Postgraduate in Foot Patomechanics and its orthopedic treatments
Universitat de Barcelona

Teaching Team 


Dr. Carles Vergés Salas

PD. Professor UB 

Departmental Section of Podiatry

Coordinator of the subject "Biomechanics and Pathomechanics of the foot" 

Joan Lluch Fruns 

PD. UB adjunct professor UB

Departmental Section of Podiatry 

Coordinator of the subject "Clinical Orthopedics" 

Jordi García Ferrer

PD. UB adjunct professor

Departmental Section of Podiatry

Professor of the subject "Orthopedics" 

Artur Crespo Martínez

PD. UB adjunct professor 

Departmental Section of Podiatry

Coordinator of the subject "Applied Orthopedics" 

Laura Planas Ortega

PD. UB adjunct professor

Departmental Section of Podiatry

Coordinator of the subject "Podiatric Physical Therapy" 

Esther Querol Martínez

PD. UB adjunct professor 

Departmental Section of Podiatry

Coordinator of the subject "Fundamental Orthopedics" " 



Universitat de Barcelona Hospital Podològic Fundació Josep Finestres