Collection ‘Women Writers in the 19th Century Press. Digital editions’

The collection ‘Escriptores en la premsa del segle XIX. Edicions digitals’, coordinated and co-edited by the two PIs of the GenViPReF project, Elena Losada and María Xesús Lama, is launched with a twofold objective. On the one hand, the collection aims at facilitating access to scattered texts which were written by women and got published in the press throughout the 19th century; on the other hand, it revisits authors and literary works that have been little or no studied, paying special attention to their representation of gender violence and the possible impact they could have had on popular culture directed to and by women.
The editions will be available with open access in the Dipòsit Digital de la Universitat de Barcelona, within the space 'Edicions Literàries (Llengües i Literatures Modernes i Estudis Anglesos)'. The first two editions, ‘El ánima sola’ and ‘Una corona de encina’, by Robustiana Armiño de Cuesta for El Correo de la Moda (1853) are already available.
In addition to the complete work by Robustiana Armiño de Cuesta published between 1853 and 1859 in El Correo de la Moda and La Moda, the collection will also include a selection of texts by Enriqueta Lozano de Vílchez for La Madre de Familia (1875-1895) and by Guiomar Torresão for A Voz Feminina (1868) and for A Mulher, revista Ilustrada das Famílias (1883).