Official documents

Capitalize the titles of laws and official documents.

Exemple adequatthe Single European Act

Exemple adequatthe Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia

Exemple adequatSpanish Royal Decree 1359 of 21 October 2003 on the Governance of TATT Activities

Exemple adequatFramework Agreement of Cooperation between the University of Lleida and Queen’s University

Descriptive titles and titles used in the plural should be lowercased.

Exemple adequatThe regulation governing the administration of examinations was debated by the Senate yesterday.

Exemple adequatThe statutes of the autonomous communities were first established in the early 1980s.
Darrera actualització: 27-7-2023
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Recommended citation:
«Official documents» [en línia]. A: Llibre d’estil de la Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona. Serveis Lingüístics. <> [consulta: 3 juliol 2024].
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