The habitats map of Foix natural area
This mapping includes all the
Park of Foix and some nearby areas, mainly located in Alt Penedès region. The total mapped area is 4,023 hectares.
The mapping was done using the ortophotomaps (1:5,000 and 1:2,500) of the
Cartographic Institute of Catalonia (infrared and colour) and the fieldwork was conducted in Spring and Summer of
2014. The legend consists of CORINE units cited and explained in the
Catalan Habitats Manual. The cartographic information is structured in two layers, one of polygons and another of points. Each of which, contains the information of the CORINE Habitats and the European Union Habitats of Interest (HCI). The minimum area has been set to 0,2 hectares for polygons. Habitats which occupy less surface, are represented as points. In the whole area we mapped, we could create a total of 1,092 polygons and 318 points. In total, 98 habitats were detected; 14 of those are European Union Habitats of Interest (HCI), and one of those is priority.
Natural Parks Network of the
Diputació de Barcelona has promoted and financed the habitats mapping of this natural area.
Author: Moisès Guardiola.
Implementation period: 2014.
Delivery Date: 2014.
Download maps (ETRS89)