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Master's Thesis


The Master's thesis is a research-oriented project that plays a key role in the Master's curriculum. Its main goal is to demonstrate the student's research skills and ability to work independently. Every student is expected to apply the capacities acquired throughout the Master and to deepen the knowledge acquired in the Master’s courses, while also incorporating new skills specifically related to the writing of a thesis. The Master’s thesis is also an opportunity to come into contact with the research groups and projects conducted by the faculty members who take part in the Master's program.


Course: Master's Thesis
Code: 569563
Credits: 12
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What Do We Study

The topic of the Master’s thesis is chosen by each candidate in conversation with their tutor. Regarding the criteria for assigning tutors, and given the multidisciplinary nature and the wide variety of research lines represented in the Master's degree, students are allowed to approach the members of the faculty who specialize on the research field closest to their interests and request them to tutor their work. The teaching team is in the best conditions to tutor Master’s theses, with full solvency in all the lines of work of the master, either by linguistic axes (German, English, Arabic, Italian, French, Galician, Portuguese) or by transversal areas (cultural, gender, postcolonial studies, etc.).

Which is the Line of Thought

All those included in the master's program: Gender and sexuality studies, post-colonial and transnational studies, cultural studies, globalization studies, theory of affects, literary studies and contemporary theatre, among others.


Theoretical and Practical Approaches

Bailey, Stephen, et al. A Practical Guide to Academic Writing for International Students: A Handbook for International Students. Routledge Freebook, 2020. 

Montolío, Estrella. Manual de escritura académica y profesional. Ariel Letras, 2014. 

Lluch, Gemma, and Miquel Nicolás. Escriptura Acadèmica: Planificació, Documentació, Redacció, Citació I Models. Editorial UOC, 2015.