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MUSAS Call for Papers
The academic journal 'MUSAS: Revista de Investigación en Mujer, Salud y Sociedad' is open to receive articles for review....
Lectora calls for contributions for issue 32
Varia and dossier "Identity Crossroads and Social Transformation: Rethinking Feminisms in the 21st Century", ed. Maria Teresa Vera-Rojas...
How can I keep up with ADHUC news?
ADHUC—Center for Research Theory, Gender, Sexuality of the University of Barcelona sends out a regular newsletter...
Càtedra UNESCO Dones / ADHUC (UB): YouTube channel
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Ilustración de cubierta: Santa travesti dominadora, (c) iki yos piña narváez funes

Feminismos antirracistas: relecturas para el siglo XXI

Kitsch, cursi, camp y trans* en la literatura y las artes iberoamericanas

Recuperemos as mans. Evidencias

Hannah Arendt: el mundo en juego