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International Conference “Opaque violence and agency in the public space. The Discourse of Women Writers in the Peninsular Women's Press 1848-1918”

International Conference
17 & 18 June, 2024
Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació
Edifici Josep Carner
Universitat de Barcelona
Face-to-face event. Registration is required.

The International Conference “Opaque violence and agency in the public space. The discourse of women writers in the peninsular women's press 1848-1918” will take place on 17 and 18 June at the Facultat de Filologia i Comunicació of the University of Barcelona. It will feature the works of thirty-seven international researchers, including four plenary lectures by Alda Blanco (San Diego State University), Pura Fernández (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones-CSIC), Claudia Pazos Alonso (Oxford University) and Iñigo Sánchez Llama (Purdue University) and six thematic sessions with three speakers each. The opening act will be hosted by Javier Velaza Frías, dean of the Faculty of Philology and Communication; Mónica Rius Piniés, director of ADHUC-Gender and Sexuality Theory Research Centre; Elena Losada Soler and María Xesús Lama, principal investigators of the GenViPReF project. Attendance will be free and open to anyone interested until full capacity is reached.

Elena Losada Soler,
Mª Xesús Lama López ,
Catalina Mir,
Antonio Terrón Barroso,
Susana Bardavío Estevan ,
Santiago Díaz Lage
Saadeya Moussa Abd El Azeem,
Álex Alonso Nogueira ,
Francesco Ardolino ,
Alda Blanco ,
Maria Carreras i Goicoechea,
Magdalena Coll i Carbonell ,
José F. Colmeiro ,
Pura Fernández ,
José Manuel González Herrán,
Helena González Fernández,
Daniel González Gallego,
Mª. Luz Gracia Gaspar,
Esperanza Hernández Torres,
Juan Herrero Senés,
Javier López Quintáns,
Rebeca Martín López ,
Juan Pedro Martín Villareal,
Virginia Martínez Curtis,
Ignacio Martínez García,
Rosa M.ª Oliveros,
Antonio Pedrós Gascón ,
Santiago Pérez Isasi ,
Paula Pérez-Rodríguez ,
María Román López,
Ivana Rota,
Iñaki Tofiño Quesada,
Iñigo Sánchez Llama ,
Monica Savoca,
Donatella Siviero,
Amílcar Torrão Filho,
Ángeles Varela Olea,
Aurélie Vialette
Proyecto GenViPReF—Género, violencia, representación. Los textos de creación en la prensa femenina peninsular. MICIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103;
ADHUC—Centre de Recerca Teoria, Gènere, Sexualitat; Càtedra UNESCO Dones, desenvolupament i cultures
In collaboration with
GRC Creació i pensament de les dones (2017 SGR 588)