37th SEF National Meeting with guest society The British Pharmacological Society
Barcelona 18-21 de juny de 2017
An Academic Service-learning Activity in Higher Education to Promote the Responsible Use of Antibiotics.
A. Fernández1, T. Ignatova1, O. Yashchenko1, M. González2, V. Granados2, J. Morgó2, M. Sabaté2, B. Salvat2, J. Solé2, E. Trullàs2, N. Vacas2, A. Vallés1, Jaume-E. Vilaseca2, M. Á. García2 and M. L. Cuffí1.
1Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and 2Faculty of Library and Information Science. Universitat de Barcelona. Spain.
Service-learning is an educational approach that integrates students’ academic learning with community service.The aim of this service-learning activity is to promote a responsible use of antibiotics andto improve students’ academic learning related to their own contents of Pharmacology and Audiovisual Projects as well as the ones related to transversal competences. The service-learning activity began with the identification of a real need: to avoid the spread of antimicrobial resistancedue to the irresponsible use of antibiotics. Next, Medical students had to prepare their plan for action: to encourage best practices amongst the general public and health workers about antibiotics consumption. An audiovisual media campaign was chosenin order toimprove awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance. For that purpose, it was necessaryto establish a partnership with the students of the Degree in Audiovisual Studies. With this action, itwas expected students to learn how to communicate scientific subjects in a language style appropriate to the subject and audience, to detect some common mistakes in antibiotics prescription or therapeutic compliance, to make audiovisual and multimedia productionsand to acquire some abilities to network with experts from another field of knowledge. Students analysed the most suitable information about antibiotic consumption to be included in the audiovisual product and chose the audiovisual product that best fit the sector of the population targeted. Moreover, an agreement with a cooperation entity was signed. After the action was made, a period of reflection started. The experience, knowledge and skills acquired were evaluated for the students. However, reflection could also occur before, during and after implementation of the action. Finally, service-learning project was globally assessed: the extent to which the initial objectives have been accomplished.