponent putties for structural alterations of the forefoot and their combination with other materials.

- Clinical practice where the acquired knowledge is applied and the design, preparation and application of conservative treatments to real patients is initiated. 

SESSION 5 (22/23 May 2025) - Prosthetics

- Making a transmetarsal prosthesis 

- Making a prosthesis for the first radius and first finger 

- Digital prostheses and other prostheses 

- Clinical practice where the acquired knowledge is applied and the design, preparation and application of conservative treatments to real patients is initiated. 

SESSION 6 (June 19/20, 2025) - Footwear and associated therapies

- Theoretical-practical seminars on the existing types of footwear and their characteristics (pediatric, for the elderly, diabetics, sports, work)  

- Methodologies for modifying footwear for use as a therapeutic tool. 

- Clinical practice where the acquired knowledge is applied and the design, preparation and application of conservative treatments to real patients is initiated. 


Universitat de Barcelona Hospital Podològic Fundació Josep Finestres