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Gender, Sexuality and Creativity


Gender and sexuality studies have generated a fundamental change in the critical reading of cultural creation. Not only have they authorised access to artistic production for unforeseen and often dissident subjects, but they have also generated complex conceptual proposals and even a "grammar" that is decisive in contemporary debates.


Course: Gender, Sexuality and Creativity
Code: 569566
Lenght: 26/09/2024 - 12/12/2024
Credits: 6
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What Do We Study

The program is organized into four blocks: (1) thinking about affects in cultural practices; (2) hybrid textualities; (3) feminist debates on authorship; (4) ways of looking, ways of reading.

The main theoretical contributions of gender and sexuality studies, the affect theory or posthumanism to contemporary debates will be presented. Examples from literature, visual arts, comics, series and other cultural contexts will be analyzed.



Which is the Line of Thought

Gender and sexuality studies will be brought into relation with political theory, critical affect theory, trans theory and cultural studies. This confluence will provide a better understanding of contemporary cultural debates and representations.


Theoretical and Practical Approaches

Ahmed, Sara. The Cultural Politics of Emotion. Londres, 2004.

Ahmed, Sara. The Promise of Happiness. Duke UP, 2010.

Berger, John et al. Ways of Seeing. BBC & Penguin, 1973.

Berlant, Lauren. Cruel Optimism. Duke UP, 2011.

Bermúdez Montes, Teresa & Mônica Heloane Carvalho de Sant’Anna, eds. Letras escarlata. Estudos sobre a representación da menstruación. Frank & Timme, 2016.

Birulés, Fina. Entre actes. Entorn de la política, el feminisme i el pensament. Trabucaire, 2014.

Burke, Seán. Authorship: From Plato to the Postmodern. A Reader. Edinburg U.P. Impreso, 1995.

Cixous, Hélène. La risa de la Medusa. Ensayos sobre escritura. Anthropos, 2001.

Clough, Patricia Tiniceto & Jean Halley. The Affective Turn: Theorising the Social. Duke UP, 2007.

Clúa, Isabel, ed. Dossier Género y cultura popular. Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat, 11, 2005. Online.

Colaizzi, Giulia. "Placer visual, política sexual y continuidad narrativa", Arbor, 174, 2003, 686, p. 339-354.

Collin, Françoise. Praxis de la diferencia. Liberación y libertad. Ed. Marta Segarra. Icaria, 2006.

Éribon, Didier. Rétour a Reims. Fayard, 2009.

Felski, Rita. Literature after Feminism. The University of Chicago, 2003.

Fuss, Diana. Essentially Speaking. Feminism, Nature and Difference. Roudledge, 1989.

González Fernández Helena e Isabel Clúa. Máxima audiencia. Icaria, col. Mujeres y Cultura, 2011.

Halberstam, Jack. The Queer Art of Failure. Duke UP, 2011.

Halberstam, Jack. Trans*. A Quick and Quirky Account of Gender Variability. Duke UP, 2018.

Haraway, Donna J. Simians, Cyborgs and Women. The Reinvention of Nature. Routledge, 1988.

Illouz, Eva. El consumo de la utopía romántica del amor. Katz, 2009.

Lauretis, Teresa de. Technologies of Gender. Essays on Theory, Film and Fiction. Indiana UP, 1987.

Leibovici, Martine. Autobiographies de transfuges. Karl Philipp Moritz, Richard Wright, Assia Djebar. Éditions Le Manuscrit, 2013.

Littáu, Karin. Theories of Reading. Books, Bodies and Bibliomania. Polity Press, 2006.

Mulvey, Laura. "Unmasking the gaze. Some thoughts on new feminism film theory and history". Lectora: revista de dones i textualitat, 7, p. 5-14. Online. 2001.

Paszkiewicz, Katarzyna. Rehacer los géneros. Icaria, col. Mujeres y Cultura, 2017.

Pollock, Griselda. Differencing the Canon: Feminist Desire and the Writing of Art’s Histories. Roudledge, 1999.

Sedgwick, Eve K. Touching Feelings: Affects, Pedagogy, Performativity. Duke UP, 2003.

Segarra, Marta (ed.). Pensar la comunidad desde la literatura y el género. Icaria, col. Mujeres y Cultura, 2012.

Pérez Fontdevila, Aina y Meri Torras. ¿Qué es una autora? Icaria, col. Mujeres y Cultura, 2019.

Sibilia, Paula. La intimidad como espectáculo. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2008.

Staiger, Janet. "Authorship Approaches". Authorship and Film. Ed. David A. Gerstner & Janet Staiger. Routledge, 2003, p. 27-57.


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