Postgraduate in Foot Patomechanics and its orthopedic treatments
Universitat de Barcelona




This course was born in 2002 as a need and interest in uniting two essential areas of podiatry, the biomechanics of the foot and lower extremity and orthopodology, and two ways of seeing these areas , as was the traditional one taught at our university and the American perspective. Only the Covid-19 pandemic has forced us to responsibly cancel an edition of the course given the uncertainty that it could be carried out normally

In all editions of the course we have been clear that our desire has been to train professionals who could apply what they learned immediately. Therefore, the in-person practical load has always been a clear objective of the course.

In the tenth edition the course was adapted to the demands of the new European Higher Education Area. This course was programmed in ECTS credits, that is, based on the student's teaching load. This change translated into an increase in the theoretical and practical face-to-face teaching load, an increase in the blended teaching load (through the Virtual Campus) and an increase in clinical practices (greater number of real practices with patients).

In the current edition we have increased this practical activity even more, so that of 100% of the course, 75% of laboratory practices where theoretical explanations are logically incorporated to support the development of practice and 25% to clinical practices. In other words, we have organized a primarily practical course and started clinical practice from the first session.

The passage of time makes programming and content adapt, as well as people. From here, a well-deserved recognition goes to the fellow teachers who were part of our team from the beginning, such as Dr. Baldiri Prats, soul of this course, Olga Alcorisa, Rosa Vila and Josefina Verdaguer, who are good professionals and best friends. /ace.

Our commitment is not only that our future students feel satisfied with having chosen this course, but also that they feel like members of our family, which currently has more than 400 “pathomechanics”.

On behalf of all the members of the team, a cordial greeting

Carles Vergés

Course director

Universitat de Barcelona Hospital Podològic Fundació Josep Finestres