Consolidated Research Group on Creation and Thinking of Women (2017 SGR 588)

Start date
Finish date
2017 SGR 588
AGAUR - Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, Generalitat de Catalunya
Suport a les activitats dels grups de recerca (SGR)
Research groups
Principal Investigator(s)
Helena González Fernández
(ADHUC–Universitat de Barcelona)
Fina Birulés
(IP 2017-2019, ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Research Team
Cristina Alsina
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Rodrigo Andrés
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Margarita Boladeras
(Universitat de Barcelona)
À. Lorena Fuster
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Josefina Goberna
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Helena González
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Maria Xesús Lama
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Elena Losada
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Joana Masó
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Rafael M. Mérida
(ADHUC—Universitat de Lleida)
Ana Moya
(Universitat de Barcelona)
M. Dolors Molas
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Katarzyna Paszkiewicz
(ADHUC—Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Carmen Revilla
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Rosa Rius
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Andrea Ruthven
(ADHUC—Universidad de Cantabria)
Marta Segarra
(LEGS-CNRS / ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
María Teresa Vera-Rojas
(ADHUC—Universitat de Lleida)
Georgina González Rabassó
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Predoctoral research staff in training
Jana Baró
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Irina Cruz
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
David Fontanals
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Meritxell Joan
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Esmeralda G. Morales
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Helga Jorba
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Pau Matheu
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Carmen Medina
(ADHUC—Universitat de Lleida)
Eva Puyuelo
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Joana Videira
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Arturo Corujo
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Marina Bernardo
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Toni R. Juncosa
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Teresa Hoogeveen
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Maria Isern
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Andrea Pérez
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Catalina Mir
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
Pia Rodríguez Garrido
(ADHUC—Universitat de Barcelona)
The Consolidated Research Group on Creation and Thinking of Women (CiPD), linked to ADHUC—Research Center for Theory, Gender, Sexuality at the University of Barcelona, was created in 2005 and has been renewed three times in the following years. Its lines of research include:
- Analyze and revise the humanities, social sciences and the practice of health with the perspective of gender and sexuality from multiculturalism and postcolonialism; gender and cultural minorities; cultural studies; cultural practices of women in society and history; gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans and queer studies; and the perspective of bioethics.
- Recover and study the texts that highlight women’s philosophical production since antiquity, as well as the literary, cinematographic and artistic production in general with special attention to the cultures considered “‘peripheral” from the perspective of sexuality and gender.
- Intervene in the contemporary scientific debate around feminist theory and the role of gender difference in the construction of the subject and in the textual role of the subject: the deconstruction of literary, film and media discourse from the perspective of gender; the problematization of the subject in text and in social and health practices.
- Analyze specific forms of violence from the perspective of gender and sexuality, their historical and symbolic origins, their conception and representation, and their consequences in scope of healthcare.
- Recuperation, visibilization and analysis of the production of women philosophers and their way of dealing with transmission.
- Analysis of the literary and audiovisual production made by women with relation to the theories of power and emotions, particularly in contemporary popular culture.
- Theoretical reflection on marginalized groups and individuals or those situated in marginalized spaces due to their gender, sexuality, race, age or other identities, and how this affects models of masculinity in the community.
- The conceptual and interdisciplinary study of diverse forms of violence particularly as they are conducted in healthcare practices.