Logo Universitat de Barcelona Social responsibility at the UB imatge de maquetació
Social responsibility Català Español UB imatge de maquetació
imatge de maquetació
Social responsibility at the UB
Reports on social responsibility and sustainability
UB documents on the integration of social responsibility policies into institutional management
Useful links
Office for Internal Control, Risks and Corporate Social Responsibility
Contact us
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Icona d'informació Further information:

Internal Control, Risks and Corporate Social Responsibility

Balmes, 18, 2n 2a
08007 Barcelona
(+34) 934 031 388
Fax (+34) 934 031 389



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Contact us

This space is intended to facilitate communication between the different stakeholders of the University and the Office for Internal Control, Risks and Corporate Social Responsibility. Socially responsible management requires a smooth, mutual interaction between the University and its interest groups. For this reason, we believe that your participation and collaboration is highly important.

We are entirely at your disposal to resolve any doubt that you bring to us. But we would also ask that you contribute your own grain of sand so that we can build a more socially responsible University. Your help may take two different forms:

First, thinking especially of UB staff, we ask that you tell us about any activity or initiative linked to SR that you are carrying out, however small it may seem to you. We try to include this information in our annual report and it is possible that we have no record of some of your efforts. Your communication can enable us to share efforts with the rest of the university community and it will help us to improve the UB Report on Social Responsibility each year.

You can use the actions report sheet to send us information about any of your actions during the year that should be considered for inclusion in the report. You can also inform us of actions that you are planning to take in the near future.

Second, we also want to encourage participation from all stakeholders, including students, staff, our network of suppliers and others, in the proposals that we submit to the UB Committee for Social Responsibility to foster the values of SR. To this end, we attach a questionnaire so that you can send us your proposals to enhance the UB’s social responsibility. We cannot guarantee that every project and initiative will be carried out, but we will read and analyse your proposals carefully and, if they appear feasible and appropriate to the needs of the University, we will work toward their successful implementation.

Your participation is absolutely vital.

You can contact us by telephone or by email:

Thank you for your involvement.


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imatge de maquetació © Universitat de Barcelona Edition: Communication
Last update: 30.09.2021
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