Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

New Paths in the Philosophy of Hybrid Representations

Duration: 2024 - 2027

Code: PID2023-150569NB-I00

All researchers

Duccio Calosi (U. Barcelona)
Marta Campdelacreu (U. Barcelona)
Filippo Contesi (U. Barcelona)
Diana Couto (U. Barcelona)
Ryan Doran (U. Barcelona)
Margherita Grassi (U. Barcelona)
Andrea Huete (U. Barcelona)
Markel Kortabarria (U. Barcelona)
Josep Macià (U. Barcelona)
Martina Rosola (U. Barcelona)
Adrián Solís Peña (U. Barcelona)
Andrés Soria Ruiz (U. Barcelona)
Robin Jeshion
Peter Pagin
Kathrin Glüer-Pagin
Bianca Cepollaro
Katharina Felka
Nils Franzén
Michael Nelson
Nicolás Lo Guercio
Ezequiel Zerbudis
Emanuel Viebahn


This project defends a normative metasemantic view of hybrid representations. By representations we refer to activities such as linguistic speech acts, communicative acts in different media, the products of such activities, and the mental states or attitudes that these activities and their products express. By hybrid we refer to their multidimensional nature: for instance, that they don't merely describe or categorise, they often also evaluate or affectively appraise. Our metasemantics is Austinian, and distinguishes the general effects of speech practices, tools, and artefacts from their specific functions those that the being in force of their defining constitutive rules is meant to achieve. We aim to continue to explore the implications of the pervasiveness and indispensability of hybrid representations for the nature of representations in general by investigating thick and dual-character concepts and hybrid artworks, and also to assess new challenges arising from non-ideal philosophy of language. The new challenges are motivated by a variety of cases derogation, expressives, nonliteral speech, political manipulation and propaganda which we will address. We further aim to show that research on hybrid concepts (thick and dual-character) and on artworks properly puts into perspective the strength of the case for new non-ideal theories.

Total budget: €90.375,00
1 FPI Fellow

The project launches with a new edition of the reading group on Hybrid Representations. For more, see here.
