
CamelCase is the term used to refer to the convention of joining several words together to form a single name. Medial capitals (capital letters in the middle of a word) are used so that each word can be clearly distinguished and the name easily read. There are two types of CamelCase: in UpperCamelCase the first letter of the name is capitalized; in lowerCamelCase it is lowercased. It has been used for centuries in the spelling of certain names.

Exemple adequatDon MacLean
Exemple adequatPaul McCartney
Exemple adequatMeindert DeJong

In the 19th century, it was used for the purpose of chemical notation.

Exemple adequatCaBr2
Exemple adequatAc2O3
Exemple adequatLi2O

Subsequently, in the 20th century, it was used by computer programmers who needed to create terms without leaving spaces between words.

Exemple adequatEndOfFile
Exemple adequatErrorLevel

At the end of the 20th century, it spread from the world of computer programming and it is now in general use, particularly for corporate trade names.

Exemple adequatMicrosoft Word
Exemple adequatHarperCollins
Exemple adequateBay

Exemple adequatiPad
Exemple adequatgLinux
Exemple adequatWhatsApp

In the world of academia, CamelCase is often used in the abbreviations of academic qualifications.

Exemple adequatBSc
Exemple adequatMSc
Exemple adequatPhD
Darrera actualització: 7-9-2023
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«CamelCase» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 22 juliol 2024].
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