The exhibition “Quan no n’hi ha prou per repartir. Pensar matemàticament” tries to raise awareness on the importance of the abstract and formal reasoning of mathematics to analyse economic facts, social choice and cooperation from several perspectives. The mathematical advances built over the centuries have influenced scientific and technological changes of a notable social impact and are essential in all existing disciplines.
All societies have rules to share goods and obligations among their members. The problem is never solved because common elements are constantly created, due the technological advances and the creation of cooperative companies. Distributive justice problems invade our economy and our politics.
Through the five blocks we will discover in a clear, simple and communicative way –albeit rigorous too- some of the applications of mathematics. We will analyse problems of resource distribution of different kinds to see how to mathematically formalize them in a simple way.
With these five modules we will treat different topics, such as distributive problems, game theory and social choice from a mathematical perspective, using examples and basic notions as an excuse to present doubts and rigorous knowledge.
A team of highly qualified academic professional team from the Consolidated Research Group on Game Theory and Assignment Markets has taken part in the exhibition. This group is formed by researchers from the Department of Economic, Financial and Actuarial Mathematics of the University of Barcelona.
- Unitat de Cultura Científica i Innovació (UCC+i)
- Edifici Històric
- Gran Via, 585
- 08007 Barcelona
- Telèfon: 934 035 412
- ucc@ub.edu