Research Group
in Analytic Philosophy

Andrés Soria Ruiz

Beatriu de Pinós Fellow, U. Barcelona
Andrés Soria Ruiz


Curriculum Vitae

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Philosophy of language, semantics & pragmatics, metaethics

Selection of Publications

  • Andrés Soria Ruiz. 2025

    I know how to withstand the skeptic.

    Forthcoming in Synthese. [PREPRINT]
  • Andrés Soria Ruiz. 2024

    Expressive inferences & mighty obstacles.

    Proceedings of Amsterdam Colloquium 2024. [DOI]
  • Andrés Soria Ruiz, Franzén, Nils. 2023

    Moorean & Moral incoherencies

    Ergo. [DOI]
  • Andrés Soria Ruiz, Domínguez-Armas, Álvaro; Lewinski, Marcin. 2023

    Provocative Insinuations as Hate Speech

    Topoi DOI
  • Andrés Soria Ruiz. 2022

    On Mates's puzzle

    Mind and Language. DOI
  • Andrés Soria Ruiz. 2021

    Evaluative and metalinguistic dispute

    Australasian Journal of Philosophy. DOI
  • Andrés Soria Ruiz, Domínguez-Armas, Álvaro. 2021

    Provocative insinuations

    Daimon. DOI
  • Andrés Soria Ruiz, Stojanovic, Isidora & Cepollaro, Bianca. 2021

    The Semantics and Pragmatics of Value Judgments

    Stalmaszczyk, P. (Ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language, CUP. DOI
  • Andrés Soria Ruiz, Faroldi, Federico. 2020

    Moral adjectives, judge-dependency and holistic multidimensionality

    Inquiry. DOI
  • Andrés Soria Ruiz, Stojanovic, Isidora. 2019

    On Linguistic Evidence for Expressivism

    Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements. DOI